
long live the resistance

@intersectionalpraxis / intersectionalpraxis.tumblr.com

this is a social commentary page that focuses on highlighting, analyzing, and critically unpacking feminist issues and current events. you can also find me on TikTok: @intersectional.praxis ☀️ ♐•🌘♊•⬆️ ♑ •queer/aroace|vegan|author|31|covid conscious• scottish/irish/persian 🍉✨️nice to meet you all ✨️🍉

an introduction to 'intersectional praxis'

Hey folks! My name is Meaghen, and I have a background in Critical Feminist and Gender Studies (I received my Master's degree back in 2017).

I originally created this blog to share some of the social commentary & criticism content I create and react to on my tiktok account (at intersectional.praxis), which despite being banned because of mass reporting by zionists, it was randomly restored (shockingly) -you can also find me posting on my backup account: intersectional_praxis; but it further evolved here -as I am active here daily discussing current events, posting my own critical reflections on a plethora of issues, and sharing content made by fellow feminist/social justice activists and creators from varying platforms. Some of what I talk about here includes (but is not limited to):

*misogyny, heteronormativity, 'manospehere' content, gendered violence, unequal gendered divisions of labour in the home, weaponized incompetency, xenophobia, western imperialism, late stages of capitalism discourse, systemic sexism/racism/classism/ableism and much more*

My feminist praxis is also always reflexive, inclusive, and anti-oppressive. I am always learning & unlearning myself as well, and I am committed to my own lifelong journey of unpacking and challenging problematic discourses that impact us all.

I would also like to state, that after seeing blatant transphobic and transmisogynistic discourse in some radfem spaces here that I do not align with terf's. I am, resoundingly so, someone who will always be in solidarity with and who supports trans and non-binary folks. Their safety and liberation is something we should ALL be advocating for because at the end of the day it's NEVER an 'us.' vs 'them' issue, it's ALWAYS an 'us' vs the patriarchy/capitalism/white supremacy, and any system and/or structure of oppression.

Since some folks have asked me to add a little bit more about me/my background: I initially started my degree in English Literature back in 2011 and then pursued a combined Honours Bachelor Degree with Women's and Gender Studies because one course was all I needed to take to decide on a double major. I also could have minored in History, but I was a credit short away from adding that to my degree, but I took many courses.
I watch documentaries and social commentary channels as often as I can, I enjoy reading and writing [both fiction and creative fiction] (I am sure this is the most obvious fact about me), I like watching many drama series genres (from romantic comedies to horror/thrillers) and I'm starting to get back into anime again (one of my all time loves is Sailor Moon).
I am happily self-partnered and child free by choice.

I also recently self-published my first poetry collection: through labyrinths and into gardens she goes. Until I am (hopefully) published by an independent press in the near future (that's my dream!), I am using KDP. For those who want to check out/support/purchase my collection, here is the link for the US and for Canada.

Thank you again🌻

Once again, it's nice to meet you all, and feel free to ask me any questions 🌼 this is always a safe space🌻

image caption above reads:

"When we speak we are afraid our words will not be heard or welcomed. But when we are silent, we are still afraid. So it is better to speak." -Audre Lorde

today's vetted campaigns. please please continue to share and donate. i know lots of my posts are like this now, but we can't lose energy. these families need us.

june 18th:

not yet vetted but likely legitimate:

i know link-heavy posts like this can seem like a lot, but if you can pick even just one of these fundraisers to donate to or promote today, it makes a difference


To add, when we talk about Israel's crimes against Palestinians, we must do that with the understanding that Israel views Palestinians as an existential threat. We cannot rationalise that, obviously, but this idea of Palestinians from all ages and walks of life, present a threat to the existence of Israel is a crucial point to consider in our discussions. To know that, to Israel, a Palestinian refugee poses as much threat to its existence as an armed Palestinian resistance fighter, is to understand why the former is denied the right of return under Israeli law. You can understand this further when you look at Israel’s history too, of how, for example, Israel’s military operation Plan Dalet sought to destroy Palestinian villages in 1948 that were "population centers which are difficult to control", all the way to today, when Israel kidnaps and imprisons over 600 children in the span of 8 months alone.


i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself

see this guy gets it


shout out to every disabled person with a rare condition. to people who's condition doesn't have a Wikipedia page. people who have a condition so underresearched there's no developed treatment. someone i knew has a condition which has been recorded in fewer than 100 people worldwide. i don't even want to say the name of it because it's a privacy concern. and it's not limited to like this 1 guy i knew. it can be isolating having to keep quiet about your condition because it's so rare. it's isolating that no disability positivity posts has ever named your condition. or being considered a medical anomaly. it's especially important for the autonomy of these people that disabled people don't have to disclose all/any specific disabilities we have


‘I wish for death’ - Twelve-year-old Alma says. She fled bombing and shelling twice before the third place they sheltered was bombed, She was rescued from the rubble only to find out both her parents and all four of her siblings had been killed. She found her 18-month-old brother in an unimaginable state. Her little brother was beheaded from the rubble after the IOF massacred them.

