
At the combination pyramid and pizza hut


here since 2013 // 24

u know someone’s about to get dragged through the mud when an academic uses the phrase ‘it’s tempting to assume’


“it’s tempting to assume” is academic speaking for “you might think, if you’re a fucking idiot,”


Hiring in the tv industry isnt based on skill or experience, it's based on "i know a guy"

Anyway anyone wondering why most tv shows and series are kinda crap


Guys, I need your help! I am doing research for a job interview I have in a week.

* with consuming news, I mean, reading news articles from established news outlets like New York Times, The Guardian, Die Welt, De Volkskrant, etc.

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Guys, I need your help! I am doing research for a job interview I have in a week.

* with consuming news, I mean, reading news articles from established news outlets like New York Times, The Guardian, Die Welt, De Volkskrant, etc.

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Guys, I need your help! I am doing research for a job interview I have in a week.

* with consuming news, I mean, reading news articles from established news outlets like New York Times, The Guardian, Die Welt, De Volkskrant, etc.

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They have a Guardian in my country. What's a Gen Z? Newspapers just sit there. Sometimes on Sundays I read headlines from nine years ago of the Sunday paper starting in the back. Everybody got their name in block letters. Some don't even write their name. I'm learning something here. I used to even write down the headlines I wanted to read. I fell out of school when they were learning to read newspapers. I used to buy newspapers whenever I had money. The paper for the day. But like I said they get stacked up. And maybe I listened to someone's example. It gets to feel like a waste of money. What's the use of always being in the know? About what others are doing. Did I get t the main reason. Maybe because I'm wary of being lied to. It wasn't easy to sa that. Sometimes even truthers will quote from the very newspaper. Stats?

Gen Z are generally those born between 1997 and 2012!


Guys, I need your help! I am doing research for a job interview I have in a week.

* with consuming news, I mean, reading news articles from established news outlets like New York Times, The Guardian, Die Welt, De Volkskrant, etc.

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