
Marvelous Day To U ✨✨✨


I have a baking thing @kata-likes-baking

Ok, but Billy would have a shift in his personality when he eventually grows up right? All kids get more mature and develop their identity as they age.

Now the League would assume that Captain Marvel had been a lovable, naïve, childish dumbass for his entire adult life. Imagine them getting used to Cap acting like the default baby of the group and then being baffled when he starts to mature in the span of 5 years or so. It would be noticeable. (I mean, most people are unrecognisable from their 10 year old selves, emotionally at least).

Like, Billy would still be the personification of sunshine but he'd be more thoughtful with his words.

He'd still try to see and bring out the best in everyone but he wouldn't be naïve about trusting and giving out second chances anymore.

His teammates notice and because they don't know Billy is just growing up and learning to function as an adult they're like "Shit, is this our influence? Why so serious, man?"

Maybe he'd be more palatable for some grimmer heroes but for others, the shift is concerning.

Imagine Superman always admiring Cap's childish, never-ending optimism. It's amazing to him how someone could live out their whole life, face so many evils as a superhero, and still have that hope intact. Now it's slipping away from Cap... Clark wonders if it's the superhero life finally getting to him or something going on in his civilian life.

Now that I think more on it, this would be horrible for Billy 😂.

Imagine all the embarrassing and childish things you did as a kid. Then image those things haunting you all the way to adulthood with everyone around you assuming that's just who you are. Poor Billy.

The sheer embarrassment of having something stupid you did when you were 10 be the basis of your character in someone elses mind, never forgotten 🙈

Billy would just be living in a never ending stream on cringe.

@lesbianrobotwizard The perfect addition 👌😂


Y’know how big dogs aren’t used to being big so they try to sit where they could when they were puppies? Yeah.

Shazam would have absolutely atrocious personal space problems. He’s so used to being a 5’4, 90lb 12 year old that when he sits down he has no clue at all where his body is, his muscles have muscles and ten minutes ago they were string beans. He’d assume that small spaces can hold his absolutely gigantic shoulders and the only thing that stops him from cramming himself in itty bitty little corners at all hours is the wisdom of Solomon in his head spraying him with a water bottle and shouting, “No!!! Down boy!!! Too big!!!!”


Billy, trying to describe the weirdness: it's like wearing heavy camping boots that are way way too big.


Ok, I watched WandaVision recently so... an AU of the injustice universe where Billy is so traumatized by how the world and his heroes have changed that he can’t cope anymore. He draws magic from the Rock of Eternity to create a protective bubble around Fawcett. No one remembers what’s going on outside and no one goes in or out.

Everyone is happy, just like before... That’s what matters, alright?

The Regime isn’t exactly drilled to have a part of the world that isn’t under its will. A whole city is a big blind spot. Superman turns his gaze towards the seemingly black spot where Fawcett used to be. No one has seen Captain Marvel in months, it’s time to change that.

Meanwhile, Batman investigates the one place the Regime has no control over. Could this magic be used to his allies advantage? Is this Captain Marvel’s doing..?


op I wasn't sure if you finished WandaVision yet, so spoilers below!

@hanabihanabi I like the way you think! I keep imagining scenes like that too.

Especially the "No"-let's-try-that-again scene. I imagine Billy creating this perfect day. His sister Mary and his dead parents are there.They go about the day and everything is picture perfect and nice and wholesome. Ice-cream and a lot of hugs. Then- one of his parents say something that reminds Billy of how they died. Maybe "hey let's go to the museum, I heard they just brought in an exhibit that we've been excited about for ages. If this goes anywhere we might go on an expedition! Doesn't that sound exciting? We could even bring you and Mary along since you're old enough". *Billy's mind short circuit because that's how he lost his parents and sisters in the first place*

"No" rewind, let's start again.

I have a lot of fun scenes in my head of Batman and Superman separately investigating Fawcett and what happened to it. So I never actually thought about the JL getting stuck inside themselves but now that you brought it up- I'm hyper now I can't stop thinking.

Don't know how it would work but imagine the VisionVsVision fight being between the Regime Superman and the alternate Superman that Batman eventually brings in.


Ok, but Billy would have a shift in his personality when he eventually grows up right? All kids get more mature and develop their identity as they age.

Now the League would assume that Captain Marvel had been a lovable, naïve, childish dumbass for his entire adult life. Imagine them getting used to Cap acting like the default baby of the group and then being baffled when he starts to mature in the span of 5 years or so. It would be noticeable. (I mean, most people are unrecognisable from their 10 year old selves, emotionally at least).

