

@inkeyjay / inkeyjay.tumblr.com

Hello!! im an illustrator/concept artist obsessed with my dnd ocs, tarot symbology, videogames and fantasy in general! 🍂 Prints: https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/inkeyjay

Your lord asks for blood, are thou willing to spill it? 🩸

This is my preview for Book of Devotion, a fanzine about deities and their devotees. And it is now LIVE on kickstarter!

If you like ttrpg's like dnd, religion based worldbuilding and sick character and creature design, this is your anthology. I had the honor to be a part of it alongside super talented writers and artists. You might remember Tome of Pacts, well this is its little sister. Let's make it a reality 🩸

(i beg you, really, i need it in my bookshelf)

Cover by Cristigupa. Illustrations by Eliot Baum, Planets and Yazmati. Texts by Chewy905 and gothHoblin. Back cover text by ImNotAMarySue.


🩸Blood & Honey 🩸

With your descent through the layers upon layers of arches and stairs, the forgotten ruins of the city that is Arca begin to hum to an otherworldly song. A choir made of thousands of voices, lily white wings vibrating against each other as they collect the fuits of their labor.
Blood of gods, Ichor filtered from the very veins of mortals, dripping like honey. Tempting to surrounding lips, shuddering with anticipation. To consume is to thrive, may the cost be sweet.

So... The campaing I'm dming for my friends,,, Mystery of Blood and Honey... No longer a mystery. Reveals that had been planned like three years ago coalesced into what have been two sessions full of reveals, old loved (and hated) npcs appearing and a lot of stress and strong emotions. Super glad to have experienced the thrill of leaving clues for the pcs and watching how they fared elaborating theories. I cannot stress enough how fun this was and god, i wish i could share it with y'all sometime in the future in some way. Dnd, am i right?


🫀 Eucharist of the Ravenous 🫀

It started out as a bellyache, guts rumbling after two days of barely eating. An unfinished visage, featureless, fixing the blurry sockets it had for eyes into his soul.

The humble priest dropped his brush onto the cold floor of the chapel and stumbled backwards. The walls, towards the ceiling, all full of still fresh perfect faces framed by golden halos, that he had been carefully painting non stop for days. Faces of dead saints and prophets, long gone, commissioned by the high church as a display of power and opulence in an age of religious and political crisis. And this last saint, the one that still had some loose and tired brushtrokes for it's face. There was something about it that made the priest flinch out of his creative trance. He swore the paint moved, vibrated with anticipation at the touch of the brush.

He laid tired in the center of the chapel, exposed to a hundred pair of eyes that almost felt judgemental, knowing of the priest's internal thoughts. "Why am i doing this" "Why do i have to over exert myself with work to survive while i use pure gold to embellish... You. This" "Why"

And the faces remained still and silent.

"Why all this for long gone martyrs that had the fortune to die for their for their beliefs, or to let their God speak through their lips, bestow miracles through their fingers"

"Why this for a God that let them die at the heretical hands of the non believers. That leaves hundreds if not thousands of people to die of the pestilence outside this golden, rotten, WALLS"

The bottle of turpentine exploded and its contents dripped down the wall, dragging hours of work with them, dissolving like acid false flesh and gold leaf alike. And then blood, through the priest's hand, holding the neck of the bottle. He panicked and kneeled towards the wall, trying to undo the mistake with cloth, only to make a bloody mess. Red running through the gold, ichor like.

The priest cried holding his hand, a deep wound running through his palm, burning because of the chemicals. But the pain was not the cause of his tears.

"A sign" "I just need a sign"

But the faces remained still and silent.

The priest got up, slowly, and turned around towards the door. Why be here then. Why remain hungry, at the mercy of a dying church that kept their riches safe in mausoleums and layers of paint upon gold leaf upon stone, while its believers died in the streets famished and sick. The priest saw it clear now. If God did ever exist, it was long gone, uncaring for its creation. He might as well die outside, with his people. It would be like inviting the sickness into his chest but at least his last breaths wouldn't taste of incense. His steps echoed through the chamber, determined, reaching for the doors.

But the faces opened their lips. And with a cacophony of voices, each one vibrating with a torrent of beating wings, It spoke. No.

It sang.

