
wait a minute... who ARE you

@histrionicscribbler / histrionicscribbler.tumblr.com

peeb — adult
mainly homestuck, but i switch interests so rapidly you better buckle up bucko ==> THE MAGNUS PROTOCOL (and tma)

you have a feeling it's going to be a long day.


hi!! i'm peeb gender neutral i love homestuck and have been on this hellsite for 13 years

requests are OPEN! i don't formally take commissions but may set up a ko-fi someday

my queue tag is "#kyew"

my other blogs: @hazyscrounger - zampanio blog @pollux-and-anubis-adventures - cat blog

you can ask me to tag anything! i might forget, but i will try to remember!

if you're my friend, you probably have a tag on my blog! check the tag "#[your name] look" for surprises :] other socials under the cut!


i think that all the people who argue about gender by saying "the woke left cant even define a woman" need to get hit with the "who are you" question by a buddhist monk. no, thats your name, who are you. no thats your profession, who are YOU. no you fucking idiot thats your species, who are YOUU. dumb bitch u cant even define yourself

see this guy gets it


I think Diogenes would be proud of us for these

Behold, a woman


Genuinely begging people to understand that sex favourability =/= sex positivity, and that sex repulsion =/= sex negativity

Also if we could please leave behind the mindset that asexuality (specifically repulsed aces) = Puritanism in 2024 that'd be wonderful thanks <3

Reblogging for pride bc I'm unfortunately Seeing This Shit pop up again in the tags


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Did you know? Use the "computer" to chat with "transgender women".


like to slap HER bald head reblog to slap HER bald head. hashtag feminism

this is about her btw

[ID: A panel of Calliope from Homestuck wearing her trollsona's horns and sitting at a desktop computer. /end ID]


just to clarify i don't have critical thinking and if i support a fictional murderer that means i also condone murder irl

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