Like, Billy would still be the personification of sunshine but he'd be more thoughtful with his words.

He'd still try to see and bring out the best in everyone but he wouldn't be naïve about trusting and giving out second chances anymore.

His teammates notice and because they don't know Billy is just growing up and learning to function as an adult they're like "Shit, is this our influence? Why so serious, man?"

Maybe he'd be more palatable for some grimmer heroes but for others, the shift is concerning.

Imagine Superman always admiring Cap's childish, never-ending optimism. It's amazing to him how someone could live out their whole life, face so many evils as a superhero, and still have that hope intact. Now it's slipping away from Cap... Clark wonders if it's the superhero life finally getting to him or something going on in his civilian life.

Now that I think more on it, this would be horrible for Billy 😂.

Imagine all the embarrassing and childish things you did as a kid. Then image those things haunting you all the way to adulthood with everyone around you assuming that's just who you are. Poor Billy.

The sheer embarrassment of having something stupid you did when you were 10 be the basis of your character in someone elses mind, never forgotten 🙈

Billy would just be living in a never ending stream on cringe.


Ok, but Billy would have a shift in his personality when he eventually grows up right? All kids get more mature and develop their identity as they age.

Now the League would assume that Captain Marvel had been a lovable, naïve, childish dumbass for his entire adult life. Imagine them getting used to Cap acting like the default baby of the group and then being baffled when he starts to mature in the span of 5 years or so. It would be noticeable. (I mean, most people are unrecognisable from their 10 year old selves, emotionally at least).

Like, Billy would still be the personification of sunshine but he'd be more thoughtful with his words.

He'd still try to see and bring out the best in everyone but he wouldn't be naïve about trusting and giving out second chances anymore.

His teammates notice and because they don't know Billy is just growing up and learning to function as an adult they're like "Shit, is this our influence? Why so serious, man?"

Maybe he'd be more palatable for some grimmer heroes but for others, the shift is concerning.

Imagine Superman always admiring Cap's childish, never-ending optimism. It's amazing to him how someone could live out their whole life, face so many evils as a superhero, and still have that hope intact. Now it's slipping away from Cap... Clark wonders if it's the superhero life finally getting to him or something going on in his civilian life.


Ok, I watched WandaVision recently so... an AU of the injustice universe where Billy is so traumatized by how the world and his heroes have changed that he can’t cope anymore. He draws magic from the Rock of Eternity to create a protective bubble around Fawcett. No one remembers what’s going on outside and no one goes in or out.

Everyone is happy, just like before... That’s what matters, alright?

The Regime isn’t exactly drilled to have a part of the world that isn’t under its will. A whole city is a big blind spot. Superman turns his gaze towards the seemingly black spot where Fawcett used to be. No one has seen Captain Marvel in months, it’s time to change that.

Meanwhile, Batman investigates the one place the Regime has no control over. Could this magic be used to his allies advantage? Is this Captain Marvel’s doing..?


Imagine Cap's identity reveal happening years later when he's already over 18. Like, they would have been working together for a whole decade, laughed together, cried together, introduced him to their spouses etc and then suddenly. Boom, lightning, and he's actually some college kid. The whole League immediately starts panicking and doing the math in their head while Billy's just like-

"Statue of limitations", with a shit eating grin preferably. Come on, he's been losing sleep over this for years, now's their turn to let it mess with their heads.

Imagine them calling it a day and going home, trying to relax after that hectic mess and then it suddenly hits them-

Clark staring at the ceiling in his pajamas, "I punched a 10 year old once. And really hard too."

Wally stress eating cereal, "I always liked the guy because I felt we were on the same wavelength. What does that say about me that I can hang with a literal sixth grader and not even mind? No, wait, don't answer that."

Arthur venting to Mara, "I had lengthy discussions trying to convince a twelve year old to go out for drinks, on multiple occasions."

Most of Young Justice, "he's younger than me and he's been the on-and-off again den mom for years!"



this was a thing to which i just suddenly had this morning, and just couldn’t really put into words and just sketched it.

Mary, Freddy, and Billy born in Kahndaq around the time Teth-Adam got his powers. Then council of Wizards found Billy, they decided to have another champion since its too much of a burden alone, they let him share it with his sister and friend since they know they’ll use it with good intentions as long as Billy’s there to guide them. (and lets be honest Billy is their voice of reason sometimes when things get too tough) 

and i’m TOTALLY adding that they met Dinah and played with her when she was a little girl. 

