
bang bang, my baby shot me down!
Anonymous asked:

kind of want to lay my head in your lap and have you read theory to me in the sun dappled grass of a summer afternoon

i think i'm in love with you


i need to get a haircut and i need to start working out again and i need to get out of this city and i need someone to push me onto the subway tracks god bless


i'm so intolerably sad today and i don't even know why. started crying in the middle of the street on my way to work and completely walked into a film crew. it would be funny if it wasn't me


thought experiments along the lines of if all non voters voted for democratic parties instead are useless because they are completely hypothetical & ignore the reasons people might have for not voting. here (east germany) the majority of the people who didn't vote in the eu elections are disillusioned with any of the majority parties because the last few years have shown incredibly clearly that in the end none of them care about the interests of their voters at all & they're not going to change their mind if you tell them how important it is to vote because we need to save our bourgeois democracy. voting as harm reduction only works as an argument if you're currently well off and with continuously high inflation, cuts in social services, etc incresingly few people are.


my mom likes my fish tattoo <3🐟

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