
There was a carpet hidden beneath my bed

@inthecarpets / inthecarpets.tumblr.com

They/them| b-day: 19.09 | i tag things but also forget to tag things | I do write IDs sometimes but this blog is not accessible as a whole | pfp by Me!💜 | my artblog: @HiddenCarpet |

I Think that everyone should reblog some art they aren't necessarily interested in sometimes, aswell as art they are interested in. It could help build our art community on Tumblr much better.

Of course it doesn't mean people should feel guilt tripped to reblog things against their will and blog's specifications (theme blogs, art blogs for personal art only, etc.)

I do think however it could be useful if at least we in art community promoted a special day in a month in which people reblogged an artwork/a bunch of artworks from strangers. So even if you felt odd about spamming on your 'personal stuff only - blog' it wouldn't feel That odd on that day. Not everyone would have to participate each time obviously, it'd be just nice to make it a new fun trend :)

We could call it 'art reblog day' or something else, too, so people could also search for it or block it.

It's been proposed we should do it at the end of each month for the art reblog day and i think it's a great idea.

Please help me share this idea around so it becomes reality! :)


Looking for Ontario-based sound effects designer!

NOTE: This post has been edited to clarify we are looking for sound design, not artwork! I apologize for any confusion.

Hello game devs of Tumblr! My name is Dora, and I'm the producer on @insertdisc5's next game, codenamed Project TS. I was their producer on In Stars and Time as well, and I'm real real excited to be ramping up on this with them!

We're currently looking to source a sound effect designer for this title, who must be based in Ontario! This is a paid, contract role. Please note that I cannot yet share more details about this project as it has not been publicly revealed. I would sincerely appreciate it if you would share this post around to help reach a wide audience. Please drop me a line to any publicly available demo reel you might have along with information about your rates and availability.

We will follow up with interested parties at a later date as we review options, and will make a formal post when this role has been filled.

We will also be sourcing other items for this project in the future! You can sign up for the monthly mailing list for more updates if you'd like to stay on top of the game as it develops. https://buttondown.email/insertdisc5


points again. sounds


Remember when Ursula K. Le Guin called JK Rowling a nasty basic bitch back in like, 2004? We should have listened

“This last is the situation, as I see it, between my A Wizard of Earthsea and J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter. I didn’t originate the idea of a school for wizards — if anybody did it was T.H.White, though he did it in single throwaway line and didn’t develop it. I was the first to do that. Years later, Rowling took the idea and developed it along other lines. She didn’t plagiarize. She didn’t copy anything. Her book, in fact, could hardly be more different from mine, in style, spirit, everything. The only thing that rankles me is her apparent reluctance to admit that she ever learned anything from other writers. When ignorant critics praised her wonderful originality in inventing the idea of a wizards’ school, and some of them even seemed to believe that she had invented fantasy, she let them do so. This, I think, was ungenerous, and in the long run unwise.“

i found the specific quote i was thinking of x

Q: Nicholas Lezard has written ‘Rowling can type, but Le Guin can write.’ What do you make of this comment in the light of the phenomenal success of the Potter books? I’d like to hear your opinion of JK Rowling’s writing style
UKL: I have no great opinion of it. When so many adult critics were carrying on about the “incredible originality” of the first Harry Potter book, I read it to find out what the fuss was about, and remained somewhat puzzled; it seemed a lively kid’s fantasy crossed with a “school novel”, good fare for its age group, but stylistically ordinary, imaginatively derivative, and ethically rather mean-spirited.

damn gurl :’]


btw its actually crazy that plantation tours are a thing that exist in the u.s. and that theyre not all set up like memorials similar to concentration camp museums like how is this marketed as a chill tourist activity or wedding destination and not extremely disturbing and depressing to see. worthless country

There's a short film called What a Beautiful Wedding by @octopunkmedia about a black man who gets invited to a wedding held at a plantation and is the only one who sees all the ghosts.


no one dies from love

guess I'll be the first

Skadi by me Photo by Rod


Here, have a garbage quality MS Paint comic

If any of y'all have done RW modding where you have to put your own hooks into the code, you'll know what I'm talking about lol. Like, who tf names their variables "num1, num2, etc." and "flag"???? And why is the whole EstablishRelationships() thing just a wall of code instead of a for loop?

this reminds me of the texture they used for voidworms. it can be found in the game files and i accidentally discovered this while making my iterator skin mods 😭 it's corn.

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