
🍂My least favourite vegetable🍂

@letsatomicbanana / letsatomicbanana.tumblr.com

🍂Ana Banana ... he/they- 17 yrs old- Autistic- disabled 🍂 ..currently chasing down dead ends.. /#1 women enjoyer/ 🇧🇷🏳️‍⚧️ #my-art tag for art (in which rarely happens)
Just a hands up for this blog!

- Edit: It has occurred to me that i never formally introduced myself. So hello! I'm Ana.

I'm 5'6'' (five foot six), my birthday is December 19th (so i'm sagittarius). ENTP, Slytherin, autistic and Brazillian. All the good stuff!

- My profile is mainly focused in fiddle-faddles and rambles about funny skeleton guys, art is only found sometimes.

edit: - I'm not a proshipper, nor supports it! Felt the need to say this. I'm only against harrassement of real people over fictional content.


Hello Comyet! First, let me say how I ABSOLUTELY adore Ink!Sans :) Anyways, I realized something interesting: so for Original (OG) Sans, we understand that his situation is one of futility: no matter what he does, he cannot stop the timeline from resetting or really making a difference in events. It's interesting how that is reflected with Ink too (via TopHat Gaster comic) how no matter what he does, or what occurs, he must comply with the way of the universe. Seems like a fate for all AU Sans.


Haha lol TopHat Gaster is Undertop!Gaster from this lovely blog @under-top (really cool circus AU blog, check it out!!)

Yeah, he gives up a lot for us, but in a way, all Sanses do. It’s not only that he can’t stop it, he doesn’t want to. It’s not in his right to edit the code, and nor is it Gaster’s. Those are his morals, at least, if he was even more open minded maybe he would see forced changes as good things, but he thinks about artists first.

People often think Ink is allowed to do everything, truth is, far from it. And even less a perfect character he’s probably one of my most flawed creations??

(thing is i cant tell you much for now, wouldnt want to spoil

And aww gosh thank you so much!!

Anonymous asked:

I also noticed that double standarts exists too?? When It's another character displaying autistic symptoms, they're 'just silly' 'just a guy!' but when it's Ink, he's suddently the worst?? Lmaoooo why does this keep happening

There was a person who had (or has, i don't follow them anymore) who headcanon Cross as autistic, which is a very rare headcanon and a neat one! headcanons are cool!! but for some reason they also portaryed Ink in a bad light for having the same symptoms?? The Double standarts????

EXACTLY HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! YOU GET IT ITS DISGUSTING AND AWFUL. you either respect all autistics for their symptoms or you respect none of them. fuckkkkk me this is such a shit fandom sometimes

people like autism until it has any symptom or trait, any at all, that can be perceived as negative and not a quirk or silly or whatever the fuck. a meltdown, a genuine fucking meltdown would get so much hate, but cute stimming gets infantilization and silly-ization or whatever. autism isn’t silly cute it’s a disability and it’s not going to be easily digestible as a cute thing for neurotypicals all the time. god dammit

ink shows neurodivergency in a good way because he’s a bit of a dick unintentionally, and he’s a flawed character and a normal person. god DAMMIT. ink is a bit mean to people at times without meaning to, he’s sporadic and can forget important things even if it hurts others because he doesn’t mean to, he struggles with empathy and connection with others and his morals are grey but they make sense given how he views the world. but people don’t like that.

people like autism when it’s fun. when it’s digestible and easy. when the autistic person is a bit dumb and easily excitable about certain things and maybe picky about food and misses cues. they do not care about the struggles, or anything that isn’t cutesy enough for them. and this fandom shows where they stand very fucking well when it comes to how they treat ink.

anyway i love autistic ink, i love autistic cross, i love autistic error, I love autistic papyrus and classic and swap and stretch (or whatever we call him now), I love autistic dream and autistic nightmare, I love autistic dust and horror and killer, I love autistic sci and geno and fell and everyone. i fucking love autistic characters when theyre treated like normal fucking human beings!!!!


Reblogging my own post 10 seconds after posting it because i think it’s important and I hate ableists RAHHHH!!!!!!


this fandom has shown time and time again how it views autistic people and its genuinely exhausting. from villainization of autistic traits when theyre not cute or digestible enough to infantilization of characters with autistic traits to the point where they completely lose who they are in the "cutesy uwu baby" narrative the fandom has spun for them... its genuinely just gross and one of the things i hate the most abt this fandom. if they were left in a room with an actual autistic person for like 10 minutes theyd die. if they were left in a room with me specifically theyd die sooner. seriously, fuck the double standards, fuck the villainization, fuck the infantilization, fuck the ableism this fandom shows so fucking often. all of these characters are neurodivergent and theyre still just people who have their own interests and desires and lives and theyre more than whatever traits you wanna water them down to ooh does that scare you? does the concept of neurodivergent people as people scare you??? damn

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