
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱


luna | 18+
23 | she/her
Anonymous asked:

have you watched challengers? 👀 can we get something with svt (you choose the dinamics hihi) inspired by this movie? the sexual tension was unmatched

(if you haven't seen it, it's okay, and i definitely recommend it 🥰)

18+ / mdi

content: challengersau!minwon, art!mingyu, patrick!wonwoo, tashi!reader, hotel room scene reimagined, afab reader, smut, some mxm (just a kiss), oral (m receiving), penetrative sex, some cucking (?), etc.

wc: 1644

a/n: i made a fuller fic about this with vernon and chan for patreon but why not do it again but with minwon<3


"w-who? me or him?", questioned mingyu, staring dumbly at you as wonwoo took his opportunity to rush to your side. seeing his friend make his way to you, mingyu followed along, sitting to your opposite side.

Anonymous asked:

hihihi!! can you do a full sub vernon fic please??

18+ / mdi

content: sub!vernon, softdom!reader, smut, handjob, etc.

wc: 651

a/n: this turned out shorter than i thought but i have a lot of vernon requests so i promise more vernon is coming soon<3

"k-keep going, fuck- please ..."

"yeah, it feels good, huh? what if i do— this?", you whispered into his ear as one of your hands went up to toy at his nipple, harshly pulling at it whilst your other hand continued its torture on his cock.

sitting behind him, you had pulled and stroke at his cock endlessly for the past hour, not once granting him the pleasure of an orgasm.



18+ / mdi

summary: after years of insistence from soonyoung, he finally convinces resident social butterfly seungkwan to introduce him to his unrequited crush; a fellow idol at hybe who he has not been able to take his eyes off since moving to the company.

content: idol!hoshi x idol!reader, simp!hoshi, he's down horribly bad, seungkwan is fed up with hoshi, afab reader, smut, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex, etc.

wc: 11k

a/n: finally wrote a long hoshi fic everyone cheer

support me through a one time tip<3

"Just introduce me to her. Please," whined Soonyoung for the nth time that week.

"I already said no! Just go talk to her yourself like a normal person," rebutted Seungkwan, attempting but failing at disregarding his insistent friend.


Can i request a reaction to just giving them nose kisses when they are being cute


giving them nose kisses

content: just cute kisses, fluff, etc.

wc: 521

a/n: love these cute requests omg<3

seungcheol -

whines, saying he should be the one offering you those cute little nose kisses to make you flustered, not the other way around! comes to accept it as a cute habit of yours and feeds into it.


can u do how svt members act during their girlfriend's first time, please? sorry for my bad english


18+ / mdi

their first time with their virgin s/o

content: established relationship implied, smut, mentions of penetrative sex, reader is a virgin, mentions of losing virginity, etc.

wc: 724

a/n: such a cute concept omg i hope u like it!!!

seungcheol -

goes crazy at the thought of being your first but holds back to prevent scaring you off. plans your first time to the t, wanting to make it as loving as humanly possible. sensual in the way he undresses you, kisses you, gets you ready and eventually makes love to you. would have to constantly muffle groans at the pleasure you so effortlessly gave him.


hii what would seventeens reaction to their black/african s/o doing the water trend?


their black s/o doing the tyla water trend

content: established relationship implied, no smut but very suggestive, etc.

wc: 627

a/n: hii! i hope u enjoy ur request!!

seungcheol -

you can tell he's hot and bothered the second you turn on the music lol. he'd try to entertain u by watching you without interrupting but in the end his urges would win and he'd have to whisk you away.

Anonymous asked:

Hello! So if it’s okay to send a request, I do have something in mind! Okay so I love how most of your hao fics are of him as a hopeless romantic! (Tbh I really think that just how everyone sees him regarding love) anyways, one of your fics was of him and virgin reader, so what if you made a fic of both of them being a virgin or you reverse the roles and he’s the virgin? Hopefully still with the hopelessly romantic trope?

It’s perfectly okay if not! Have a good day!

18+ / mdi

content: virgin!hao x virgin!reader, loss of virginity, smut, afab reader, dry humping, clit stimulation, penetrative sex, etc.

wc: 1547

a/n: i hope u like ur req<3

"you have no idea how long i've been waiting for this," he murmured into your neck, hands shy in their caressing of your every dip and curve.

Anonymous asked:

Hello,how are you? Hope you’re doing well)

May I ask for all SVT reaction for their S/O who likes to touch/grab their butt randomly🙏🏻

18+ / mdi

their s/o grabbing their butt randomly

content: established relationship implied,

wc: 710

a/n: they're all obsessed with each other's butts so this would be just another tuesday afternoon to them

seungcheol -

the same way that he looks in mock disappointment at carats whenever they look at his butt, he'd react the same when you try to touch or grab at his butt. he'd find it amusing and cute how obsessed with his ass you were, but he'd never let you know that.


18+ / mdi

content: loser!wonwoo, wonwoo's pov, some second hand embarrassment, afab reader, smut, phone sex, masturbation (m and f receiving), etc.

wc: 1638

part 1, part 2

a/n: loser!wonwoo is back 🫡

wonwoo felt like he was in over his head.

it had been months that he had spent pining over you – watching you from afar and cringing at himself any time he'd finally meet your eyes and immediately look away in embarrassment at being caught. he was far too shy to ever even interact with you, often physically running away from you when he'd see you approaching.

