
I block empty blogs

@midwinterhunt / midwinterhunt.tumblr.com

Artist, Writer, Adult, Ace, Trans, Queer, Autistic, I post NSFW sometimes. If you follow me, you better be *real* cool with a *lot* of things. We support sex and torture in this house dammit!

My OC Masterpost

Mid, my main sona It's a creature of the void who has manifested into the world and simply wishes to learn and explore and also not be exterminated for its natural destructive nature.

Stormy, my Spidersona Just another spidersona, who actually has a fic. Alien themed.

Thunderfrog, my TMNT OC A frog for each iteration

Angel, my Transformers OC Sparked on Earth after Cybertron fell, he was raised by Decepticons for most of his life until he failed to kill Optimus and was forcibly rescued by the Autobots.

Liithal, my main OC from my original species A girl from a backwater planet who suddenly got thrown into the wider space faring galaxy

Solomon Parsco My Star Wars OC, with a dubious past, and even more dubious sleep schedule. He's a damn good Rebel pilot, right up until his heritage catches up with him.

Corvus My BNHA pro hero. He's Very Autistic.

Shamu Another One Piece OC, who is a pirate, also Very Gay, and wants to kill government officials!

Ets An immortal time traveler on a mission to die

Blank A Combat SecUnit for the Murderbot Diaries series. It is missing some very vital memories that it wants to get back, and it's ready to kill to do that.

I am happy to roleplay any OCs, answer asks about them, or really anything!


Masterpost on my main? more likely than you'd think.

Side blogs i run:

secret other blog that y'all don't get to know about.

Some tags y'all may like to know about:

#mid art is my art

#mid is my sona, just everything involving them

#mid dreams is a little side project I have where i am writing down my dreams and trying to build my dreamscape. I may turn this into a short story collection at some point??

#mid's cookbook is me trying to reclaim the lost parts of my childhood involving food, as I have to start over from scratch.

Link to my OC directory

If you'd like to commission me that would just be so cool! (links to kofi)


My Sona

Okay so this is Mid.

It/They/He (in order of frequency of preference)

Mid is a voidling, an ageless, formless creature who came into existence somewhere between the dawn of time and last tuesday. We,,,, really aren't sure.

This particular voidling is often mistaken for a cat-like creature, it is not. It chooses to make part if its form point out as a means of expression in a way that mammals can all understand.

Mid is perpetually emotional, but especially anxious.

They are doing their best.

Mid is able to interact with the world by splitting off parts of its form to use as hand. It could theoretically have as many "hands" as it wants, but usually sticks to two.

They don't normally have a mouth, but will sometimes manifest one if they really want to convey a specific expression or are about to consume something.

Speaking of consuming something, yeah.... it can pretty much devour anything. Objects, animals, entire banquets, people, your student loan debt, your car you had two more payments on, the lottery, squeaky toys(it ate ONE squeaky toy, and got the squeaker stuck and can now only communicate in squeaky noises), kitkats corner first.

He also sometimes has a problem with objects he interacts with turning into the same non-material he's made up of? As which point the object must be seamlessly absorbed into his body, or the void matter will just continue to spread. This is no joke, because this is literally a world ending phenomenon.

But despite its destructive potential, Mid is a playful creature, often confused, sometimes a little dumb, and ultimately just wants to make friends (but is perpetually nervous about doing so).

Mid very much likes to interact in ask games, art, posing for art, meeting others' sonas, and anything else!

When Mid gains experience, they eventually evolve to have more control and a more defined form.

You can learn more about Mid's species @voidlings-and-starlets

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