
For the Love of Horses

@horsesarecreatures / horsesarecreatures.tumblr.com

Hey I'm Noelle! I'm an environmental law student. This blog is a combo of cute horsey pictures & information I find interesting. I also post pictures of my plants and pets. Amba is an 8 year old Arabian mare, Cannoli is a 7 year old thoroughbred gelding, Hadie & Toby are a mother/son pair of senior chihuahuas, & Stellina is a senior chihuahua mix.

Feelin' cute; might knock some microscopic verticals down because No-L isn't letting me surge over them 3 ft higher than necessary. 🥰


I don't get why people feel the need to be such assholes to vegans and vegetarians they don't even know. I ordered groceries last night and had them delivered today because I drove to NJ in the morning to have a Fourth of July lunch with my grandparents and now I'm back and will go to the barn in an hour. Just don't have the time today to go shopping myself. I ordered plant based burgers along with other plant based items. I put "please only substitute if there is a vegetarian or vegan option" in the order note. I gave a $10 tip to the shopper/delivery person. The person still decided to give me beef hamburgers instead of substituting with Gardein or Beyond Beef or Morningstar or any of the other numerous plant based burgers. Between the note and the other items I ordered it should have been very obvious that I don't eat meat, so I don't think this was just an accident.


Anyway, I posted a video of Amba running in the field like a minute ago, and it has 1 view, 3 likes, and 1 dislike. 😆😆😆

YouTube fascinates me.


What do you think guys? Would Amba vibe well with 'Play-Doh meets Dora"?


Amba's sarcoid seems to have fallen off on its own! Unless it was actually a sunburn? It just seemed weird to me that if it was a sun burn it would be on the inside of the nostril and no where else along her facial markings.

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