
Wasting Time on the Internet

@maz737 / maz737.tumblr.com

Just some webpage full of stuff that makes me happy

me drowning in a lake while my friend, 11th century french rabbi and prolific scriptural commentator Schlomo "Rashi" Yitzchaki (zy"a) stands nearby: help im drowing help me rashi

Schlomo "Rashi" Yitzchaki (zy"a): "drowing" is likely a scribal error for "drowning." "im drow[n]ing" is to say: my lungs have become filled with water, and i am struggling to breathe. "help" once followed by "help me" a second time: the first [help] is directed to the Holy One, blessed be He, and means: "may He help us by swiftly delivering the World to Come;" the second (i.e., "help me") is to invoke direct assistance in this world, spoken as if to a personal friend. the meaning of "rashi" here is unclear.


releases my flock of galapogos finches onto a medieval battlefield and several years later i return to find they have evolved into a variety of polearms


Mad Max will say shit like "the wasteland is of mankind's own making. there is no going back there is only going forward and doing everything you can to make the world a place worth living in. Anyway my name is Joe and these are my beautiful sons Dick and Balls."

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