
currently listening to: käärijä whimpering audio~♡


Cass ▪︎ 27 ▪︎ she/they ▪︎ Dutch ▪︎ got that 3xJ obsession wombo combo (Jere - Joker Out - Joost Klein) ▪︎ side blog to @ninjani ▪︎

heya!! I'm Cass and i scream about eurovision men every day

i tend to ramble a LOT in the tags of posts i reblog so please enjoy my incoherent stream of consciousness thoughts i do not know whats going to come out of my hands before i start typing the words just appear and im just as along for the ride as you are :)

sometimes I do art which you can find under #my art

original posts are under #mine*

this blog is a sideblog to my main art blog @ninjani, all likes and asks come from there!!!

and for my general shitpost+ghost blog follow @petvles

whose girlie is cass today?

a little scientific research into whose girlie i am disclaimer: i am always a jere girlie first and foremost 💚 so when I'm not feeling anyone it will always be a jere day

Jere 💚 Bojan ❤️Jure 💛 Kris 🩷Jan 🧡 Nace 💜 Joost 💙

April 2024:







Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens except you can hear it inexplicably playing - by a whole orchestra no less - while lost in the forest at night. You have a gut feeling that you shouldn’t, but following the music seems like your best bet at no longer being lost. Nevermind that you keep hearing footsteps around you that aren’t yours - there’s no one there, no matter how many times you check. 


Congrats on finishing your thesis 💗 What I´ve seen of it is just fantastic and you can be so proud of that! 🥰

Also please never do something so strenuous like that ever again, your poor body and brain!


i really




REALLY don't want to do crunch like this EVER again my body my wrist and my brain they're all EXHAUSTED and I'm so so glad I'll be graduating in two weeks and be done with this I cannot wait to finally get a job and have nothing to worry about or work on when I get home bc graduating school is all fine but we're not supposed to be working for 10+ hours a day it's just not feasible 😭

thank you so much for your support lintu you're such a sweetheart and it really, truly means the world 💚


thank you for tagging me @follivora and probably someone else as well im so sorry

1. do you make your own bed?

i try to

2. favorite number?


3. what’s your job?

kinda a low (junior???) manager of one team for analytical and marketing company, it’s called curation and it has to do with various brands from estée lauder, mac, clinique or bershka and all that

4. if you could go back to school, would you?

pls i haven’t graduated yet, i just want my masters and leave

5. can you parallel park?

i don’t have a drivers license im too gay for that

6. do you think aliens are real?

100% but they don’t need water, air etc, just because the planet isn’t “livable” for us doesn’t mean no life can’t be there

7. can you drive a manual car?

no drivers license :((

8. guilty pleasure?

watching some reality tv, i hate most of it so i only like the kardashians because they piss me off, too hot to handle and czech versions of survivor and the bachelor

9. tattoos?

probably around 40, getting a new one this summer

10. favorite color?

honestly it changes, most of the time it’s black and pink but rn i’m kinda obsessed with royal blue and glass green

11. favorite type of music?

i used to only listen to older music from 80s and 90s, punk rock, synth and all that but nowadays not really, i listen to whatever i like (i always hated rap and look what i’m doing for a finnish rapper)

12. do you like puzzles?

yeah, i used to do them with my grandma when i was a kid a lot

13. favorite childhood sport?

swimming and floorball, now i love ice hockey

14. do you talk to yourself?

a lot, usually in a second person and have arguments with myself

15. tea or coffee?

coffee, tea usually only during winter or when i’m sick

16. first thing you wanted to be when you were growing up?

actress, kinda wish i was that rn too

17. what movies do you adore?

oh i love so many, but my all time favorite movie is trainspotting and czech movie pelíšky, but it depends on the mood i have, for some relaxation i love the usual 2000’s movies like mamma mia, mean girls, bridget jones diary, 10 reasons why i hate you, the devil wears prada or twilight lmao

thank you so much! y’all have probably been tagged but i would feel bad not tagging you so @blatantlyhidden @khihi @king-krisu @j-restlessgeek @yhtvialla @mournmourn @morbid-things @c28hunter @seconddoubt @lintubintu @splendiferous-bitch <33

Awwwwww thank you for tagging me(ow) 😸😻😻💛💛

1. do you make your bed?

Sometimes not always, i usually just cover my cat plushie with the blanket after placing him on the pillow so that only his head peaks out.

2. favourite number

Oh 7 but with a line across the middle, the line is very important or else its just a straight one. And one (1) is rather meh.

3. whats your job?

Medical assistant in cardiology with laboratory work on the side. :3

4. if you could go back to school, would you?

Yes and I will this fall, to learn for the job I really want. Its a laboratory school and i am going for the biology branch. And I am so excited because it has all I want, medical work, strict plans and rules and not too much human interaction. And this job feels like something I would be willing to do until I die which is nice.

5. can you parallel park?

Maybe? Its been years since I last drove a car.

6. do you think aliens are real?

100%, the universe is so big and grows daily. To think we are the only spot with life in the entire universe sounds wrong to me. And not all life even on earth requires oxygen, to some oxygen is even deadly. We probably won't find human equal life just yet but also compared to the universe earth itself is in its baby state.

7. can you drive a manual car?

If needed for sure, but i usually don't.

8. guilty pleasure?

