
you're rosencrantz & guildenstern. that's enough.

@halles-comet / halles-comet.tumblr.com

It might be a terrible novel, but it was no longer going to be a terrible unfinished novel.

The reason Dan Egan is so relatable is because all he knew how to do was write morally dubious say-nothing bullshit under someone else’s name and be a cunt. He really inspired my whole career


I also enjoyed that Kate was like “volatile life or death situation essential personnel only. That includes Donna’s fifteen year old daughter who is here on a school day for some reason”


My coffee table has cracked under the weight of all the books stacked on it which I like because it makes me look like a tortured genius instead of someone who buys cheap furniture 


"I think about Raylan Givens. And I love Raylan Givens. And I have to think that if Boyd Crowder broke outta jail - he's gonna pick up that phone. That's my feeling. I think - not for anyone else. Not for anyone else, because he doesn't hate them and love them as much as he hates and loves Boyd Crowder. Right? So I would think he would pick up that phone. If nothing else, just to hear how he did it."


Fallen several seasons behind on Bridgerton but good to know there’s finally some gay stuff happening because I found the concept that someone had eight children and they were all straight mathematically insulting


I’ve always really loved the name Reagan for a baby girl which is unfortunate because while pretty it also instantly brings to mind 1) the evil middle sister from King Lear 2) one of the top ten worst men to ever walk the floors of the Oval Office


Happy NBA playoffs last year I misheard the name of a player called Porziņģis on the Celtics and referred to him as Bazinga until my sister and both brothers straight up jumped me


I love working in tech it pays way more than copywriting in any other industry I love working in tech it pays way more than copywriting in any other industry I love working in tech it pays way more than copywriting in an


Saw a celebrity irl (the ‘it’s giving charcuterie” pride line cutting board at target)


Glen Powell is good looking but only in a 1961-era Apollo Program way. Like he should only be in movies about Gus Grissom.


another excellent pride memory for you: last year at LA pride HBO had a float and their employees marched with head cut-outs of various queer characters from their shows and literally every time i even think of the Pissed Off Ellie Head I lose it

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