
Mrs. Whozeewhatsis

@mrswhozeewhatsis / mrswhozeewhatsis.tumblr.com

Michelle | 40's | She/Her | Admin at the SPNFanFicPond | OxfordCommaLover on AO3 | Winsexual (John & Henry, too!) but angel-curious | Tag me in your fics! I reblog SPN fan fiction (some is NSFW) and write a little of my own | Fibromite, TV addict, amateur blogger, nerd-adjacent, nearly crazy cat lady married to a Swede with an unpronounceable last name. **You have blanket permission to use my photos in your fic headers, etc! Just tag or DM me to let me know!**

Stuff I do

Writing Masterlist:

Instead of having a long masterlist in a Tumblr post, where you can't find what you want because it's organized in a away that works for someone else, I put my masterlist into a Google spreadsheet that you can filter! Instructions for how to do that are in the first tab, the Masterlist itself is in the second.

As this is new format for most folks, I'll understand if you have questions! Please drop them into my ask box and I'll do what I can to help!

You can also find all of my stories, and ONLY my stories, on my library blog: @mrswhozeewhatsiswrites or on my AO3 Works List.

Challenges and Writing Projects:


My photos can be found on my photography blog: @mrswhozeewhatsisphoto!

I'm an admin over at the Pond, working to help support other writers of fanfic and all kinds of writing! Check us out, give us a follow, and then join, because membership has its privileges!

I help out with the back end stuff like workshopping topic ideas and posting recap/announcement posts. There's some great stuff being discussed in this podcast!

@spnfanartpond Admin (coming soon)

We're working towards creating a similar environment for artists as the SPNFanFicPond currently encourages for writers! If you know of any artists who would like to be a part of this, let me know!

Monthly subscribers ($3 because what you get really isn't that much) get early access to all of my writing, and exclusive photos not posted anywhere else (at least one a month).


did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”

This is especially funny because they aren’t even right. Foxes *ARE* dogs.

No they aren’t.

yes they are. because they are fluffye.

OK yes they are.



Different family, but same order as @pictures-of-dogs

No, they are the same family. They are the same kingdom, phylum, order and family. They separate at the genus.

They’re a dog.

yeah they’re fluffye

theyre literally not dogs theyre not even fluffy. can we get science tumblr over hear or what!?

checkmate athiests



okay but they literally are dogs, for those who are confused


If foxes are dogs, then so are wolves, coyotes, dingoes, jackals, and several other extant and extinct species.

Behold! A dog.

of course it’s a dog you buffoon. it’s fluffye.

Why on earth would someone think “BUT IF THEY’RE DOGS SO AR -”

Like yes of course wolves are dogs, where have you been. Jackals are excellent doggies! So are coyotes. Why is this confusing.

I love that this is literally two completely different arguments running simultaneously.

That guy up there who said they’re not even fluffy was thinking of sharks

sharks are also dogs. ravenous water dogs, but still dogs

Sharks can NOT be dogs they are SMOOTH

Tags via @jenroses

sharks are smooth dogs


17 clown car pileup 84 injured 193 dead


Do you think Dean rewrote the confession scene in his head like he did the events at the end of Purgatory or is it just me torturing myself?

Dean thinks he killed Cas. That he’s a poison and that he somehow led Cas to his death because he corrupts everything he touches.

The thing is, I think that when (not if bc I refuse to believe otherwise) Cas and Dean are reunited, Dean will prevent him from saying it again. It killed him once, he can’t risk it now, can he?

I imagine a reverse ‘I heard your prayer’ situation.

Cas might try to address it. Of course, he still thinks his affections cannot be returned, but seeing how hard Dean still is on himself, he would try to make him understand how much he sees in him and Dean would shut him down so fast, in a panic even. He wouldn’t mean to be cruel about it, that’s not who he is, but it would still hurt Cas.

He would bite a sharp ‘I know, ok? You don’t need to repeat yourself.’

Which is actually a ‘Don’t do it again, Cas.’


Competitive Writing Sprints

Add words to your WIP and earn prizes at the same time!!! This session will be hosted by @heavenssexiestangel!

What time will it be for you?

  • UTC - Wednesday 18:00
  • Los Angeles - Wednesday 11am
  • New York - Wednesday 2pm
  • London - Wednesday 7pm
  • New Delhi - Wednesday 11:30pm
  • Melbourne - Thursday 4am

How will it work?

The exact number of sprints and length of each sprint will be decided by the host and participants. Be prepared to work on a WIP of your own, but the host has the option of offering a prompt.

At the end of the sprints, whoever wrote the most words in one sprint will get a prize. Whoever wrote the most words in all of the sprints together will also get a prize. More prizes may be given out on the day depending on how things go. If the host brings prompts, there may be opportunities to win more prizes for most creative, funniest, etc. Be prepared to be asked to share your work! You don’t have to if you don’t want to! (Prizes will be chosen from the Pond Prize Pool.)

Where will this happen?

In the sprint channel in the Pond discord server. (You must be a member to be in the discord server. Not a member? Start here and then send us an ASK!) For anyone who hasn’t sprinted before, how it all works will be explained before we start.

I have more questions. How do I get them answered?

Send us an ASK, or ask your question in the discord server (someone will get back to you later if no one is there when you ask), or send a private message to one of the admins!


(Divider by @glygriffe)



All of you know somebody who depends on Social Security and Medicare.

All of you.

The Republican Party has been trying to transition control of those programs -- and the vast sums of money moving through them -- to private for-profit control for decades. They've made progress with Medicare-- those Medigap programs are not there for the well-being of their patients.

What will happen when those programs get for-profited out of effectiveness?

People will die. A lot of them. And some of them will be people you care about.

Vote for Biden -- and Democrats in general -- TO MINIMIZE THE FUCKING BODY COUNT.


US states where a popular adult website will be blocked as of July 1, 2024

Fucking horrifying how many people in the notes think this is a good thing. Like yeah, I’m sure that this time conservatives are actually concerned about the children. Absolutely no other reason at play here. Its never a red flag when the government wants your id to police your sexual habits. That’s never been dangerous to the queer comminity, or anyone else. Yall are disturbingly easy to brainwash into going along with fascist bullshit.


To put it short:


And this is why we need to fight against KOSA as loudly and as hard as we can. If KOSA is signed into law, this will happen nationwide with countless websites. Including probably Tumblr.

Source: reddit.com

context (via @mellorocket)


doubly funny that I saw a compilation of all the corporate accounts like "aw thanks elmo, we're doing well" meanwhile all the flesh and blood real human people are extremely not okay


Okay but Elmo had actually the best and sweetest response to all this trauma dumping:

And then all the other Sesame Street character accounts joined in:

And now I’m thinking maybe we’re gonna be okay… 💗

(Comment compilation from this Twitter)

I kinda feel for the poor person running Elmo's Twitter.

"So, boss... I may have messed up."

"What did you do, Ray?"

"Well, I made a post for Elmo saying 'Hi, how's everybody doing?'"

"I mean, that's kind of what we pay you for."

"Yeah, but.... <sigh> it turns out pretty much everyone is hanging on by a thread, badly enough that they needed to tell Elmo."


"God help me, boss, I think Elmo needs to be there for them."

"Get the others."

this is the energy that jim henson would be proud of.


and important addition


When he said "plan to entrap me" i actually laughed like baby boy i know you're mad but your gurl was five seconds away from a proposal before you gatecrashed it and when she actively tried to escape you. you ran her carriage down, finger banged her in the back of it and then proposed of your own volition.

What exactly did she do? Eat cake? Actively stay away from you? Engage in courtship with someone else?

Sorry its so funny 😂🤣

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