Super happy to finally be able to show you this illustration i made for Tome of Pacts, a zine about warlocks, patrons and their pacts! There's a leftover sale going on right now! This is Pantheon, a shapeshifting entity that impersonates long absent gods and feeds on the faith of their followers, always hungry for more. But it's not for me to tell you.
! First of all, credits to @/gothhoblin, the writer of our team, for helping shape out this Patron "...and it spoke with a cacophony of voices, each one vibrating with a torrent of beating wings, a thousand or more." Is a marvelous line of her creation.
Tome of pacts has 11 more patrons and 24 warlocks for your enjoyment, all beautifully depicted by teams of artists and writers. Im super proud to have been able to participate in this project 💛
This short story is about an original character i created after the patron, just as an appetizer, pun intended. You get it right??

Hungry for a copy?


Hello Tumblr!

Since other little pieces of written stuff about my characters have been received pretty nicely here, and since this campaing I'm dming, Mystery of Blood and Honey, is really cinematographic and fun, i wanted to start writing a transcript for it and well! Share with whoever wants to read it and know more about this lovable mess of a group. Truth is im super proud of this story my friends (mars, eden, ari, ezra, selu) and i are building little by little and it is literally all i have on my brain lately.

It's a murder mistery, but with my personal twist and kind of open and weird sometimes but yeah! I will be adding more on the next weeks, will announce it through here. Currently there's only session zero, which were personal pre-sessions with each of the characters. More info on the document.

I'm not a writer, also kinda chaotic, if it weren't for Ari who organised the file a little it would be a mess. So yeah! Hope you enjoy it if you read it 💛


Dnd time! The wheel of fortune 🍊

This Sunday's session, Claudia Nerón, rightful heir of Izael's crown and princess of Qhar offered her helping hand to the city of Arca, ravaged by a drought. She shared boxes upon boxes of fresh fruit, just picked from the trees up in the gardens of the palace. She also promised to help with the drought, starting to build a branch in Arca's aqueduct that would provide water to all the city and not just the palaces.

This was received by cheers and ovations, and panicked screams when the princess's lady in waiting and dear friend fell to the ground, greenish hue of her dress turning red, a dagger on her stomach. A dagger that miraculously flew through the Colosseum, only to fail its mark.


The Veiled ✨, tarot card for Syl, a friend's character in my campaign.

The Veiled is about masks, upon masks upon masks. Concealed intentions, but in a subtle way. Of course people know there is something off with you, but can't quite put a finger about it. But you shouldn't forget: the more layers and veils you put in between yourself and the world, the more your own vision can be fogged.

The mask is always there, weighting, no matter what you do. It may be difficult to see at first thought.


Some of my favorite magic side effects:

-Nosebleeds. Never gets old.

-Coughing up blood. The good ol’ “cough into your hand and pull it back to see blood” also never gets old.

-Headaches. You keep fighting as your head pounds, desperately telling you to take a break. At first they fade within minutes when you stop using magic, but overtime, they become chronic.

-Fatigue. After a big battle, you stand triumphant, and then just fall asleep on the spot.

-In a similar vein, overuse causing you to straight up faint rather than just fall asleep. Darkness begins to overtake your vision in the middle of battle, unconsciousness abruptly looming over you.

-Any of the side effects happening to another person. Maybe two close characters are connected, and whatever side effects character A would normally endure are transferred to character B. When A uses a blast of magic B screams loudly because holy shit that hurt.

-Magic gradually deteriorating your mind. Using it too much eventually caused hallucinations and an inability to retain memories, or even larger scale memory loss. 

Feel free to add more, I’m looking for some to steal



Okay so my thoughts on the matter and the way i use this on my Dnd campaing.

I don't really like the spell slot mechanic. I get why it is there, and why it is needed, but ugh, you know?? So i presented my players with a choice:

There's spell slots and they work kinda the same, HOWEVER, you can use a spell slot through several turns if you manage to keep your concentration, for example, if you're using a fire spell, you could push yourself to mantain it if needed. There's a catch though, as using such spells for a longer period of time has its consequences. Since for fire magic in my world to work you need to put a bit of your body heat, at first the price will be easily paid, but with extra time the spell will need more and more. The first extra turn this translates into cold damage inflicted to the spellcaster. Two turns in and the mage could lose a finger, frozen. And so on.

This relationship between magic and the price to pay is easily done with fire magic, but some are trickier. For telekinetic spells, moving stuff is easy at first, but it's weight eventually catches up with you and you get to experience the force of gravity first-hand, bones break and muscles snap.

For illusion spells, to pry onto the thoughts in other people's mind leaves yours vulnerable too, a door open to unforeseen threats and unwelcome guests.

Idk idk i have a few more but

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