thunder in our hearts

@helaenatargaryens /

lily ‧ 20 ‧ she/her ‧ editssideblog ‧ #userlil

i was tagged by @benoitblanc to shuffle my "on repeat" playlist and post the first ten tracks! thanks for the tag arwen <3

  1. fresh out the slammer - taylor swift
  2. friday i'm in love - the cure
  3. august underground - ethel cain
  4. north - clairo
  5. femininomenon - chappell roan
  6. party police - alvvays
  7. little trouble - better oblivion community center
  8. amanaemonesia - chairlift
  9. losing my religion - r.e.m.
  10. alison - slowdive

(rip me, having to spellcheck *those* two)

too lazy to tag rn so anyone who wants to, consider yourself tagged :)

Anonymous asked:

Where’s your header image from? It’s so pretty 🪻

the painting is "carnation, lily, lily, rose" by john singer sargent! i just edited the colours a tiny bit to fit with my theme 💜


hoii everyone! welcome to paletmblrs thirty-third event!  

congratulations to @nanamikeento for being may's featured creator!! thank you for lovely spirited away gifset!

this month, we’ll celebrating pride. you can make creations that center around  lgbtqia+ people/characters/ships. this event will run through entirety of june. the only requirement is your creations should be pale/pastel/b&w!! hope you participate!

to participate:

⁍ make as many creations as you’d like !!

⁍ include us in your caption !!

 eg: “ @paletmblr event xxxiii: [ description] ”

if you have any questions for the event, feel free to send us an ask! we are excited to see all your lovely creations!

happy pride month

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