Im not too familiar with the history of Black Adam but i hope i’m right here 

They worked well with Teth-Adam and although they protested to him taking over Kahndaq as long as it was good for the people it was fine. But the relationship strained between the family and Adam when his family died and he started to become more brutal and used his powers for evil. 

It crossed the line when he released the Sins. The Marvel family and Black Adam fight, Black Adam has the advantage since he’s more experienced and older. They turn back into kids, and instead of killing them (since they were well, kids i think Black Adam had better morals before the whole banishment thing) he cursed them into stone. 

The Councils of Wizards gets involved and Shazam is the only one left and manages to banish him. 

Shazam is distraught about his other champion but couldn’t do much about the curse since it was too powerful at the time. He decided that the curse would wither into nothing by the time Black Adam would come back and Earth didn’t need much help and things already calmed down after the whole war with gods. So he left to guard the Rock of Eternity. 

Fast forward and Shazam notices all the things that are happening on Earth. Especially the leagues that formed (Justice Society in the past and Justice league). He decides that the Marvel Family should return, he somehow leads the league to underground tomb/shrine and uncover the three kids.

On the walls there are drawings of the Champion of Magic and his family. Its the history of when they came about, what they did, and how they came them hope. They also wrote about their last battle with Black Adam. (thing is they didn’t know much about the Champion of Magic or knew that the The Council of Wizards existed, they thought that Black Adam and Marvel Family were powerful magicians 

Wonder Woman faintly remembers them and mentions it out loud. 

Batman notices the 3 kids and how unlikely thats its a sculpture since its too realistic.

Martian Manhunter notes that they are alive, their minds are active still even if their in a magical curse/coma. 

The League  bring in some magicians from Justice League Dark, like John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara. Who immediately recognize Billy as the Champion of Magic and spit out the known history. Wonder Woman fills in the blanks of what she remembers reading in Themyscira and hearing from her father (i bet she had a brief obsession after she learned they disappeared) , like the Council of Wizards, Champion of Magic, and the blessings.

John and Zatanna break their curse and hide them in the league while they wait for them to wake up. During this magical coma the Marvel Family, the Wizard gets them up to speed on whats going on and gives them new names to blend into modern society. They also meet their pantheon and Solomon blasts them knowledge of what occurred during their 5000 years being stone.  hey wake up and etc. They are hesitant to let them into the league since they’re kids even though they proved themselves worthy with their powered up forms. Mary and Freddy volunteer to be reserved members and stay within Fawcett since its the closest entrance to the Rock of Eternity and Billy is weaker when they’re powered up.

Thats all i have for now lmao 


@mustardsticks Omg I had a pretty similar Billy Batson story idea a while back!

Ok so I thought what if Billy and Black Adam were born around the same time and Teth-Adam would sort of mentor him. Maybe he’d see that Billy had some innate magic or he’d see in him whatever wizard Shazam did to make him choose Billy as his champion in canon(s). Billy would probably have a lot of hero worship because he’s seen Teth-Adam help his community or city or maybe even people he himself knew specifically. Adam would still be Shazam’s corrupted champion so Billy would probably be stoked about learning magic at first but then become wary or even scared of Adam as he begins using more violent, evil methods. I see Billy eventually standing up to Adam as that escalates. Adam would have that whole ‘well, if u aren’t with me you’re my enemy’ mindset so it would turn into a fight. Billy wouldn’t stand a chance because Adam is at this point the champion of Shazam, while he himself is 12. Black Adam would hesitate to kill Billy because he had developed some affection for him so he’d simply.. seal him off so he wouldn’t have to deal with him. Essentially killing him without actually having to kill him.

I was thinking freezing him in eternal ice with some spell/curse (u know, Captain America style) but I actually like your stone idea a lot better (because @mustardsticks your art just sells it man 👌). It ties in with the asthetic of the stone statues of the seven deadly sins in the Rock of Eternity. Ancient relics collecting dust but able to reawaken.

Maybe this is the final push the Council of Wizards needed to see that their chosen champion had crossed the point of no return and no negotiation, so Shazam banishes Back Adam.

Millenniums later when Shazam is dying, he’s desperate. He doesn’t want to leave the Rock of Eternity and the whole of magic unguarded, especially when there’s a threat that Black Adam might return. Having found no suitable candidates out in the world, he remembers the last person he saw standing up to Black Adam. With the last of his magic he passes the powers of the gods onto Billy, effectively awakening him.

The whole reason I was thinking of this premise to begin with was because of how fun imagining a Billy born in ancient Egypt adapting to modern times is.

