
Hello Friends


Thursday// she/they // 22 // probably drawing stobin or arwen

Hello friends, I’m Thursday!

Just wanted to let y’all know I always read your comments and tags and I love them all so much. I’m a little new on here so I’m probably using the site wrong in ways but I’m trying so that’s gotta count for something.

My Twitter is @/ imthursday_syme, or if you just want art related stuff my insta is also @/ imthursday_syme

Love you all!!! *gives you a big ol smooch on the forehead*


Anonymous asked:

is thursday your real name!

it’s actually not!! i based my internet name off the book “the man who was thursday” by g k chesterton, where it’s about this dude named gabriel syme whose this undercover cop trying to take down the lead anarchist, Sunday, and his undercover name is thursday. so when i made internet profiles i was like yes my undercover name should be thursday😭


Arthur: laying on gwen w/ a devastated sigh

Gwen: what's wrong?

Art: you think ghosts are real?

Gwen, thinking of his mom: idk, do you want them to be?

Art, immediately distressed: I accidentally stepped on a ladybug and what if ghosts are real and it's forced to live here forever with its murderer?

Gwen, staring at her husband crying over a lady bug ghost: …..ok lets get you to bed

i’ve got to draw this soon i just don’t know how im gonna do it yet bc i just like people being silly ok


it's been years and it's still genuinely crazy to me that the first two seasons of stranger things had this throughline where all the bad things that were happening in hawkins were directly caused by the us government and that they were excusing the awful things they were doing to their own citizens (children!) through cold war/red scare reactionism. and then in season three there was a secret russian base under the town mall.

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