
i will not say the day is done

@hamletphase / hamletphase.tumblr.com

nor bid the stars farewell.
nick, he/they, 23
art tag is #my art

2024 commission info!

my family is running into some financial issues, so i figured that there's no time like the present to update my commission information. as always, you can find more of my work under #my art on this blog. all prices in USD.

i also have a ko-fi, where i additionally post OC content!

contact me at [email protected] or at hamletphase on discord if you're interested. anything helps <3


Help me and my family to evacuate form Gaza Strip

My name is Iyad Sami, and I am 36 years old. I have been married to Amal Mahmoud for thirteen years, and we have four children: Sami, Mohammad, Sarah, and Saad. We are from Palestine, specifically the Gaza Strip, which has been under siege for more than eighteen years.

We lived a simple life, barely meeting our basic needs. Despite the difficulties, we felt content and happy being together as a family. On October 7th, a new war broke out, turning our already hard life into an unending nightmare.

On the first day of the war, Israeli airstrikes hit our home, killing two of my brothers and injuring the rest of the family, including my younger brother. There were no hospitals in northern Gaza capable of treating the injured due to the situation, so I carried him and went to the southern part of the strip seeking treatment.

But fate was cruel; the roads back were closed, leaving me trapped in the south while my wife and children remained in the north. Since that moment, I haven't seen them for more than eight months. My wife and children now live in a displacement school in the Zaytoun area, while I live in a tent in the Deir al-Balah area.

During this period, the situation has worsened. Continuous bombings, food and water shortages, and the lack of safety have made our lives a continuous nightmare. My children suffer from hunger and fear, and my wife is doing her best to keep them safe. As for me, I feel helpless and mentally pressured for not being able to protect and support them.

I appeal to anyone who reads my story. I ask you to look at us with compassion and help us collect even a little money so that we can leave this hell. I want to find a safe place where we can live in peace, where we do not fear bombings, and can meet our basic needs. I want my children to live a dignified life, to receive education and healthcare, and to feel safe.
I hope my story resonates with those who read it and that it finds compassionate hearts willing to help us in this ordeal ♥️🌹.

Help me achieve this dream, so we can live in peace, away from these wars and destruction 🍉🇵🇸.



dnd jokes that will always be funny no matter what your dm tells you

  • "jesus christ" "who's that"
  • "this is just like (tv show/movie)" "that's my favorite play"
  • referring to famous musicians or actors from the real world as "bards"
  • adding the word "fantasy" in front of modern things (i pull out my Fantasy iPhone and open Fantasy Tinder)
  • "how hurt are you" "on a scale of one to twenty-eight i'd say i'm at about a nine."

feel free to add more


I think one of the kindest things you can do for people with various mental health struggles is just... let people back into your life after they've been absent for a while.

Making friends as an adult is so fucking hard already and isolating yourself from other people is a very common symptom of depression, anxiety, burnout, ocd, trauma, grief, etc. Which means that someone will do the hard work of recovery/healing and resurface back into a world where their previous friends have written them off because they stopped showing up.

So if you know someone where you're like "yeah we could have been better friends but they fell off the map a bit" and that person suddenly reaches out, or starts showing up to events even though you kind of forgot they were still in the group chat... well they may have been Going Through It and you don't actually have to punish them for their absence you can just be glad that they're back.


trojan war tumblr simulator

🌊 is-the-sea-wine-dark-today


#the wine dark sea!!!!!!!!!!!! #wine dark sea #wine dark sea posting

108 notes

✌🏻 ajax2electricboogaloo follow

why is achilles the only demigod who's Like That? like he's my boy but u don't see memnon or aeneas or sarpedon acting like him on the reg. why is he so maladjusted? like specifically? I saw his mother once and was so terrified by the sight of a goddess I flung myself to the ground and hid my face in the dirt til she left but I still don't think that accounts for it idk

🏘️ nobody1020

it's blonde man syndrome hope this helps

340 notes

⚔️ sonoftydeus

opening my askbox so that we can discuss strategies on taking troy!

3 notes

anonymous asked: we should all go home :)

⚔️ sonoftydeus answered:


50 notes

nobody1020 asked: do u like..... horses

⚔️ sonoftydeus answered:

odysseus do I even wanna know where this is going

45 notes

⌛ isthetrojanwaroveryet?

year 9, day 234: still no....

#all our admins keep DYING

500 notes

‼️ trojan-confessions follow

I think my wife might be sending me anon hate :/ keep getting asks like 'hope u die on the battlefield tomorrow silly slag' and 'menelaus should have curbstomped you' and in her big tapestry of warriors she made me look stupid

🐴 horsetaminghector follow

lmaooo is this paris??

🔮 cryinglikecassandra follow

kinda think helen should send MORE anon hate idk

600 notes

❓ myrmidons-confessions

I was the one who wrote the achilles/agamemnon 100k slowburn enemies to lovers rpf and put it on the group chat but now patroclus is calling me 'agachilles boy' and laughing about it and asking if I can proofread his mock bardic epic where all his dogs are heroes and killing people, so I fear I've made a mistake. I also can't look achilles in the eye anymore... but honestly I've never seen proof he can read so I might be safe

❓ myrmidons-confessions

5000 notes

👑 kingofmycenae

👍🏻 ajaxthegreat

achilles is DEAD and ur posting CRAB RAVE?????

🏘️ nobody1020

I think that's why he's posting it ngl

300 notes

😹 deiphobus42069

imagine being the achaeans and your best warrior gets killed by PARIS, after everyone else had awesome deaths at the hands of sarpedon or hector or memnon... like that's literally so embarassing I just know achilles is fucking fuming down in hades rn. I bet the achaeans are gonna put around that paris was guided by apollo, or that paris happened to hit his only weak spot..... anything 2 try and make it less cringe.... lol lol we're popping the biggest bottles tonight. hope helen's there

🐆 leopardskiniscool


#I mean. yeah. but also. #deiphobus wtf I thought we were chill

240 notes

#hope everyone can be normal about the outcome!!! :)

340 notes

🧑🏻 randotrojansoldier-deactivated-8578543

so excited to go back onto the field of battle tomorrow! sure hope I don't encounter any of the big-name heroes

🗣️ homer follow

I hope you don't too! I'm sure you'll do great!

🐎 antilochussss

not the direct address????

✌🏻 ajax2electricboogaloo

direct address got him :(

3000 notes

💂🏻 trojanguardtales follow

fuck my job so much I hope that this wooden horse tribute to the gods turns out to have some guys inside or something just so I can DO something rather than standing here like a twat with my spear

💂🏻 trojanguardtales follow

by ares this can't be happening

345 notes

⚔️ sonoftydeus reblogged menelauskingofsparta

do NOT order achilles from shein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#oh yeah #I was stuck with temu achilles in the trojan horse for six hours #and by hour two agamemnon had suggested killing and eating him #and odysseus was threatening to 'send him to meet his father' #and it's not even like there's any kleos in killing priam!!! #anti neoptolemus #neoptolemus defenders dni #vent tags

100 notes


health and safety section of barista training had a question about dealing with pests, one of the multiple choice answers to which was "call the police", which immediately reawakened the memory of "no way i'm not gonna narc on my buddy" in me like a sleeper agent activation phrase



鬼神 Kill Em All 1989

I am useless photographic memory man

410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS

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