

@mini-moss / mini-moss.tumblr.com

I'm a moss
Anonymous asked:

is it okay if i use the free wallpapers on your ko-fi as my tumblr header? I'll add credits ofc if yes but I wanted to check!

Yes that's totally fine! πŸ’š


Hi! I really love your Train piece! i know you have prints, but i wanted to ask if you sell it as a downloadable Desktop wallpaper?


I'm opening a ko-fi shop soon and all of my works will be available as desktop and mobile wallpapers πŸ₯°

Anonymous asked:

hi! I was wondering if it would be okay for me to print out one of your art pieces to customize my tamagotchi with? the art I was thinking of is howl's castle at dusk! the tamagotchi is a personal item, and wouldn't be sold or anything

That's a really cute idea! Go for it <3


Hello! I really love your work. ^^ The polls + art sneak peak you hosted recently was super fun and I really enjoyed seeing where it might go. I was wondering if that format is something you would mind if it was replicated elsewhere? I have thought that could be a really fun thing to do with some art of my own, unrelated to other projects but just for kicks. But of course wouldn’t want to rip off the idea if it was something you weren’t comfortable with. Thank you for reading!


Thank you for the kind comments! Absolutely wouldn't mind at all, I doubt I'm the first one with this idea and I love seeing audience interaction stuff in general! Go wild 🫑


The fractured magic around you grows thick and cloying. You arrive at its source: a slain dragon that cursed this place with its dying breath. Its hatred seeped through the stones like roots of a tree, still clinging on after so many eons.


You enter the warm cabin. Pinprick lights swirl around you, like embers gusting through the air. One dances close enough for you to see that it's actually a tiny fairy. The glowing creatures circle you, excited and curious, chattering over each other.


You trek through the forest until your feet are numb. But you don't stop, you don't rest. Finally, as dawn breaks, you reach the other side. You have travelled far, but there is further still to go.

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