
@matriarchcomputer / matriarchcomputer.tumblr.com

sometimes i write

It’s been over a year since The Man From UNCLE came out and I’m still salty about Gaby and Illya never getting to kiss

Still not over it

It’s been over TWO years since The Man From UNCLE came out, and we’re STILL salty about Gaby and Illya never getting to kiss


It’s been THREE years since The Man From UNCLE came out, and we’re STILL salty about Gaby and Illya never getting to kiss.

It’s been FIVE years since The Man From UNCLE came out, and we’re STILL SALTY about Gaby and Illya never getting to kiss.

It’s been SEVEN YEARS since The Man From UNCLE came out, and we’re STILL SALTY about Gaby and Illya never getting to kiss.


It’s been NINE YEARS since The Man From UNCLE came out, and we’re STILL SALTY about Gaby and Illya never getting to kiss.



I will probably delete this later but I wanted to see what the quality would look like here because preview is messing up my images. if any of you have suggestions for good softwares for creating collages that would be much appreciated!


I've avoided looking at the notifications for this blog because I thought I was going to get more hate, but instead I've received a bunch of wonderful messages ;_; Thank you all for the kindness. I'm crying here ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


hey just wanted to tell you how amazing your blog is 🖤 thank you for blessing my dash w quality content!


*wailing sounds* I'm really glad you like the blog! ;;;_;;;; You're so wonderful thank you for the message


Boo anon hate! You're 100% in the right here and I support you fully. Disable anons, block freely, etc. The TMFU fandom will miss you if you go but do what's best for you


you're message is so nice imma cry ;_; I didn't think I would be missed...


i swear I just wanna delete this whole blog sometimes. it used to bring me a lot of joy because it was an escape from a really bad point in my life but now I just… idk

That warhead, although not nuclear, shouldn’t have any trouble obliterating a medium-sized fishing boat. The aforementioned warhead launched… 45 seconds ago. Giving you about 30 seconds until impact.   — The Man From U.N.C.L.E (2015)

Do you like to write about Solo? Is it difficult to write about him? He is kind of like Gaby in some way


I do. He’s an interesting character to me in many ways, so it’s fun to think about his psychology and why he would react to certain things. He’s more challenging for me to write than Illya I think because Solo is a less straightforward character if that makes sense? There is a bit more mystery and flexibility with writing stories around Solo which is fun because he’s the type of character who can do anything and be anything. Illya is a bit more of a fixed character; he’s very good at what he does, he’s unwavering, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, he can become what he needs to become if it’s for the right reason in his mind, etc., etc. I agree with you he is similar in complexity to Gaby. Solo and Gaby are both the kind of characters who can become very, very dangerous if put in the right circumstances; I think they’re more likely to really, really, cross their own lines if a situation calls for it. They’d make interesting antagonists if a story turned in that kind of direction.

Anonymous asked:

Imagine an elf is given a job to do at a human institution. The humans think elves don’t need bathroom breaks, since they know they can hold it for days, but this elf has been traveling to reach their job, and has already been holding it to the point they are in pain. They ask for a break, but their job is important and time sensitive, so they admit they can still hold it when asked. After a full day of work, the elf tries to reach the bathroom in time, but they were never told where it is.

…so then what happens? this is very random…

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