*He would have no roots or connections whatsoever so he imprints on the first location he arrives in after leaving the Rock of Eternity: Fawcett City!

*I have a scene stuck in my head where he first walks through a portal and tries to orientate himself, then gets scared shitless by how much has changed. He considers that maybe he ended up on another planet or a freaky alternate reality but he feel the earthly magic beneath his feet, the same as it has always been. Then I imagine him walking around in awe of the tall buildings and getting spooked by passing cars. Then, he sees one of those bus stop advertisment boards glow in the evening and steps up to see what kind of magic the future uses. Is it an illusion, a glow charm? When he tries to analyse it with his own magic it ends up blue screening or sparking up because magic and technology don’t mix.

*It’ll be even more frustrating for him to be treated as a kid, because while he was viewed as young in ancient Egypt he was also viewed as self sufficient and expected to take care of himself and work. Now all these adults are in front of him trying to tell him he’s waayyy too young to work (and where are your parents, young man? Why would you need a job to begin with? Everything okay at home?) It would be a massive culture shift for him to be expected to rely on adults when he was expected to act like one from a very young age.

*He’ll meet his siblings while living on the street. The gang teach him modern culture and norms (and a lot of pop culture references that Freddy insists on being essential to know). They probably pester him about going to school with them (getting him tangled up with social workers in the process). It takes Billy a little while to tell them his story because it’s so incredius that he can hardly believe it himself, how could they? Plus they don’t know anything about magic. Not that it matters much in a world where superheroes exist. So, before Billy fesses up the others have plenty of theories on where he came from. They range from him being a refugee from some war-torn place to him being a kidnapping victim who lived his whole life in a basement (because who doesn’t know who Superman and Wonder Woman are? They’re on the news every week! And what’s your issue with cars, man? U realise the drivers would get into more trouble than you if you were to get hit, right? ).

*Billy would probably appreciate the magic community to pieces. While it’s smaller than it was in his time, it’s still quietly booming and doing it’s own thing behind the scenes. Having no need for technology and following old traditions (or at the very least out dated fashion). Billy would feel comfortable being this ancient relic of the past being surrounded by other ancient beings or people who were so accustomed to weirdness they wouldn’t even blink.

*The modern world is a lot louder then it was, so Billy would get overwhelmed often. He takes a couple of times a week where he just goes to the Rock of Eternity to calm down and listen to nothing.

*And oooo do I have ideas for Mary. She could still be his twin sister, one he will never see again because of Black Adam. Maybe Billy will at some point find out from his connection to the past champions or Shazam’s ghost or the magical community that Shazam chose Mary to be his champion at some point in the past. The stories, legends and heroic deeds of Mary Marvel are sprinkled around the ancient world. Whenever Billy happens to stumble upon them he gets super emotional. Maybe she even wrote some highly regarded magical texts in her elderly-wisdom-years that Billy keeps rereading. Maybe Billy can feel her presence through his connection to the past champions. (A fun side can be that Diana probably grew up hearing stories of the heroine and mystical warrior Mary Marvel, the champion of magic itself, and idealised her in her youth. She probably dug up all the stories and legends she could get her hands on, probably even asked her father. She’d probably be floored that later on her teammate knew Mary Marvel personally. Captain Marvel and her bond when he asks Diana to tell him any story she knows, promising he’ll do the same in return.)

*Once he joins the Justice League he can play up the whole ancient wizard bit of his story whenever he’s teammates get suspicious of why he acts so childish. I haven’t decided if he spills the fact that he was suspended in time for majority of it or not.

*When Black Adam returns it’s going to be a very emotional fight (why did you do this to me! You separated me from everything I knew, everything I loved- ). If any of the League members are around this can shift their perspective of him since he’s always so cheerful and carefree. They could never have guessed that he was harbouring so much pain from something he passed off as no big deal to them. Plus I imagine they’d get hung up on the fact that they used to know eachother and pester Marvel about it to hear his tragic backstory.

Damn that’s awesome! i guess it would happen when Billy asks about Mary, Wonder Woman would want to know how he knows about an ancient warrior and would question how he that would be her sister if he’s alive now and she’s not. i can definitely bet everyone will be listening in and he’d be forced to tell her and the league that when Black Adam rampaged, he was cursed into suspended animation and Mary thought he was dead so never went to look for him. than it was only when the wizard was dying he was freed and instructed to become Captain Marvel.

it’d be fun to say if he wasn’t captain Marvel yet than the league would find his body somewhere since it’s practically radiating magic.



this was a thing to which i just suddenly had this morning, and just couldn’t really put into words and just sketched it.

