
Nothing is written

@miss-edith-cushing / miss-edith-cushing.tumblr.com

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

8 of the world’s most bizarre flowers:

1.) Swaddled Babies

2.) Flying Duck Orchid

3.) Hooker’s Lips Orchid

4.) Ballerina Orchid

5.) Monkey Orchid

6.) Naked Man Orchid

7.) Laughing Bumblebee Orchid

8.) White Egret Orchid

Orchids kinda don’t wanna be flowers, huh.



The first image shows the forget-me-nots pressed into clay, waiting to be covered in plaster and the second image is of the plaster cast. The cast is a reverse image.

I don’t actually think that the forget-me-nots plaster cast is as interesting as the strawberries one which I did earlier but forget-me-nots would work well with other flowers. I am going to try a large plaster cast next of mixed flowers and grasses and I think that this cast needs tinting in watercolours, maybe a sepia background.

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