
Neko Kashi

@mangaka-neko-chan / mangaka-neko-chan.tumblr.com

Neko Kashi | She/Her | 25 | Twitter: mangakanekochan

Some doodles about BABY RAPTORS and my Rogue Trader!Wynnrun's family, House Alema, are famous for their own Raptors that they have been caring for since many generations. New born Raptors need a lot of close care in the imprinting stage to recognize the human as parent or pack leader.

Marazhai does not like the little ones though. They take too much attention away from him lmao.


I Will Not Apologize

Happy Pride, ya'll.

$3 download (includes version where you can color in your own Pride flag. Limited restrictions, mostly don't be a fascist or major company: https://ko-fi.com/s/ac6c284e8c

Additional flags have been added to the downloadable license pack, which also includes several templates to add your own flag. There are also new prints and tees with this design as well. ✌️


"Aurelia, dear, do impress me~"

- Wynnrun (for the RT dress up :3)


Dear cousin Wynnrun,

I understand from your most recent portraits that you seem to favor the same earth tones as your raptor companions. I think a change is in order, if only temporary, to bring out the lovely richness of your hair and complexion. Do tell me how the fit is - and how long the integrity lasts (I think you know what I mean).

xoxo, Aurelia


A flower for Lady Wynnrun, please? :3 🌸🌻 Do expand on color and meaning if you wish~


Always pleased to be at the service of Lady Wynnrun! May I offer: An Orchid of the Cymbidium genus

Looks quite intimidating, no? I adore the sharp edges of the petals.

If I know anything, then that she loves her raptors, so introducing a maroonish red to match their coats was a no-brainer. However, red seems to also be her favored color to wear, and as the color of passion - though it would be a disservice to reduce it to only its romantic potential - it also embodies other strengths of Wynnrun's character, such as courage and strength.

She seems like a passionate gal that will go above and beyond for her dreams, and any flower she chooses will have to be an eyecatcher as to pale in comparison to her.

As for the flower itself, Orchids symbolize a variety of things depending on color, but mostly refinement and various positive attributes - with her history, i see that as an descriptor that could be applied to her! Combining the color and meaning, I am thinking of a woman who is wholly dedicated to her task, but knows how to calculate her moves when the hour demands it.

Do not be deterred by Orchids reputation to die easily - this is not quite true, and as all living things, they simply need proper care.

bows out

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