who guards the guardians?


em! 20s, sci-fi & comics sideblog, following from quicklings. maybe one day i, too, can use my own head as a mop. my stuff.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (1x01 // 1x02)
#these are two of my favorite scenes in the entire series #because first you have that yoda quote #(and a little bit by extension: that part in the Ahsoka novel where ahsoka says that the clones’ voices never sounded the same to her #and she says that yoda said it was because she took the time to listen; though it’s definitely also partially because of the Force) #which is just so good because if you think about it #it means that the Jedi are pretty much incapable of seeing the clones as identical interchangeable expendable #the Force flows through the clones just like any other living beings and the Jedi can SENSE their individual unique qualities #and the sudden absence of them in the Force when they die feels the same as the death of any other being #which brings me to Rising Malevolence #(which was actually my FAVORITE EPISODE until I discovered that I could watch Landing at Point Rain 5 times in 1 day without getting bored) #plo koon is. SO GOOD. he is so good and compassionate and protective of his troopers #and this episode is SO MEAN TO HIM because that was not a battle. that was a /slaughter/. #his entire fleet and the hundreds if not thousands of troopers on those ships GONE within SECONDS and he could /feel/ it. #it certainly affects him but does he let it cripple him? NO. because the men in the escape pod with him NEED him. #they are hopeless but he keeps telling them that they /will/ survive this. they will make their own luck and push through somehow #sinker keeps insisting: nobody will come and they’re expendable and it doesn’t make military sense #and plo insists right back: NO. you are NOT expendable; not to me. i value YOUR LIFE more than finding that weapon. #(and then when they’re rescued the FIRST THING plo does is ask if there were any other survivors#and the most heartbreaking part of this is that the clones have never heard this before. #the kaminoans and the Separatists and even the majority of the Republic and the Senate don’t think this way #and to them the clones ARE identical interchangeable expendable like they were supposed to be #but the jedi can’t do anything about that because the senate has them on a leash #so they do what they can. they remind the clones that they’re all unique and important and that their lives have value #and they try to make sure that as many of them survive the war as possible #because maybe when the war ends and everything is better they can try to fix this #and in the meantime all they can do is make the best of this bad situation and hope for a brighter future #(but that future never comes)

@communiquesfromm wanted me to post my tags!

Source: obiwan

This is an idea we got with @journen ! We thought that little Obi Wan would enjoy spending time playing with Koi fishes in the Room of 1000 Fountains in his spare time, or straight out skipping classes so he can enjoy being by the pond. Check out @journen‘s piece because she did an amazing job and her art is mindblowing !

I tried making this drawing look like it’s straight out of a story book for children.


for my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is. life creates it, makes it grow. it’s energy surrounds and binds us. luminous beings we are, not this crude matter. you must feel the force around you; here between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere.

yoda’s words to luke on dagobah is one of my earliest memories of star wars, and it really stuck with me. i think this is something that yoda would teach to all the young jedi he had a hand in training, how to feel the force alive and flowing in the world around them. which if course brings us to qui-gon jinn, one of the loudest proponents of listening to the living force in the here and now. i feel like they would have enjoyed just sitting in nature together, and feeling the force around them. 

[the force, for @jedijune]

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