I know I been bad, but it's cruel to jerk me around like this...

@lesvegas / lesvegas.tumblr.com

๐Ÿค Benny Gecko is a he/him transmasculine butch dyke. The only real Fallout media is Fallout (1997) and Fallout: New Vegas (2010). Follow for more correct opinions and don't forget to check that pinned post ๐Ÿค

โค๏ธ Alex or Ace | 27 | White Canadian ๐Ÿงก He/They | On T since 31/03/2023 ๐Ÿ’› Fallout blog but also kind of a second main, bit of everything here ๐Ÿ’š Very opinionated; Fo1 and F:NV are the only real Fallout games media to me. Typical Bethesda hater. ๐Ÿ’™ Patron saint of experiencing bad and edgy media/mods so you don't have to <3 Stream blog is @/acequs btw ๐Ÿ’œ Icon by @/leona-florianova | Header + pinned gifs source ๐Ÿ–ค Typical DNI, I report bigots when I see them. I'm a he/they trans ace dyke, if you hate any good faith identity then I hate you <3

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I literally had my pussy sewn shut I deserve k cup tits as compensation

right forgot most of my followers wouldnโ€™t know this so

TW for medical trauma and child abuse

when an intersex baby is born and they have whatโ€™s called โ€œambiguous genitaliaโ€ aka they have an intersex condition which causes them to develop a mix of traits from both male and female genitals, doctors will just pick which one itโ€™s closest to and without consent from the parents and obviously without consent from this living human person that just got born, perform a permanently scarring cosmetic surgery to force the babyโ€™s genitals to align with societies perspective of either male or female genitals. these surgeries cause lifetime medical issues and sexual dysfunction and are only performed because our medical understanding of intersex people was written by a bunch of bigoted genicidal monsters. And yes itโ€™s genocide they are removing our ability to conceive children in almost all cases of these surgeries, on top of generally erasing us from public view by hiding our own existence from everyone Including us from birth. these surgeries arenโ€™t well known about because parents literally arenโ€™t told (my mom only managed to figure it out cuz she overheard the doctor talking to a nurse about it when she came down off her painkillers) and scientific literature on it is not only hard to read it sounds like fucking nazi shit so obviously most medical establishments donโ€™t want it in public view. I had one of these surgeries performed on me, I literally donโ€™t even know exactly what it was cuz itโ€™s not on my medical records anymore but I have the scarring and still have uterine tissue so in compensation for our current human society systematically mutilating my body and genociding people like me I think I deserve some banger bazhoingas i think thatโ€™s fair

I hope you donโ€™t mind me adding this @werewo1fbutch I wanted to offer resources in my original post but Iโ€™m still looking for my own so this is really appreciated


But Wait, There's More! everything i'm about to say is secondhand experience from an intersex friend i have known for years, who i will not be identifying for safety reasons. not only can they just completely remove it from your medical record, many hospitals are in practice of straight-up lying to the parents to excuse why they're taking the baby in for surgery. an extremely common excuse is saying the baby has a heart condition. if you or a loved one were taken into surgery for a heart condition at birth and the parents had no idea anything was wrong until said birth, i HIGHLY recommend inspecting your genitals for scarring and speaking with a gynecologist or urologist(depending on which you usually rely on) if something seems fishy. they can also mark you as the wrong sex on your birth certificate because of this, which can barr you from treatment you are legally entitled to! worse than that, getting that corrected is extremely difficult. even if the doctor who edited your birth was LITERALLY THROWN OUT FOR MEDICAL MALPRACTICE, the hospital - and state - will continue to refuse acknowledgement of the mistake and no correction will be made. this is a very notable issue in the UK, especially if you were wrongfully marked Male. another thing people are often unaware of is the rampant issue of medical CSA that occurs if an intersex child is decided Female. There's a medical procedure called Dilation where a hole is carefully stretched wider over a period of time for various reasons; on its own, this is not a bad thing, and can be necessary for several reasons. however, many "female" intersex children are put through Vaginal Dillation at a disturbingly young age. the idea is that because their vaginas are shallow or more closed off, it's better to stretch them for a few years so that they'll be able to have sex properly when they get married. the thing is, there is no wrong time to start dilation. if you start at 18, there is no drawback; in many cases it would actually be safer, and it only takes between 1 to 3 years to reach a desirable state, depending on the person. and yet, this is often done to children FAR below the age of consent, explicitly with the future marriage reasoning in mind. this is sometimes started at infancy. let's really think about that. a young girl who is too young to consent and may not get any say in the matter is taken to a doctor over and over again to have her vagina stretched out because it is expected that when she's older she'll marry a man and have sex with him. there is no non-creepy way to put that. there is no way to explain this that is not BLATANTLY sexual assault on a fucking child. and the worst part is, this is not legally recognized as SA or abuse in the majority of juristictions. and ALL of this should be given the extra consideration that a large chunk of intersex children begin to identify differently than they were assigned at birth, often BEFORE hitting puberty. intersex people make up roughly 2% of the world population by modern count. that's twice as many intersex people in the world as there are redheads.

