
Sigma Female


18/she/her, shitposter, realest blog on tubmlr
Anonymous asked:

You are 100% right about your take on men. There are some very good men in the world, but looking at the group as a whole, there’s something off there. I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t had an uncomfortable/dangerous interaction with a man. People telling you that you need to examine your beliefs on this matter are the ones who should take a look at themselves. Love your blog

God, finally someone who understands my point. I want to believe that there are some good men but I'm still gonna look over my shoulder whenever I walk alone at night.

Women have every right to hate men. Misandry only exists due to misogyny. I've never seen a man trying to fight against misandry in real life but I deal with misogyny on my daily basis. That's the difference.

Anyway, take care and have a beautiful day 💕

Anonymous asked:

Being a female mysogynist is no better than being a male misogynist, discriminating against someone because of there sex or race is pretty sad, as is playing the victim card I feel sorry for you having that mindset, there is good and bad in everyone hopefully as you mature you will see this I know you want attention but your going about it in the wrong way.

Women hating men is like a defense mechanism, in a way to deal with our fears. On the other hand, men hating women is what makes us feel the need to protect ourselves. Males are always quick to claim who's "really" oppressed. They go around committing crimes like rape, murder, assault, harassment, stalking and messing with women's lives. It's no wonder women hate and don't trust men when they're basically responsible for most world's problems. So misandry is not the same as misogyny.

So no, I'm not playing the victim here, in fact I am the victim of SH. I'm not seeking attention. I know it's not ALL men and I'm not hating on every man but what can I do when I'm just scared of them.

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