
Have you seen this series?

@haveyouseenthisseries-poll / haveyouseenthisseries-poll.tumblr.com

A blog dedicated to finding out what series the tumblr population actually watches. Please use the google form for submission!


Taking inspiration from blogs such as @haveyouheardthisband and @haveyouseenthismovie-poll I've decided to make a similar blog for tv series! The purpose of this blog is to see how popular some series are with the tumblr population, and hopefully share some recs. ^^

I'm currently queing polls for up until Halloween, but in the mean time feel free to send submission in the google form!

Some additional information:

  1. Polls will be open for 1 week each.
  2. I will not be posting polls about reality shows, talent shows, or talk shows.
  3. For series currently airing, please vote "Yes" if you're up-to-date or currently watching them.
  4. Every series already submitted will be put in a google doc in alphabetical order. Please check it before submitting!
  5. You can submit as many series as you like. :)

Thank you for reading and have fun!

UPDATE: if you want to see the queue order and other data i collected, check the google sheet here!

results of closed polls are on another sheet of the same file :)

winners can also be found under the tag #tumblr tv hall of fame!

Anonymous asked:

out of curiosity, how much stuff do you do for this blog? the queue already is a mess to deal with, then i see you add people working on each series, the years they aired, where they are from, now original titles too, and more

to me it's a lot. can we get some appreciation for blog runner?

you are so so sweet anon, thank you <3

it is quite a lot to keep under control (hence me usually having to catch up) but i genuinely enjoy doing it! and seeing people gush in the tags always puts a smile on my face :) this blog wouldn't be what it is without all you voters, so thank you too!!

Anonymous asked:

Hello! Love your blog. Great service. 12/10 would recommend. But I do have a request, if it's possible, of course. I know people have asked you before that for non-English shows you add the original name in the tags, or at least the romanized name, and you said you were debating whether to do it or not, could you debate also doing it for anime? Because at least for me, coming from a non-English-speaking country, it's more common to know anime shows from their original Japanese title and not the English version. Of course, if you can, and if you can't that's great too. Have a lovely day! ♥

thank you so much! and oh dear, i did forget to update y'all :')

i have in fact started adding the original titles, both in latin alphabet and original! it will take about a week before the polls with both titles show up, unfortunately i don't have time to change the posts already in the queue. i will go forward with this system though! ^^


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