
Jenna Gray's Art


🩷💜💙 fins and wings and mice at the moment

Today is the opening of the

#MerMay art gallery showing at Gallery Nucleus (all online now)!

As part of the celebration, a group of #mermay2020 artists spontaneously created a #MerMayArtJam piece that @gallerynucleus has now decided to make into a high quality print and sell it starting SUNDAY May 17th by of which the proceeds will be donated to a local charity, Backlight Productions (@backlightproductions) in Franklin, TN.

Go to GalleryNucleus.com to purchase the print! Don’t wait until June- the print will only be available until May 31st at midnight, PST !

The contributing artists are:

· Pernille Orum @pernilleoerum

· Whitney Pollet @whitneypollett

· Jenna Gray @jengrayart

· Genevieve Tsai @genevievetsai

· Neysa Bove @neysabove

· Aki Amber Huang @amber_aki_huang

· Brigitte Roka @brigitteroka

· Tom Bancroft @tombancroft1

2) AND- you and your #MerMay artist friends can join in on the fun and do your own #MerMayArtJam ! Use the blank background by @whitneypollett and put your own mermaids in there- use the hashtags #mermayartjam and #mermay2020 so we can all see them!

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