
there is no theme only chaos

@msmoiraine / msmoiraine.tumblr.com

call me sri | 23 | she/her | enjoyer of fantasy media and regular media on occasion

Help me and my family to evacuate form Gaza Strip

My name is Iyad Sami, and I am 36 years old. I have been married to Amal Mahmoud for thirteen years, and we have four children: Sami, Mohammad, Sarah, and Saad. We are from Palestine, specifically the Gaza Strip, which has been under siege for more than eighteen years.

We lived a simple life, barely meeting our basic needs. Despite the difficulties, we felt content and happy being together as a family. On October 7th, a new war broke out, turning our already hard life into an unending nightmare.

On the first day of the war, Israeli airstrikes hit our home, killing two of my brothers and injuring the rest of the family, including my younger brother. There were no hospitals in northern Gaza capable of treating the injured due to the situation, so I carried him and went to the southern part of the strip seeking treatment.

But fate was cruel; the roads back were closed, leaving me trapped in the south while my wife and children remained in the north. Since that moment, I haven't seen them for more than eight months. My wife and children now live in a displacement school in the Zaytoun area, while I live in a tent in the Deir al-Balah area.

During this period, the situation has worsened. Continuous bombings, food and water shortages, and the lack of safety have made our lives a continuous nightmare. My children suffer from hunger and fear, and my wife is doing her best to keep them safe. As for me, I feel helpless and mentally pressured for not being able to protect and support them.

I appeal to anyone who reads my story. I ask you to look at us with compassion and help us collect even a little money so that we can leave this hell. I want to find a safe place where we can live in peace, where we do not fear bombings, and can meet our basic needs. I want my children to live a dignified life, to receive education and healthcare, and to feel safe.
I hope my story resonates with those who read it and that it finds compassionate hearts willing to help us in this ordeal ♥️🌹.

Help me achieve this dream, so we can live in peace, away from these wars and destruction 🍉🇵🇸.



Hello, 🌹🇵🇸🍉

I hope you are well.

Could you please help me reblog the post on my account to save my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏

I am new to Tumblr and also to GoFundMe.🙏

I hope you can support and stand by me at the beginning .

Thank you ♥️ .



There is no safe place left. The Israeli army is merciless and does not know humanity. Save us from certain death through support via PayPal wallet.


this is a verified fundraiser. please see @/el-shab-hussein‘s masterpost of vetted fundraisers. Alaa and Bilal are on the priority fundraising list there. I am also in contact with Alaa and can attest that this is real.

both of them lost their beautiful home and their livelihood due to the genocide.

update: very good news! due to a very generous donation, Alaa and Bilal reached their initial goal. they are now trying to raise enough money to evacuate the rest of their family as well.

the new goal is 25k and so far they have reached $ 16.024/$ 25.000

please share this and donate, even a small amount of money (1-2$) genuinely helps.


lan and nynaeve can have the world, actually, theyre so sweet

also “Aes Sedai marry as seldom as Wisdoms. Few men can live with so much power in a wife, dimming them by her radiance whether she wishes to or not.”!?!? A 90s fantasy with a grounded take on relationships and sexism?? And then “Some men are strong enough”!?!? Im sorry maybe the bar is on the floor but I was not ready for this At All.

like nynaeve has grown up being doubted and disliked by people, especially men, for the fact that shes so headstrong and confident and talented (and rude but like shes human). And Lan, who has just seen her at her most sulky and headstrong, still likes her anyway? He compares her to a lion because he recognizes that at her worst she is that way because of her personality and her caring and he loves her more for it?

maybe im overreacting (or projecting lol) but it is just the sweetest thing. Im one book in things are gonna go wrong probably lol but its too late. Im ride or die for them now


Sitting here going nuts thinking about what it was that pulled Moiraine toward a life spent on the road, battling it out for the Light. She isn't technically the hero, Rand is, but she received her own call when she heard the prophecy and answered it in the affirmative. The Wheel spits out the heroes of the age, the powerful channelers, when the Light requires a battalion. And it spat her out a few decades before the Dragon, because he was destined to need her. Siuan explains that there's no refusing such a call, but surely there's something to be said for her ability to make a choice. The whole point is that free will exists and that the world must actually choose the Light. She could have ostensibly ignored the call and lived on, deaf and blind to whatever carnage would come from her refusal. She didn't even blink, though. I wonder what that felt like inside of her. I wonder if any of us will ever feel a call like that and know that there is no refusing it.


Since this morning only… 50 martyrs in two massacres committed by the occupation in Al-Tuffah neighbourhood and the beach camp, in addition to 7 martyrs in the Al-Zaytoun neighbourhood

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