
better bring along your switchblades

@majortomwaits / majortomwaits.tumblr.com

Petra / 27 / balkan bitch, a professional coatrack, i like movies, dad rock and toblerone // she/they

i found Human Highway at the record store and at first i just took pics but then just grabbed it, who gives a fuck, then i got an automatic discount, so i am one happy boy

i'm home now, so here's the inside as well


i found Human Highway at the record store and at first i just took pics but then just grabbed it, who gives a fuck, then i got an automatic discount, so i am one happy boy


the saddest thing about jimmy becoming a lawyer for chuck's respect and kim's love is that there was nothing he could have ever done to earn chuck's respect, and kim would have loved him anyway


more examples of the intersection of ableism and queerphobia

  • JK Rowling’s essay about trans men specifically talked about how autistic girls are being lead astray by the trans movement
  • in some jurisdictions, people with cognitive and/or intellectual disabilities are not allowed to medically transition at all
  • again, psychotic people constantly being questioned about whether their identity is a delusion/hallucination or not
  • queer spaces not being accessible for those who use mobility aids (particularly wheelchairs)
  • disabled people not having access to sex education that specifically educates them on having sex whilst disabled — and abled people not bothering to learn the same
  • the concept that having someone who is both disabled and queer is “bad representation” somehow. constant messaging that you’re either one or the other and can’t be both
  • ideas in the queer community about what the queer lifestyle looks like often does not consider that the lifestyle is impossible for people who use mobility aids and/or have a carer

I could go on and on. disabled people are constantly excluded from queer movements and queer people are often excluded from disability movements. we’re ignored. we’re pushed aside. our needs are put in the “too hard” basket, and we’re not given necessary supports to live a happy life as a queer disabled person

do not tag this “q slur” or similar

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