
@lunarlivs / lunarlivs.tumblr.com

liv, 21
werewolf and co devotee
scarhead(s) enthusiast

hi this is my blog for atla things bc i don’t wanna mix them and marauders up bc that’s not what you follow me for but feel free to jump here if you also enjoy atla (and me lol) 🤍 i’ll be posting some art in a few days :P


THIS ME!!! i made a new sideblog (staying mainly on this one but just dumping some art there) (didn’t wanna bother people who don’t care about the bald kid and his friends and enemies)


My wife (ao3) went to war (down for maintenance) I don't know how long she will be gone (10 hours she's gone for 10 hours) but alas I shall continue to live with our children (downloaded fics) that she told me to take care of during her leave. I already fear the worst in her absence, what if this is like the last time she left us? (the great ao3 shutdown) where che came back battered and bruised and shot? (the DDOS attacks) I know she is strong and many accompany her to battle but I already am lonely without her beside me. Please come back, my lover.


anddd, here’s my second piece for @marauderswithpalestineproject 🇵🇸!

prompt 357 for an anonymous donator who asked for fem/genderbent jegulus, can be whatever the creator decides it to be:

thank you so much to everyone who donated and the mods of the project for doing such important work!



hello lovelies, here’s my first art for @marauderswithpalestineproject 🇵🇸!

my prompt was prompt 119 for @blossoms-and-possums asking for james x regulus, something fun and silly and a little awkward (?). i really don’t mind. i cannot think of a prompt to save my life. u have free reign! xx

they’ve just started dating and they’re so overly cutesy cute it’s insane really (also little barty in the corner)

thank you so much to @blossoms-and-possums for donating, hope you like this!



[image ID 1: tweet from user medlsuzdalpanic:

katara's wretched ableism (making fun of toph for being unable to see the stars) vs azula's admirable inclusivity (including toph in the conversation by tell her when she's rolling her eyes)

/end ID]

[image ID 2: tumblr tags from user sherybirkin:

#azula a real hater cuz she'd make sure text to speech works before saying she fucked your mom

/end ID]

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