
Monstrous Productions

@monstrousproductions / monstrousproductions.tumblr.com

Audio fiction for the strange at heart

Monstrous Productions - audio fiction for the strange at heart

Welcome to the Tumblr home of Monstrous Productions, an audio fiction production team based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

We have two shows under our belt so far - the now complete Monstrous Agonies and all new Travelling Light.

Monstrous Agonies captured the weekly advice segment of the UK's only dedicated radio service for people of the night and members of the creature community. Over 100+ episodes, it answered questions and offered advice on everything from werewolf boyfriends in the doghouse to fitting in as the new ghoul at work.

While the podcast is no longer releasing, you can still get your liminal fix over at @thenightfolknetwork, and listen to past episodes wherever you get your podcasts. You can find a full, searchable database of letters, tagged with relevant keywords, on our website.

Travelling Light is our current show, launched in November 2023. It's an epistolary science fantasy that follows the Traveller as they journey through the galaxy, writing letters home and gathering stories for the community archives.

With audience submissions and choose-your-own-adventure decision making, listeners are able to shape the Traveller's story and the world in which it unfolds. Subscribe now on your podcatcher of choice for new episodes every Friday!

To learn more about Monstrous Productions and get to know the team, check out our About page or head over to our website.


Hello, friends! Unfortunately for @leeshajoy and the rest of you, we are going to have to add another week onto our break 💖 Hopefully that Episode 24 cliffhanger wasn't too unbearable!

The reason for the delay is pretty straightforward. As I mentioned at the top of Episode 24, we're moving house next week. It was looking fairly possible that I could get an episode out once we were in the new house, but our schedule has now changed so we're actually doing the "getting all our worldly possessions from A to B" part on the Friday itself. I don't think @diabeticspoon92 would appreciate it much if I left him to haul boxes while I went and played podcaster for the afternoon!

Anyway, all this to say that Episode 25 will now be releasing at 4.00PM UK time on Friday 5th July.

In the meantime, remember you can get your own invitation to the Monstrous Productions Discord server and yell at me at your leisure by supporting us on Ko-Fi at the low, low price of £1 a month!

Have a lovely week and we'll see you then! ✨🚀


From ghost ships to goat people, we had some incredible art for the last batch of Travelling Light episodes!

Full credit to our artist, Matt McDyre - @diabeticspoon92 - for creating such a fabulous array of illustrations.

If you've never listened to Travelling Light, now's the time! Every week includes an entry for the archives about something our protagonist has encountered on their journey through the stars.

Listen now wherever you get your podcasts, or visit monstrousproductions.org to find out more! ✨🚀


I really like the "what does your podcast taste like?" but it has me thinking...

Podcast creators: what's the optimal way to listen to your podcast? Out for a walk on a warm morning? Tucked up in bed with a hot chocolate on a rainy day? Maybe on surround-sound speakers with a bowl of fresh buttered popcorn? Halfway up an old tree?

Something else entirely?

Tucked up on the sofa with a blanket on your knees, a little cat purring beside you, and some knitting to keep you company. It's probably raining outside.


im relistening to the most recent silt verses and i just wanted to say WOW i did not properly appreciate all the subtleties of your performance the first time round!!! you paint a striking picture of rane as this sort of handler/chaperone puppeting faulkner's limp persona around, and its such a shift from their keen, excitable self at the start of the podcast. your performance doesnt just do wonders for fleshing out sibling rane during their limited screen(sound?) time, but also for demonstrating just how far faulkner has fallen. thanks for helping make this ep so impactful !!!!


Thank you so much!! It genuinely means a lot to hear that 💖

TSV is the first time I've ever acted with other people (at least, since I was about 14 and played an extra in our school production of The Secret Garden 😅). I was really nervous about the jump from making MP shows where I'm acting on my own, where nobody can see, reading a script I wrote myself and where I do as many takes over as much time as I want, to recording "live", recording someone else's words (and SUCH words!), and performing with another actor (and SUCH an actor!) Huge props to Jon @thesiltverses and B. @sassylich for being so wonderful in the recording booth 🤩💖

All this to say, it means the world to hear people have listened and enjoyed my performance, and found Rane as interesting and fun as I have! I've really loved seeing Faulkner's rise and fall from Rane's perspective, and especially getting to shout DROWNED, DRAGGED, DELIVERED!! on two separate occasions. Low-key want it on a t-shirt.


There is a god in my attic and it speaks to me in the dead of the night, whispering secrets that taste like putrid meat on my tongue.

There is a god in my attic, it says with a half forgotten tongue about its gifts for me: the wounds on my hands, the eye on my tongue, the delicate crown of bird bones around my head. There is a god in my attic, it speaks and I dream of pregnant cows and blood pressure and copper and molding roots. I wake up craving the taste of flesh. I wake up eating my own lips.

There is a god in my attic, it demands prayer in honey and flies and corpses. It says to me close my eyes, it sings 'i will make a saint of you'

There is a god in my attic and it is growing impatient.

There is a god in my attic, dear friend, and I don't know why I am so scared of becoming holy.


Well, my dear, what can I say except, “Congratulations!” It's not every day one is selected to become the vessel of a living god, let alone for a mouldering, half-dead thing that speaks in the language of bone and fungus. What an exciting turn of events!

I appreciate this might feel like a rather abrupt departure from whatever plans you may have had for your life. A little nervousness is to be expected. But really, how else were you going to spend the next however-many decades - paying rent?!

Now, I understand there has been some rather virulent propaganda against radically non-conformist faiths being spread online in the last few years. A reminder to all our followers that @thesiltverses are not a reliable source of information about apotheosis or exultation, and their representation of non-traditional sainthood is generally considered to be ignorant at best, downright offensive at worst. I urge you not to pay such hollow-minded nonsense any heed.

As for you, dear reader, put aside your fears. There is a god in your attic, friend! A hungry, vengeful god who seeks to transform your very flesh into a tool fit snugly in its many-fingered hand! Opportunities like that don't come along every day.

I will leave you with an excerpt from one of my favourite poems – the Summer Day, by the creature community's unofficial laureate, Mary Oliver:

Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Maybe eat a few people or whatever. Maybe inflict great and terrible wonders upon the whimpering flesh of the earth. Get a little weird with it maybe!

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