
A benevolent creature...

@helloemptyset / helloemptyset.tumblr.com

Christopher or Perci / 28 / he/him, trans (transmisogyny exempt) / white / commissions closed, donate to a gofundme here instead/ will do requests for proof of donation to gofundmes here, especially pinned / please don't reblog my sick talk posts

Donate to save my family and children from the danger of war in Gaza 🇵🇸

♦️♦️Hello my friends, I am sure that you will stand with us and support us to get out of the danger of war in Gaza. I hope that everyone who watches this video will share the video and the donation link with their friends and followers. I hope that the video reaches everyone and that we can collect the donations necessary for our exit from Gaza. Donation link 👇🇵🇸

We still very far from the goal. I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps.

@el-shab-hussein @iamheretemporarly @eyeonpalestine @manateatarts @melimelu @queercryptid @captsaicin @bi-medusa @vaithne @autisticthassarian @socialdisaster @geothefafa @sorcerersage @pleasetangerines @dalekofchaos @orbleglorb @rodent178 @crunchyspositivybubble @honorary-fool @fruity-mushroom @battle-spouse @skating-lizards @ghosst-writer @sunbloomdew @artisticcreativewritter @doodlebugdpj @koalas-koalas-everywhere @malcriada @stalinistqueens @extravagav @starsbits @xxlelaxx @nilawafer


[ID copied from Alt: A Go Fund Me titled, "Urgent! Help a Palestinian family suffering in Gaza!" It shows that $11,846 out of $50,000 have been raised. There are four photos shown in the Go Fund Me. The first is of two children amongst rubble. The second is of more rubble. The third is a family photo with nine people including children and the last is of an elderly woman in a wheelchair with a man and a girl standing by her. /End ID.]

Please help Dima and her family!! They have lost their home, their places of work, their schools, and their universities. They have been displaced more than ten times and they are struggling to meet their basic needs. Dima's grandmother has cancer and cannot receive care in Gaza because of the destruction of the hospitals, so she is in urgent need of care overseas. You can read more about their situation on their GoFundMe, including the break down of how they will use the funds and through Dima's Instagram account linked here. They have been vetted by Operation Olive Branch and are on row 248 (link).

$12,674/$50,000 as of June 16th

Please continue to share this and donate!! I am willing to do digital art commissions for people who donate. Information on that is in a reblog of this post.

$12,750/$50,000 as of June 17th

$12,875/$50,000 as of June 19th

$12,882/$50,000 as of June 20th


by the way this is the procedure to get out of gaza

  1. it costs 5k USD per adult and 2.5k USD per child
  2. if you want to raise this money via GOFUNDME it has to be arranged by someone who is NOT living in Palestine because GFM does not release money to Palestine. GFM also verifies every detail so it has to be accurate so you need someone who is out of Palestine and also familiar with the bureaucracy.
  3. once you raise the money one of your FIRST ORDER RELATIVES have to deposit this money IN CASH and IN PERSON at the Cairo offices of a company called hala. this person cannot be a Palestinian male under 40 because they are not allowed to be Egypt without a permit
  4. once you pay the money you have to WAIT for your names to be published by Egyptian military at the Rafah crossing and the you have 24 hours to get out

it is a very long and convoluted process that is impossible for most Palestinians who do not have contacts in other counties. Please please donate to the GFMs you see floating around because they’ve been verified and this is only the first step in an arduous journey. Once in Cairo, Palestinians aren’t allowed to work so they need money for their support also.



One of the most important things to unpack and unlearn when you’re part of a white supremacy saturated society (i.e. the global north) and especially if you were raised in an intensified form of it (evangelicism, right wing politics, explicit racism) is the urge to punish and take revenge.

It manifests in our lives all the time and it is inherently destructive. It makes relationships and interactions adversarial for no good reason. It undermines cooperation and good civic order. It worsens some types of crime. It creates trauma, especially in children.

Imagine approaching unexpected or unacceptable behavior from a perspective of "how can this be stopped, and prevented" instead of "you’re going to regret this!”

Imagine dealing with a problem or conflict from the perspective of “how can this be solved in a way that is just and restorative” instead of “the people who caused this are going to pay.”

How much would that change you? How much would that have changed for you?


Conservative crackers: nobody wants to work! Black women are welfare queens! Millenials want everything handed to them!

me at work bc this country fails its citizens:

zlle: [email protected]
pypal: [email protected]
vnmo: Serena-Manning
cshapp: $sailorsylvie
Home Needs Wishlist

Still need to pay rent and my car note. I have 5 appts this week including a procedure. I'm so stressed out.

Please help a disabled lesbian out this Pride Month!

Yall please help me I will be homeless.

Still at $0/628. This is urgent. I will be homeless and without a vehicle as a disabled Black lesbian in the deep south. This is super scary.


Help Wafaa Alnhal evacuate

@hebsnhel has contacted me to help share her fundraiser to help the evacuation of her family.

She has a family of fifteen, including 4 children and a newborn who are suffering right now under bombardment and destruction. In the first video you can see one of her children, crying as she realised that her home was destroyed.

Everyone needs to be evacuated immediately to safety.

They are in desperate need of donations and support, the fundraiser has reached 12,454 euros of a 50,000 goal.