Source: BBC


"Thailand will become the third place in Asia, after Taiwan and Nepal, to allow same-sex marriage. The marriage equality bill, which grants full legal, financial and medical rights for marriage partners of any gender, sailed through the House of Representatives right before the previous parliamentary session concluded in April with the approval of 400 of the 415 members who were present."

"The bill now needs the pro forma endorsement of King Maha Vajiralongkorn, followed by its publication in the Government Gazette, which will set a date within 120 days when it becomes effective."

"The timing of the Senate's vote on Tuesday, the first day of the current parliamentary session, suggests the urgency in getting the bill passed. The legislation will amend the country's Civil and Commercial Code to replace gender-specific words such as "men and women" with gender-neutral words such as "individual."


18 June 2024

Photographer Ibrahem Abo Gazalih reports via Instagram Stories that while working in the Al-Sahaba market square in Gaza City, a man was shot to death by an IOF quadcopter. He was a civilian trying to provide for his family, shot while seated in a chair at his stall.


Fundraiser by Rawda Harb : Please help Shamaly family SURVIVE Gaza & start a new life!

Hello. Hello, I'm Diya. I am running a donation campaign for my children and family. They are living in very difficult circumstances after we lost our home and our workplace, and the family has no source of income. Do you know what is happening in Gaza and the famine there? 🚨🚨🚨 I want to find a safe place for my children and family. They are now in tents. There is no life, no food, and no drinking water. The tents are like sitting in a hot oven. 🚨🚨 Saado Amal Ali and her family leave Gaza to a place of safety 😭😭🙏🙏🍉🍉🔻🔻🇵🇸🇵🇸

Thank you @arcticthef0x and everyone who got me to 5 reblogs!

I ask you, friends, to spread the donation campaign 🙏🙏🍉🍉


Lovely supporter ,🌹

Thank you for your continuous support for the Palestinian cause until freedom is achieved🇵🇸 🕊♥️. I hope you can help me spread my message to the whole world by reblogging my story🥹🙏🏻♥️.

Best regards and love💚.

Dr. Mohammed Al-Deeb from Gaza-palestine.


You can see his fundraiser (it's vetted) in rb or clicking his profile. I unfortunately unable to put link the post here.


So thankful for you and your kindness my lovely friend and supporter @kasthejackass 🥺❤🕊💞 🇵🇸

Hope that this genocide will end soon and to be able to evacuate my family safely here from gaza🥺💛❤✌

And I will remember your standing and support for us allover the life 🤍💚❤🖤🇵🇸

Hope to meet you to say you thank you face to face lovely friend 🥰💞


Dear Reader,🌹

I am Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb, a dedicated medical professional specializing in emergency care, hailing from the Gaza Strip. 🇵🇸 ✌🕊

For years, I poured my heart and soul into my work at Al-Shifa Hospital, tending to the wounded and the ailing with compassion and skill.😀

However, the ravages of war tore through our lives😓, forcing me to abandon my cherished home and the familiar walls of the hospital where I once found solace😥💔.

Leaving behind the echoes of laughter and camaraderie, I embarked on a painful journey southward, bidding farewell to the streets where I grew up😓💔, the corners where I sought refuge, and the colleagues who felt like family. Memories of my formative years and the countless lives I touched during my tenure at Al-Shifa and other medical facilities flooded my mind😥, as I struggled to come to terms with the sudden upheaval.

Despite the adversities that besieged me, I persevered in my pursuit of healing. My determination led me to Al-Azhar University, where I embraced the role of a teaching assistant, imparting knowledge to aspiring medical students with unwavering dedication. Dreams of specializing in internal medicine beckoned me back to Al-Shifa Hospital, but alas, the brutal onslaught of war reduced it to rubble, shattering my aspirations in its wake.

In the chaos and carnage of conflict, I sustained injuries, and the sanctuary of my home was obliterated, leaving my family and me destitute and displaced. Yet, amid the ruins, a flicker of hope persists. At Al-Aqsa Hospital, I continue to extend a helping hand to those in need, drawing strength from the resilience instilled in me through years of education and service.

Today, we find ourselves sheltering in a humble tent, stripped of our possessions and livelihoods. The loss of my job, my home, and the comforting presence of my loved ones weighs heavily on my heart. Nevertheless, I refuse to surrender to despair, clinging to the belief that brighter days lie ahead.

It is with a heavy heart that I reach out to you, dear reader, seeking assistance in securing safe passage for myself and my family from the turmoil of Gaza. With your kindness and generosity, I hope to reclaim the path to realizing my medical vocation, enabling me to provide for my loved ones and contribute to the healing of our wounded world.

Your compassionate aid would mean the world to me and my family.

With gratitude and hope,

Dr. Mohammed Aldeeb

Gaza Strip

WhatsApp: 00972599095244

I hope this version captures the depth of your story and resonates with your audience. Let me know if you need further adjustments!

Vetted by :

Thanks @90-ghost for vetted
link vetted 💚❤🌹
The account is vetted also by lovely @el-shab-hussein link vetted ❤🌹💞
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