
Silm & Lotr Sideblog


Kefi | they/them | Adult | tolkien side-blog | 96% of content here are reblogs | Silm Fic Writer | AroAce | AO3 & Main Blog: EclecticKefi

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Hello, tumblr people. I’m Kefi, a casual silm writer that posts sporadically (and not at all during April).

This pinned post has the tags I use for this sideblog, along with my ao3 works and a Q&A of questions that’re somewhat relevant.


I have mixed/varying feelings on the Halenthir scenario of "he thought they were getting married (bc LaCE) but she thought it was a one-night stand" But in such a scenario this is I think the best possible way for it to go:

A few days later, while she's working on preparations to leave Thargelion and lead everybody west, Haleth hears a couple of elves talking about "Lord Caranthir's wife", how valiant she is and how clever and how well-suited to him. It does not occur to her that they're talking about her. She assumes that Caranthir is married and didn't tell her; she's going to eviscerate him for leading her on and making her think he was available and dishonoring his wife like that. (And is definitely not jealous at all, no sir.)

Meanwhile, Caranthir hears a few Haladin gossiping about their chieftain's new lover, calling him beautiful and clearly a huge sap for her. He assumes that they're talking about someone else, some adan, because clearly that's not him. He's hurt and angry, not sure whether this is a case of Haleth having this lover before she wed him and not telling him, or of her just taking up with someone else already.

While he's trying to figure out whether to confront her about this or to just let it lie because she's leaving soon anyway, Haleth comes marching up to him in a fury about the wife he didn't tell her about, and they end up having a towering argument in which all the misunderstandings are, eventually, revealed and cleared up.

(The scene is public enough that both elves and Men write semi-humorous ballads about it. The names changed to maintain plausible deniability for the writers, but at least one version preserves a particular speech pattern of Caranthir's, which is how Maglor and then the rest of the Feanorions find out that their middle brother semi-accidentally married an adaneth.)


Silm Headcanon:

Finwë could flap his ears, like not a bit but full on angry cat style flap them down when he was sad. That was something absolutely unique to him that none of his children or other relatives could do.

Until Elrond was born.

He had the flapping ears, but neither Elwing or Eärendil knew what it was so it was just labeled as a weird quirk, he had many of those.

It never really came up again.

Until the third kinslaying.

The whole battle happens, Elwing flees with the Silmaril, Elrond and Elros get kidnapped and taken hostage by Maedhros and Maglor, the whole story.

They get taken to Amon Ereb and everything seems normal, just two half elven kids with some ainuric features to themselves, nothing too weird.

But one day Maedhros sees.

One day Elrond accidentally ran into a podium and pushed off the vase that stood on there, shattering it completely. He of course apologized immediately, cause it’s Elrond, of course he’s polite, even as a child.

Maedhros assures him it’s fine and not to worry and cleans the vase off the floor so no one gets hurt. Afterwards he goes to Elrond to reassure him he’s not angry because the boy seemed startled.

He walks into the room Elrond and Elros slept in and looks around for him. Elrond sits on the bed and turns to Maedhros, who them sat down at the foot of said bed and made sure Elrond knew he wasn’t angry.

Elrond however apologizes again anyways and this time his ears flap because he feels guilty.

And Maedhros‘ mind goes absolutely blank.

He gets thrown back in time and immediately has his grandfather in front of his eyes, it doesn’t help the case at all when Elrond looks up at him and his ears go even deeper because he thinks he somehow upset him.

Maedhros stumbles back, half convinced he’s hallucinating, but after a few moments he realizes he’s not, and he breaks down.

He simply collapses onto the floor and begins sobbing. Big, heavy, crocodile tears. His entire form is trembling, his eyes red, and his mind in going into overload with memories.

Moments later Maglor walks in, having heard the commotion. At first he’s confused at seeing his big brother on the floor crying, but then he sees Elrond, and time stops.

He doesn’t break down, he doesn’t cry or shake. He just freezes, his limbs simply refuse to move and make him freeze in place like a statue.

They stayed like that for some time until Elrond began to sniffle, thinking he did something wrong.

They explain it to him and he feels really proud for having something in common with such a great elf.

From that day on Maedhros treats Elrond like a son. He can’t stop himself, it just feels wrong not to. He clings onto that small detail on the child that was supposed to be his hostage and it helps him, it help him so much.

Elrond, who by now understood the reason behind their reactions, starts using it as a way to help them. Whenever he spots either Maedhros or Maglor sad he goes up to them, climbs onto their lap and flaps his ears, and they hug him, and it helps.


I’m sorry Maglor couldn’t make it as he was busy being my right hand, an indispensable position as *groaning in the background* I don’t have that one.

-Maedhros the Tall Fëanorion (the Dispossessed) to whichever of his many cousins or relatives threw the latest pointless celebration and is now bothering him about Maglor’s refusal to attend


Sauron has complexes about exactly two (2) beings. Feanor and Luthien. Feanor, the mere elf whose work bested his and drew the eyes of his Maiarin peers (and even his master Morgoth). The elf who, whether he knew it or not, had challenged the mighty Sauron's forging skill and had, whether Sauron could admit it or not, won. Luthien had also challenged him, and left him defeated and humiliated, and had done it all with a kind of disgusted scorn that Sauron could never stop thinking about. She, a half-bred girl, had dared to look at him, most admirable and powerful of Maia, like he'd been a nasty stain on one of her cloaks.

And he's an obsessive perfectionist with an unparalleled ability to hold grudges, so of course he can't let either of those slights go. One of his greatest frustrations is the fact that Luthien has moved beyond the world, out of his grasp– if rumors are to be believed, so has Feanor, sent to the Everlasting darkness. Sauron hates them all the more for being gone, all the more for being out of reach of his anger and vengeance. And that hatred only festers in the long, lonely years of the Second Age, as Sauron bides his time and starts planning his comeback.

And then he walks into Eregion, and what is the first thing he sees? Luthien and Feanor.

He's introduced to Lord Celebrimbor and his cousin, Lord Elrond. He knows who they are of course, but he'd never been told they were such perfect copies of their ancestors. He's told more about them, but he doesn't listen. All he can think is that he finally has a chance to get his revenge.

Luthien and Feanor are back, and this time, Sauron promises himself, he will claim his victory over them.


There were quite a few people who absolutely refused to believe Elrond and Elros were who they claimed to be when they first came to Gil-Galad's camp. This led to the rise of several extremely questionable theories on who they really were, from the more mundane– they're just two half-elves the Feanorians found somewhere– to the more... esoteric, like that Maglor had "sung them into existence" to fool the armies of Valinor into letting them steal the Silmarils.

The most popular theory was that Elrond and Elros were actually the children of Maglor and Daeron of Doriath, and that they'd been kept secret for... some reason– look I never said the conspiracy theories made sense. E&E look a lot like Luthien (Luthien and Daeron are siblings with pretty similar features) and a bit like Fingolfin (who looks like Feanor who looks like Maglor), so it's not totally implausible. It would also explain how E&E had Maia powers without being Elwing's kids. And that was just enough information for it to become a completely unkillable rumor. Most of it dies down after E&E show some clearly human traits, like getting sick, but there are still die-hard believers out there. Some genealogies from the early Third Age list Elrond as Daeron and Maglor's child.

Elrond, who's been confronted about his "real parents" several times, is very over it. Gil-Galad thinks it's extremely funny.

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