
🌹Scarlet fox enthusiast🌹


-Elizanne CEO and inventor -Weston boy CEO (according to my moot) -obsessed with fruity Victorian public school

*rises from my grave*


With that said,

Welcome to my blog that has been raised from the dead after 3-4 years!
Here's some info:

-My blog will NOT BE SPOILER FREE for the new Kuro season. All content regarding that will be tagged "Kuroshitsuji spoilers" so please make sure you have this term blocked before exploring my blog!

-This is NOT A SAFE SPACE FOR PROSHIPPERS, TERFS, Pro SH/ana Accounts or creeps, please fuck off

-the perfects letter box is always open for questions, submissions and conversation starters! 🌸

-my main area of interest revolves around the Kuro side characters, in particular:

-> the Midfords (aka the best family ever)

-> the secondary cast of the Weston arc

-> the shinigami dispatch society

-please keep in mind that this is an old and recently revived account, so some of the posts you may come across are like 6 years old!

My tags and their meanings:

(all tags are accessible below)


I just noticed that our fav punk boi cheslock was wearing that fancy af suit and didnt do the upside down Y shape makeup when he attended Violet's concert 😩 what a good boy


My biggest flex is that my Maurice Cole wig, that I styled in my tiny student dorm with no prior experience, no tools besides a curling iron (that spontaneously fell apart during my process), the will of god, and the cheapest drug store hairspray turned out to be more manga accurate than the one used in the musical.


So we don't know who took Redmond's place as the new Scarlet Fox prefect, right?

And to that end we don't know who his fa drudge is, right?

Is anybody else worrying that Joanne might not be able to wear his red rose house flower anymore?


Fear not, for the blue cult arc answers that question! He is still wearing his flower!


i dont care if he killed people hes still my babygirl‼️💥💥💥‼️💥‼️💥💥‼️


I'd like to believe that all of the prefects Drudges have like....very unexpected music tastes in a Modern AU.

Ches is putting on his banger playlist of Organ music, Mozart and Orchestra symphonies,

Sweet lil Joanne listens to Korn,

Clayton has a very secret but also strong love for 70s glam rock and is VERY EMBARRASSED about it.

.....And then there's Edward, who's music taste is EXACTLY what you'd expect it to be, to point where it's almost comical. You bet your ass he listens to Imagine Dragons NONSTOP and he feels soooooooo cool doing so.


This arc was a ride

Ask and you shall receive! I have not written an essay about it, since I only did this for the joke. But the topic is genuinely interesting so thank you for giving me the opportunity to indulge:

"The social environment of Victorian boarding schools relies on a cycle of abuse and manipulation, causing the boys attending these schools to believe this is normal and therefore putting the law of the school above the actual law. Despite not wanting to contribute to this cycle of abuse, many students are doomed to continue the cycle, due to the environment they inhabited during their formative years. In order to break the cycle, one must see the most extreme outcome of this upbringing and be aware that the education system does not strive to foster autonomous adult but obedient ones, who are able to uphold the status quo, due to their financial wealth and nobility. Wealth combined with this system of education and the current medical revolution creates horrors beyond human comprehension in a literal and metaphocial sense. The Weston arc shows how the acceptance of unfair power dynamics, strict rules and constant reminders of "traditions" serve to keep the established system intact while boasting that such institutions inspire and enable students to change the world in significant ways."


Couldn't sleep in the dead of night and decided to check my mailbox and look what arrived!!!!



Before becoming Redmond's drudge/fag , I'd like to believe that he (similarly to Ciel) was Derrick's drudge. Despite their troublesome dynamic, Maurice learned a lot from him and I think he picked up and escalated most of his behavioural problems and insecurities because of Derrick's companionship.

On a more bittersweet and positive note, I'd like to think that Soma hired him after he had been fired. Maurice wasn't going to be taken by anyone else and Soma still didn't have someone to work for him. Maurice was annoyed by him at first, but quickly found a strange sense of comfort and safety in him. Soma likes his companionship but also has to scold him a lot for his misdemeanors.

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