
Jara Draws

@jaradraws / jaradraws.tumblr.com

Illustrator/graphic designer. pfp by Baobeiyumei

✏ Mod Spotlight: Jr. Graphics Mod Jara

Next, we'd like to introduce our Junior Graphics Mod and page artist @jaradraws! Jara will be creating upcoming graphics for the zine, as well as contributing a piece for the zine itself!

Illustrator, graphic designer and games enjoyer. Fulltime old man liker. Previously the head of graphics for Regalia for the Wretched, an eldritch fashion zine.

👻 Twitter: @jaradraws 🖌️ Instagram: @jaradraws


hi! you can answer this on private if youd like, but last night i used one of your art pieces to practice coloring with colored pencils, the one of harrow raising skeletons. i was wondering if it would be alright to post as long as i credited you and linked back to the original of course. if not i completely understand, have great day


hiya! i appreciate you taking the time to ask; please feel free ^^ (btw ur art is banger, esp ur hatching and gestures!!)


in reference to ur latest art, have you ever read Tales From the Loop/Things From the Flood by Simon Stålenhag?

seems like something you would get a kick out of :)


admittedly, no, but you Did nail the head on one of the catalysts of inspiration which was art by stålenhag that floated across my dash


I want to nibble on your drawings of Octane and Caustic (Apex Legends). THEY LOOK SO GOOD AND TASTY AND PERFECT AND I LOVE.


eheheh thenks ^^ i Do still like those guys tbh (against my better judgement)

here's some sketches i did based off the usual team comp between me and my friends

Anonymous asked:

I gotta' say.. I miss seeing how you drew Handsome Jack man. You still have genuinely the best art style I'v seen with him! The style just fits like fine wine.. GAH! So good!

awgh that's real sweet thank yew ;w; i haven't had much energy to draw In General recently but here's a collage of jack sketches i've had lying around


looking for a bit of fun macabre for valentine's day weekend in toronto? i'm vending at little ghosts books (930 dundas st. W) with my art as lil prints, stickers and zines! i'll be there on Sat Feb 10th, 12-4pm so come get some 👻💘

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