Hmmmm i don't really do that, i think. I usually don't feel guilty doing things for myself. But oh sometimes after a good day I stroll to that sushi place in town and get myself some. They are california style rolls (rice on the outside) with fried shrimp and oh boy those are good, almost too spicy for me, they scratch that edge. And are so delicious 😋😋😋.

9. tattoos?

Three in total (a quarter sleeve full of eyes on my right arm, a satanic pope on my right calf and a demonic cat with wings and horns on my left ankle) and getting another in july :3.

10. favourite colour?

Pink, i love a good hot pink. They look so fun and vibrant. My absolute go to colour. But i also love a nice light blue.

11. favourite type of music?

Hard Rock, Metal and Pop. I love Ghost and ICE NINE KILLS, Ghost has a very very special place in my heart. I also love music from 2000-2010. And whatever I like and sounds good.

12. do you like puzzles?

Yes, i loooooove puzzles. But i don't like doing puzzles with another person because i categorise where I put each piece and have my order from shapes/colours/leftovers. I like to be busy for a few hours. I love puzzles with funky designs and cats the most.

13. favourite childhood sport?

Hands down field hockey, like i get to run after a ball and whack it with a stick, oh yeah i absolutely loved it.

14. do you talk to yourself?

Yes, all the time. Its comforting.

15. tea or coffee?

Neither, but i am gonna pick tea over coffee, i don't like both tastes but coffee is worse. What I really love is a hot chocolate. Could be 40 degrees and I am enjoying one or two.

16. first thing you wanted to be when you were growing up?

Oh astronaut, be close to the stars and study them. I was obsessed with space as a child.

17. what movies do you adore?

My absolute favourite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas, i watch this movie on a yearly basis and whenever I feel down and need to recharge, i looooooove clay stop motion movies. But also 2d animation movies, and disney movies like atlantis and treasure planet.

Awwwww this was fun, so tagging next without pressure: @rockingpeeble @smimon @figmentrinzler @thegengarprincess @invece-sto-sdraiato @mitamicah @funzige-gedachten @jaarijani and everyone else that wants to join is welcome to do so, have fun and a nice day 💛💛💛💛💛


thanks for the tag Jay!!! <3

1. do you make your own bed?

not very often but I try to yeah

2. favorite number?

probably 13

3. what’s your job?

I don't have a job rn because I cannot work while doing school because of my ✨neurodivergent brain✨ but I'm working on making more Jo/kä/joost fanart and want to set up an etsy/redbubble in the summer

4. if you could go back to school, would you?

I'm graduating in two weeks LET ME LEAVE

5. can you parallel park?

yes, though I haven't in a while I still know the trick for it

6. do you think aliens are real?

absolutely. our universe is vast and infinite and when we look out at the stars we are only seeing what's there millions of years in the past. We have no idea what's out there right this second and to believe there is nothing but us is so so egocentric. Also we as humans only think of life as carbon-based because we've never seen anything else, but that's just our planet. Also also bacteria and single cell organisms are ALSO life and those are definitely out there

7. can you drive a manual car?

I'm European, of course I can.

8. guilty pleasure?

oh boy, outing myself here but I'm currently obsessed with watching five nights at freddy's lore videos, those essays really helped me through my thesis hdbdjdhd

9. tattoos?

I have three currently! garfield on my ankle, the constellation of scorpio (my sun sign) on my wrist and a little heart on my hip. I'm getting another one in July 😁

10. favorite color?

Green, no doubt 💚 all shades of green are good but recently I've also grown fond of warm pinks and yellows

11. favorite type of music?

I like rock and alternative indie music, spotify tells me my favorite genre is POV: indie, whatever the fuck that means. I also really like synthesizer music and I've grown fond of edm and techno, lately I'm into anything with a fun beat, rhythm or melody, something I can dance or sing along to. I just love anything that makes my brain go ‼️ which is why I latched onto Jere and Joost I think :) ALSO just like prev (Jay <3 beloved <3) I love the band Ghost god I can't wait to see them again <3

12. do you like puzzles?

yeah!! I make them with my mom sometimes but I haven't in a while, I also like things like sudokus, nonograms, binary puzzles and stuff, it's nice to engage the brain 🥰

13. favorite childhood sport?

god I was never into sport at all and was bullied a lot for it, I think the least bad one was dodgeball because I am small and quick. I did ballet for almost 15 years though, I loved that so so much more

14. do you talk to yourself?

all the time, I also talk back to videos and go on whole ass rants about my thoughts about them

15. tea or coffee?

tea, in particular earl grey, jasmin and licorice, but I've grown fond of making ice coffee lately, it helps me focus

16. first thing you wanted to be when you were growing up?

first one I remember was animal caretaker in a zoo :)

17. what movies do you adore?

I'm not a big movie person but I REALLY love animation <3 i love the current wave of 3d animated movies that take a lot of inspiration from 2d animation principles like the garfield movie, nimona, mitchells vs the machines, across the spiderverse and puss in boots but the old disney renaissance era (and later) 2d animation movies still hold such a special place in my heart like the lion king, hunchback of notre dame, beauty and the beast, and from the same time movies like quest for camelot and prince of egypt OH!! and the miyazaki movies as well!! spirited away, howls moving castle, ponyo, beautiful examples of animation god I could talk about animation for hours I love it so so much

this got so long oh my goodness um okay i have no idea who's already been tagged in this one so sorry if you've already done it hehehehedh <3 im tagging @ere-na @the-converse-high-top @glossykris @crazy-minded-girl @leparasite @esskuesli


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