@mimetolith / mimetolith.tumblr.com

hi im erie im 20 i do art
Anonymous asked:

hi :) how do you do these big letters, do you use a stencil? i suck at doing them freehand and was wondering if you had any recommendations /post/697829704351285248

hello!! the letters in that specific collage were done by using the backing of a sheet of mostly-used letter stickers. the silver and coppery letters are the actual stickers where as the rest of them were made using the sticky backing behind the stickers, peeled off and stuck on a piece of paper then colored in with marker and cut out. depending on the stickiness of the backing u could reuse it many times and its an excellent way to get free stencils or fill in places where uve run out of a certain letter. the same technique (and in fact the leftover letters from the same sticker backing) was used here.

if you dont want to buy letter stickers (and dont have access to someone else’s heavily used sheet like i did) u could do what i did here and print out letters, cut them out neatly with an exacto, and bam now u have free stencils. u could also of course use pre-existing print text like a magazine to do this. i hope this helps!! i think theres lots of ways to avoid free handing when collaging if u dislike doing it. good luck :•)

Anonymous asked:

are there reasons behind why you post some things on instagram and others here? (and are you planning on posting your escapril writings on tumblr?)

for the most part i don’t post poetry here because it just doesnt get notes + i feel like the instagram format suits posting poetry better. thats a big deciding factor in what i post here vs. on instagram is just whether it suits the post format/layout/whatever of tumblr or instagram better. if ppl who also follow me on instagram ever want me to put smthn here so they can rb it i would very much be willing to do that!! its not a strategic or set in stone thing its just whatever im feeling at the time

and i wasnt planning on posting my escapril stuff here but i hadnt really thought abt it!! if thats something ppl want then maybe at the end of the month (not the actual month but whenever i end up finishing all 30 days…) ill put up some of my favorites :)


i dream of geese - a (free) magnet poetry zine

a messy little eight-page mini zine featuring four strange poems (written via magnet poetry kit and mini whiteboard) and four linocut illustrations. if you check it out, please reblog and let me know what you think! it means a lot to me :)

A lovely little collection! The mixed magnets, typeface, and stamps gives it a great vibe. Particularly a fan of Butterflied, which I will definitely be holding onto in my introspection/meditation collection.

thank you so much!! i’m so glad you enjoyed it :’)


i dream of geese - a (free) magnet poetry zine

a messy little eight-page mini zine featuring four strange poems (written via magnet poetry kit and mini whiteboard) and four linocut illustrations. if you check it out, please reblog and let me know what you think! it means a lot to me :)


and i can hear your dog whistle from my bedroom / and i can see a flashlight cutting up the trees behind my house


do you think we are all angels or all devils? what is your greatest hope for humanity?


im certainly not religious in a traditional sense, and i think that angels and devils are ideas created by humanity to describe aspects of human nature, and each can represent both….positive and negative things about humanity. since i dont think the inventors of “sin” would agree with me on how humans should or shouldnt live.

i AM optimistic about humanity as a whole. i think we’re very adaptable— humans ARE social animals, but in another sense, there arent any inherent qualities of a human being, which means we have infinite potential to be kind and gentle. i avoid looking to biological or “scientific” explanations of human nature, like the idea that humans form communities to support the continuation of the species, because i think that reproduction-slash-biology exists to further the experience of life, not the other way around. so basically i think humans are good because we exist to be good and enjoy living.

and i really do think people can change, even when harmful ideas are deeply ingrained, as they often are and have been throughout history. if we look back on history there have been so many horrors and horrible ideas that are difficult to even imagine experiencing or believing now, and i think one day the world that we are experiencing now will be viewed the same way. and in the meantime, we can still live good lives and help others do the the same to the best of our ability, as people have done for thousands of years :)


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