Mary, Freddy, and Billy born in Kahndaq around the time Teth-Adam got his powers. Then council of Wizards found Billy, they decided to have another champion since its too much of a burden alone, they let him share it with his sister and friend since they know they’ll use it with good intentions as long as Billy’s there to guide them. (and lets be honest Billy is their voice of reason sometimes when things get too tough) 

and i’m TOTALLY adding that they met Dinah and played with her when she was a little girl. 

Im not too familiar with the history of Black Adam but i hope i’m right here 

They worked well with Teth-Adam and although they protested to him taking over Kahndaq as long as it was good for the people it was fine. But the relationship strained between the family and Adam when his family died and he started to become more brutal and used his powers for evil. 

It crossed the line when he released the Sins. The Marvel family and Black Adam fight, Black Adam has the advantage since he’s more experienced and older. They turn back into kids, and instead of killing them (since they were well, kids i think Black Adam had better morals before the whole banishment thing) he cursed them into stone. 

The Councils of Wizards gets involved and Shazam is the only one left and manages to banish him. 

Shazam is distraught about his other champion but couldn’t do much about the curse since it was too powerful at the time. He decided that the curse would wither into nothing by the time Black Adam would come back and Earth didn’t need much help and things already calmed down after the whole war with gods. So he left to guard the Rock of Eternity. 

Fast forward and Shazam notices all the things that are happening on Earth. Especially the leagues that formed (Justice Society in the past and Justice league). He decides that the Marvel Family should return, he somehow leads the league to underground tomb/shrine and uncover the three kids.

On the walls there are drawings of the Champion of Magic and his family. Its the history of when they came about, what they did, and how they came them hope. They also wrote about their last battle with Black Adam. (thing is they didn’t know much about the Champion of Magic or knew that the The Council of Wizards existed, they thought that Black Adam and Marvel Family were powerful magicians 

Wonder Woman faintly remembers them and mentions it out loud. 

Batman notices the 3 kids and how unlikely thats its a sculpture since its too realistic.

Martian Manhunter notes that they are alive, their minds are active still even if their in a magical curse/coma. 

The League  bring in some magicians from Justice League Dark, like John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara. Who immediately recognize Billy as the Champion of Magic and spit out the known history. Wonder Woman fills in the blanks of what she remembers reading in Themyscira and hearing from her father (i bet she had a brief obsession after she learned they disappeared) , like the Council of Wizards, Champion of Magic, and the blessings.

John and Zatanna break their curse and hide them in the league while they wait for them to wake up. During this magical coma the Marvel Family, the Wizard gets them up to speed on whats going on and gives them new names to blend into modern society. They also meet their pantheon and Solomon blasts them knowledge of what occurred during their 5000 years being stone.  hey wake up and etc. They are hesitant to let them into the league since they’re kids even though they proved themselves worthy with their powered up forms. Mary and Freddy volunteer to be reserved members and stay within Fawcett since its the closest entrance to the Rock of Eternity and Billy is weaker when they’re powered up.

Thats all i have for now lmao 


@mustardsticks Omg I had a pretty similar Billy Batson story idea a while back!

Ok so I thought what if Billy and Black Adam were born around the same time and Teth-Adam would sort of mentor him. Maybe he'd see that Billy had some innate magic or he'd see in him whatever wizard Shazam did to make him choose Billy as his champion in canon(s). Billy would probably have a lot of hero worship because he's seen Teth-Adam help his community or city or maybe even people he himself knew specifically. Adam would still be Shazam's corrupted champion so Billy would probably be stoked about learning magic at first but then become wary or even scared of Adam as he begins using more violent, evil methods. I see Billy eventually standing up to Adam as that escalates. Adam would have that whole 'well, if u aren't with me you're my enemy' mindset so it would turn into a fight. Billy wouldn't stand a chance because Adam is at this point the champion of Shazam, while he himself is 12. Black Adam would hesitate to kill Billy because he had developed some affection for him so he'd simply.. seal him off so he wouldn't have to deal with him. Essentially killing him without actually having to kill him.

I was thinking freezing him in eternal ice with some spell/curse (u know, Captain America style) but I actually like your stone idea a lot better (because @mustardsticks your art just sells it man 👌). It ties in with the asthetic of the stone statues of the seven deadly sins in the Rock of Eternity. Ancient relics collecting dust but able to reawaken.

