
Mira's Mirages

@mirasmirages / mirasmirages.tumblr.com

Writing/OC blog

Mira Masterpost

Hi, I'm Mira!

I've been a part of the whump community for about two years now, mostly on Discord. Sometimes I write or draw or make other stuff, and I've role played quite a bit.

I love talking to people, so don't be afraid to say hi! I can be a bit awkward, though, so I apologize in advance for anything I say.

I've made a couple of ask games, and sometimes I send asks to people who reblog them:

You can find my OCs and writing under the cut.


found out apparently if you want to consume content of your own original characters and stories you usually have to make that content? fucked up if true


btw roleplaying various characters with your friends is the singular most healing thing in the world. playing with toys for adults


Having your own OC as your Blorbo is great because you will never have to see a bad Fannon brainrot take or awful but inexplicably popular ship involving them, but also I Have To Do Everything Myself Around Here Augh


"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"

"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"

"-but you can trust me when I say-"

"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"

"I don't care for you at all."

"Well, I… oh… I love you too."

i dont make comics often but this was too cute.


Somehow it’s been a whole year already and it’s time for another round of July Break Bingo!

Sign-ups are open now and close on July 13th!

This is an extremely customizable bingo that you can curate to your every need, spanning all fandoms and mediums, with a broad range of prompts. You can opt out of Romance, Whump, NSFW and various other options (including the FREE space, if you just want all of your squares to be prompts).

There are even more bingo card sizes that you can request this year than previously available. The usual suspects:

  • a 5x5 card (with 5 alternates)
  • a 3x3 card
  • a 1x5 card

But this year you’ll also find a 6x6, a 4x4, a 2x4 and more ;)

If you have any questions, our FAQ can be found here, or you can ask us here on tumblr or on our Discord server.

The sign up form can be found here. You’ll have the option to opt into or out of NSFW as you like.


The knight returned from his quest.

"Did you succeed?" the king asked. "Is the dragon slain?"

"I could not find it. I rode to where you said its lair was, but there I only found a huge wise old bird, who said there were no scaly dra-"

The knight halted.

"Dragons have feathers?"


It's frustrating that you can come up with the plot of an entire fic in just a few seconds, but writing it all down can take anywhere from never to forever.


how exhilarating must it be to be predated upon by a breaching predator. like you’re swimming chilling minding ur own business and then. fucking blammo. a great white or perhaps a killer whale slams into you from below. you’re going to die. you know you’re going to die in the few milliseconds after the impact but before your soul passes you’re ripped from your realm and into the sky, maybe as high as a dozen feet, bathed in the harsh air and wind and sounds and smells of a world that has lived above you your entire life yet you’ve never been able to touch, should never be able to touch, would never be able to touch except for instances just like this, where its one of the last things that happens to your conscious body. do you think that, amidst the adrenaline-filled panic, there is some modicum of wonder and exhilaration underneath? some appreciation of the fact that they are seeing something few other of their surviving peers ever will? i mean probably not they got literal fish brains. fish are dumb as fuck, i think. probably all they’re really thinking is “OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK” and then they get eaten and die. and i don’t blame them. but maybe there’s a real smart fish out there. a gentle soul. who does unfortunately find their brutal end by way of a breaching creature. maybe this smart, well-read fish is ripped into the air and understands. they get it. they get the enormity of the universe and the beauty of their minuscule place within. and as they are ripped and torn and shredded by uncaring teeth there is some thought underneath their nervous system’s final throes: That Was Awesomd


It didn't have to be this way -(villain!James - 1)

(June of doom 2)

“It didn’t have to be this way.”            

| Scream | Double Cross | Made to Watch |

This is the first part of a story I've been thinking about for a few years by now, in which James' career as a hero takes a turn when he finds out how corrupt his team leader is. I still need to figure out a hero name for her and a few other people, but I hope to get this story going now.

contains: Kidnapping, vaguely mentioned torture.


James tapped on the cloaking device on his suit and darkness spilled out over the fabric like a shadow; concealing the blue color. It really had been a genius invention for those times more discretion was needed, and when following a criminal through the city streets at night it definitely was. 

The target was suspected of belonging to a criminal network that had proven particularly hard to pin down and expose. It likely would have been relatively easy for James to bring the suspect into custody, but another person they'd caught had proven that questioning was futile so James had decided to try another approach; maybe that person could lead him to some place of importance. If not, well, then he would have to just bring the suspect in.

Quietly as he could, James followed the man through the dimly lit streets, making sure that he wasn't noticed by the man he was following. That led him to a building which from the outside looked rather unsuspecting, but hopefully this would be something useful. Just before the door closed James used his power, a blue glow dancing across his fingers, as he focused on the door and stopped it from fully closing and locking.

He waited for a few moments, then walked up to the door and entered the building, carefully keeping an eye out for anyone else who could discover him. Granted the dark camouflage from the cloaking device helped him blend into the shadows of the corridor but it did not make him invisible. This was a risky move especially since he was alone, but danger was just part of the job.

Suddenly James heard footsteps from behind, and he hurried a few steps down the hall to hide in what seemed to be some sort of utility or storage room to avoid being noticed.

“Stop crying, you brought this upon yourself. Did you really think that double-crossing the Sinclairs would work out for you?” A woman said, and to James' surprise the voice was very familiar. That sounded like Cordelia, the leader of his team. Sure enough, through the keyhole of the door James could see her coming down the corridor accompanied by Rigel, dragging a bruised up man with them. Neither of them were in their hero suits, but the fact that she was here with a clearly injured person was even stranger. What the hell was going on?


Was wishing there was a positivity post for original fiction writers since I see so many about how fanfic writers are doing so much for their communities even when they're not actively writing, and then I thought:

Be the change you want to see in the world.

So this is a positivity post for the writers out here who are working very hard on stories with no established community. Who can't talk about their blorbos and plot lines and brainstorming to anyone and expect them to know what any of it means. Who don't have much to share publicly, but are hoping they will one day.

You're doing a lot of hard work, and I recognize and appreciate what you're putting into the world, even when you're resting.

Reblogging for all of my Original Fiction mutuals. I see you. I love your works. You’re working hard, and I RESPECT you 👏👏👏

Anonymous asked:

An idea: whumpee bound with their hands behind their back and a collar around their neck.

The key is dangling from the collar, right against their throat


Make sure their hands/wrists are also attached to a wall or smth though, otherwise they’ll just use the trick™️ to bring their hands to the front.

BUT YES YES YES. Oh imagine that helplessness, the humiliation— having the literal key to your freedom so close yet so far. A perfect taunt. Bonus if whumper pulls them forward by and/or generally manhandles them by the key.

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