Donate Now.

There is also a raffle going on wherein they are raffling journals for donations towards Wafaa's fundraiser. Here is the link.




happy juneteenth but dont forget that prisoners are legally allowed to be subject to slave labor and also black people are disproportionately arrested and subjected to that legality. happy juneteenth but slavery still lives in america. america is still dependant on slave labor.

And this also means that police are still slave catchers.


Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.



I have been very well lately, thank you. I've verified you through @90-ghost and reblogged your post, but I will link it for my followers again here.

I am humbly asking for your help in raising funds to cover the costs of travel, education, and basic living expenses as we strive to start anew. Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to safety, stability, and success. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering my plea. Your support means more than words can express. Together, we can turn a story of loss into a journey of hope and resilience. With deepest gratitude, Abdelrahman

Racism is alive and well in America

This Juneteenth as we celebrate and reflect on the progress we've made and look to what we can do to improve equal rights for black folks I want to bring attention to an issue far too closet to my heart- environmental racism.

I had a friend who died, far too young. It's been many years so newer tumblr users won't know him. His name was james and he was a popular tumblr user when he was alive @kumagawa . I idolized him like an older brother, and still do. He lived in Flint, Michigan. He was around 27 when he died. He was a healthy man, other than the fact he lived with dirty water in Flint, Michigan.

I'll never fucking forgive the US government for killing my friend, my brother. Why did James die? Because Flint, Michigan is 56% Black. Because it would be expensive to fix the lead pipes that gave my friend lead poisoning and killed him.

As of April 24,2024 the city of Flint, Michigan still hasn't replaced all the lead pipes that are poisoning the people living there.

If you can help, give money to Mari Copeny's go fund me.

Mari Copeny, better known as Little miss Flint, is now 16 years old and over the past few years has raised nearly a million dollars for her community.

She has a website to links for other ways to support the community

Please reblog this post if you can't give any money... It would mean the world to me if I could use my friend's memory to help promote environmental racism and the issues still facing his community today.


It seems like people really don't know why Palestine gets 'special' treatment (i.e. more observation and abuse) by the U.N. Just a reminder that the U.N. was created to destroy Palestine and ensure the zionist occupation's existence. I'm sick of hearing 'why does the U.N. only talk about Palestine', 'why does the U.N. not care about anything else', 'the U.N. is antisemitic for focusing on Palestine', 'Palestinians are the U.N.'s welfare queens' (the last one in disparaging comments about UNRWA). The U.N. was literally created to legitimize the destruction of Palestine in pursuit of a new form of united Western imperialism.

The first act of the U.N. general assembly was to destroy Palestine in 1947 with its illegal 'Partition Plan' that no Palestinians ever accepted. The U.N. is responsible for the destruction of Palestine against our wishes. The U.N. is responsible for the statelessness of 7 million Palestinians, many of whom can't even fill out official forms because it's illegal to put 'Palestine' as your country of origin.

The U.N. relegated us to this status as their first act of international law. Don't forget it.


remember this juneteenth that injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere, and the specter of institutional racism imbeds itself into the american treatment of its international relations and the country’s tolerance towards any acts of slave labor and genocide similar to its own inception.

in other words, celebrate the holiday as loudly and proudly as possible, and be aware that it is a symbol of the work yet to be done not only for our own national identity, but to the other countries we affect as americans that are going through similar brutality.

if juneteenth represents a free america, one that in its most ideal state, does not support the enslavement or genocide of others, you cannot allow yourself to celebrate juneteenth without unequivocally denouncing those atrocities.

free america, free sudan, free congo, and free palestine.

Okay so I see what you were trying to do here, but Juneteenth is specifically about Black Americans and the injustice and inhumanity we experienced here as a part of slavery (and in addition, the injustices we continue to face). Not about "freedom in America" or for "Americans". Is it a reminder of (White) America's own racist history and active role in crimes against humanity? Yes. But Juneteenth itself is about a specific crime done towards a specific group. And while you're not like, inherently wrong with what you have here in terms of fighting against enslavement and genocide, you as a nonblack person did not have the right to take a holiday that you did not fully understand and generalize it like this to spread a message.


Donate to save my family and children from the danger of war in Gaza 🇵🇸

♦️♦️Hello my friends, I am sure that you will stand with us and support us to get out of the danger of war in Gaza. I hope that everyone who watches this video will share the video and the donation link with their friends and followers. I hope that the video reaches everyone and that we can collect the donations necessary for our exit from Gaza. Donation link 👇🇵🇸

We still very far from the goal. I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I reach my goal and remove my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps.

@el-shab-hussein @iamheretemporarly @eyeonpalestine @manateatarts @melimelu @queercryptid @captsaicin @bi-medusa @vaithne @autisticthassarian @socialdisaster @geothefafa @sorcerersage @pleasetangerines @dalekofchaos @orbleglorb @rodent178 @crunchyspositivybubble @honorary-fool @fruity-mushroom @battle-spouse @skating-lizards @ghosst-writer @sunbloomdew @artisticcreativewritter @doodlebugdpj @koalas-koalas-everywhere @malcriada @stalinistqueens @extravagav @starsbits @xxlelaxx @nilawafer

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