Maybe this is the final push the Council of Wizards needed to see that their chosen champion had crossed the point of no return and no negotiation, so Shazam banishes Back Adam.

Millenniums later when Shazam is dying, he's desperate. He doesn't want to leave the Rock of Eternity and the whole of magic unguarded, especially when there's a threat that Black Adam might return. Having found no suitable candidates out in the world, he remembers the last person he saw standing up to Black Adam. With the last of his magic he passes the powers of the gods onto Billy, effectively awakening him.

The whole reason I was thinking of this premise to begin with was because of how fun imagining a Billy born in ancient Egypt adapting to modern times is.

*He would have no roots or connections whatsoever so he imprints on the first location he arrives in after leaving the Rock of Eternity: Fawcett City!

*I have a scene stuck in my head where he first walks through a portal and tries to orientate himself, then gets scared shitless by how much has changed. He considers that maybe he ended up on another planet or a freaky alternate reality but he feel the earthly magic beneath his feet, the same as it has always been. Then I imagine him walking around in awe of the tall buildings and getting spooked by passing cars. Then, he sees one of those bus stop advertisment boards glow in the evening and steps up to see what kind of magic the future uses. Is it an illusion, a glow charm? When he tries to analyse it with his own magic it ends up blue screening or sparking up because magic and technology don't mix.

*It'll be even more frustrating for him to be treated as a kid, because while he was viewed as young in ancient Egypt he was also viewed as self sufficient and expected to take care of himself and work. Now all these adults are in front of him trying to tell him he's waayyy too young to work (and where are your parents, young man? Why would you need a job to begin with? Everything okay at home?) It would be a massive culture shift for him to be expected to rely on adults when he was expected to act like one from a very young age.

*He'll meet his siblings while living on the street. The gang teach him modern culture and norms (and a lot of pop culture references that Freddy insists on being essential to know). They probably pester him about going to school with them (getting him tangled up with social workers in the process). It takes Billy a little while to tell them his story because it's so incredius that he can hardly believe it himself, how could they? Plus they don't know anything about magic. Not that it matters much in a world where superheroes exist. So, before Billy fesses up the others have plenty of theories on where he came from. They range from him being a refugee from some war-torn place to him being a kidnapping victim who lived his whole life in a basement (because who doesn't know who Superman and Wonder Woman are? They're on the news every week! And what's your issue with cars, man? U realise the drivers would get into more trouble than you if you were to get hit, right? ).

*Billy would probably appreciate the magic community to pieces. While it's smaller than it was in his time, it's still quietly booming and doing it's own thing behind the scenes. Having no need for technology and following old traditions (or at the very least out dated fashion). Billy would feel comfortable being this ancient relic of the past being surrounded by other ancient beings or people who were so accustomed to weirdness they wouldn't even blink.

*The modern world is a lot louder then it was, so Billy would get overwhelmed often. He takes a couple of times a week where he just goes to the Rock of Eternity to calm down and listen to nothing.

*And oooo do I have ideas for Mary. She could still be his twin sister, one he will never see again because of Black Adam. Maybe Billy will at some point find out from his connection to the past champions or Shazam's ghost or the magical community that Shazam chose Mary to be his champion at some point in the past. The stories, legends and heroic deeds of Mary Marvel are sprinkled around the ancient world. Whenever Billy happens to stumble upon them he gets super emotional. Maybe she even wrote some highly regarded magical texts in her elderly-wisdom-years that Billy keeps rereading. Maybe Billy can feel her presence through his connection to the past champions. (A fun side can be that Diana probably grew up hearing stories of the heroine and mystical warrior Mary Marvel, the champion of magic itself, and idealised her in her youth. She probably dug up all the stories and legends she could get her hands on, probably even asked her father. She'd probably be floored that later on her teammate knew Mary Marvel personally. Captain Marvel and her bond when he asks Diana to tell him any story she knows, promising he'll do the same in return.)

*Once he joins the Justice League he can play up the whole ancient wizard bit of his story whenever he's teammates get suspicious of why he acts so childish. I haven't decided if he spills the fact that he was suspended in time for majority of it or not.

*When Black Adam returns it's going to be a very emotional fight (why did you do this to me! You separated me from everything I knew, everything I loved- ). If any of the League members are around this can shift their perspective of him since he's always so cheerful and carefree. They could never have guessed that he was harbouring so much pain from something he passed off as no big deal to them. Plus I imagine they'd get hung up on the fact that they used to know eachother and pester Marvel about it to hear his tragic backstory.

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