
wah wah wah

@krambee / krambee.tumblr.com

evie has the same birthday as knuckles - they/surprise - I live here and draw @paintevie

There are 12 classes in D&D 5e and 12 zodiac

Someone who’s good at astrology help me with this

Aries: Barbarian Taurus: Monk Gemini: Druid Cancer: Rogue Leo: Fighter Virgo: Bard Libra: Paladin Scorpio: Sorcerer Sagittarius: Ranger Capricorn: Warlock Aquarius: Cleric Pisces: Wizard


Listen guys I think were all skimming over the fact that the hunger consumed a plane full of giant floating limbs that the IPRE crew might have visited at some point and that’s a whole world of possibilities.

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