i know this is long, and i'm not going to guilt anyone into reblogging; you're not a bad person for keeping upsetting stuff off of your dash. but if you're able, i do gently request that you reblog this. it's important that more people know this is happening. stay safe all, and i wish every intersex person loads of moneys and whatever body they wish for.

โ€œhowever, many "female" intersex children are put through Vaginal Dillation at a disturbingly young age.โ€

As someone who has done this voluntarily as an adult:

what the hell


people should absolutely not be pressured to do this, especially as kids.

tell them itโ€™s an option if vaginal penetration is a thing they want when theyโ€™re ready to decide about it!

but donโ€™t justโ€ฆ

ktljtjrbthrv I donโ€™t even

[ID: two screenshots of tags

1: #im sorry why??? #people do weird shit to people #i hope this was consentual #if it wasnt i will rip someone's kneecaps and make them eat dinner using them as plates

2: #im reading histories of the transgender child by julian gill-peterson and god so much of it is dedicated to the ways in which intersex #children were and are treated as both "living labratories" and something to be eradicated #because they threaten the sex and gender binary #its so fucking fucked up i definitely suggest to anyone who feels comfy reading something a little #academic in its language should read gill-peterson #intersex people you are so beautiful and beloved you deserve so much better

/End ID]

RYAN (HEAD-BUTT), 1999 โ€œThatโ€™s not my blood. I was making out with my main squeeze on a stoop in the East Village and some macho jock dickhead walked by and called us fags. I donโ€™t think he expected me to get up in his face. We scrapped a bit and then I head-butted him and could feel his nose break on my forehead. We ran for blocks, laughing at the top of our lungs, and then jumped into bed, where my boyfriend took this picture of me.โ€

Thatโ€™s one goddamn beautiful picture.


I left a review for a new (at the time) Indian restaurant in my area on Google like 5 years ago that somehow got over 10k views, left another one for a newish (at the time) coffee shop a year later that somehow got over 2k views, and now every week or so Google asks me how was the mall/grocery store/pharmacy/restaurant/dentist/etc I was just at every time I go out with a "You're in the top 10% of reviewers for shopping" pop-up... like how dire is Google fucking Reviews that they want me to leave a review so so badly for everywhere I go. I've probably made like 10-15 reviews total in my lifetime



  1. You will be lost in either location for 24 hours, and constantly searching for the exit, with only short breaks permitted
  2. You will not be able to find the exit until 24 hours have passed, and cannot use any emergency exits or windows to escape
  3. There are no other people in either location, but amenities are still present (bathrooms, restaurants/kitchens/stores, etc)
  4. Both the Ikea and airport are roughly the same size and represent the typical large city-based Ikea or airport
  5. You cannot die or sleep for more than an hour at a time, and you can only sleep for a total of 6 hours in either location

So far most people who voted for Ikea clearly haven't read the rules because they assume they can rest on the furniture to pass the time.

You cannot pass the time.

Guys you're not "hanging out" in either location you are constantly lost and searching for an exit with only short breaks for mandatory rest and food to keep you from collapsing this isn't a fun little daytrip


eveeyones got it wrong your mid 20s arent for going to the club or partying or picking up new crafts. your 20s are for discovering how much more autistic you are than you thought you were in high school

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