Anonymous asked:

Because I love making my boyfriend handmade little gifts but he never appreciates them :(( I need how svt would react to you making handmade gifts (those silly cute ones from Pinterest yk) for them

their s/o making them handmade gifts

content: implied established relationship, fluff, etc.

wc: 697

a/n: hii anon pls leave ur man and date someone who will love and appreciate ur cute little gestures :(

seungcheol -

he's so flustered and touched and happy and and and!!! he's just so in love with you, with insane adoration in his eyes when you give him yet another one of your cute handmade gifts. he already adores you so badly, only falling deeper for you when he sees what a sweet gesture you made him just out of pure love.



18+ / mdi

summary: after kicking you out of your own band to seek success with the band on his own, vernon finds his plans falling through, all the while you'd reached success on your own. now leading your own label, vernon finds himself having to earn your forgiveness, not realizing how badly he'd hurt you years back.

content: friends2enemies2lovers!vernon, band!au, drummer!vernon, guitarist!reader, unrequited crush (kinda), pining, vernon kicks you out of your band bc ur a girl (asshole, ik), really incorrect music industry terminology (i know nothing about music oops), afab reader, reader becomes a producer after being kicked from vernon's band, seokmin, chan, hannie and kwannie are in the band, smut, penetrative sex, dry humping, fingering, etc.

wc: 8.8k

a/n: i know the summary and content are all over the place, but i promise the story in itself is coherent</3

"Fuck! Jesus Christ, what are you doing here?"

He winced at the sudden sight of you upon turning a corner in the huge building he was currently exploring, never having expected to bump into you there.

"I work here, Vernon. I would've expected you to do some research on the labels you're auditioning for."

"W-wait. What do you mean you work here?"

"I'm a producer here. What? Surprised?"


finding out you're pregnant - pu

hhu, vu, pu

content: mentions of pregnancy, mentions of marriage, established relationship, initial negative reactions, fluffy outcome for all of them.

wc: 480

a/n: for context, the original prompt was what their reaction would be if they had a bad reaction to it at first and then tried to fix things 😭 personally i dont think any of them would make u feel anything but reassured at being pregnant specially considering their ages lol

jun -

he'd be in such immense shock he would have no idea how to react, standing completely still for a long while before giving you a very frustrating reaction such as yelping in shock or just asking 'what?' he'd immediately regret not giving you a better reaction, but he wouldn't be able to get over the shock, causing you to storm away either in annoyance or hurt.

Anonymous asked:

overstimulating sub!dokeyom pls its been on my mind all day 😵‍💫

18+ / mdi

content: sub!seokmin, softdom!reader, afab reader, established relationship implied, smut, handjob, mentions of penetrative sex, etc.

wc: 806

a/n: thank u for requesting i love sub!dk</3

"that's- oh, fuck, that's so good, oh ..."

"yeah? want me to keep going?", you murmured against his ear, taking in the full-body shudder you felt seokmin go under.

"y-yes, please don't stop," he leaned further into you, larger body somehow melting into your own despite his larger size.


sorry to hear you’ve been feeling unwell, I hope you’re starting to feel much better and congrats on the milestone!!

I’d love to request a fic where both junhui and oc are on separate work trips, missing eachother not being able to talk much, arrive home separately on the same day and have the most super intense and passionate fucking EVER bc they missed each other ever so much :’))))

thank you thank you for your beautiful writing!!


18+ / mdi

content: bf!jun, softdom!jun, afab reader, smut, reunion sex, penetrative sex, dry humping, etc.

wc: 1734

a/n: thank u so much for ur concern im feeling way better now c: and thanks for requesting!! i hope u enjoy<3

"okay, so you're getting home at 5, right? please tell me there's been no change of plans, fuck, i'll go crazy if-"

"jun! yes! i'm getting home at 5. nothing has changed. i'll see you today at 5, okay, babe? stop overthinking it," you reassured your boyfriend before he could go on yet another rant about how badly he missed you.

Anonymous asked:

Congrats on your 5K! I’m not sure if anybody has requested this yet but I’m gonna ask for a classic. (If they have please ignore.)

Seventeen reactions with a virgin reader.

Have a nice day! :)

18+ / mdi

having a virgin s/o

content: established relationship implied, smut, mentions of penetrative sex, reader is a virgin, mentions of losing virginity, etc.

wc: 782

a/n: thank uuu so much!!! surprisingly no one has requested this lol

seungcheol -

will only ever voice how much he likes that you're a virgin once you're actually losing your virginity to him lol. will have felt kind of nervous to make your first time perfect, but will be very happy after the fact, knowing he was the only one to ever have you like that.



content: smut, established relationship implied, titfucking, mentions of cum-eating, etc.

wc: 697

a/n: this just came to mind at some point lol i hope u guys like it

seungcheol -

commandeers you all throughout it despite his composure being on a very thin thread. no matter how hard he tries to fight the effect your tits around his cock have on him, he'd end up cumming faster than usual, crying out your name and begging you to give him a repeat of this as soon as he got hard again.


MAIN THING (teaser)

18+ / mdi

summary: after years of insistence from soonyoung, he finally convinces resident social butterfly seungkwan to introduce him to his unrequited crush; a fellow idol at hybe who he has not been able to take his eyes off since moving to the company.

content: idol!hoshi x hybeidol!reader, simp!hoshi, he's down horribly bad, seungkwan is fed up with hoshi, afab reader, smut, oral (m receiving), penetrative sex, etc.

(^ no actual content warnings in the teaser)

wc: 746 (teaser); 11k (full fic)

RELEASE DATE: june 14th

or you can check it out on my ko-fi or patreon today by subscribing to either one!

a/n: time for more horrendously down bad hoshi

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