
My little slice of...stuff

@haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted / haaaaaaaaaaaave-you-met-ted.tumblr.com

35, Non-Binary. Born in Florida. Grew up in New Mexico, currently living in Indiana. Here's where I reblog what catches my eye. I also curate a queue of fantasy and sci-fi posts from around the internet. I do not not own anything I post, unless specifically mentioned. If you see something that is yours and would like it taken down, please let me know. Unless it cannot be obtained, art is correctly attributed. Icon is by qsy-draws-a-lot

that thing abt middle schoolers making fun of you for being gay before you even knew you were gay but its those old magicians sending dean to a gay bdsm club without knowing hes [omitted]


just found this on spn wiki


it would be cool if websites let you be an adult on them. the advertisers and payment processors need everything to be Family Friendly though and their definitions of family and friendly are absolutely fucked. but since they're in charge of the Internet now, no one is allowed to be an adult. tiktokers say things like "unalive" and "seggs" because they know death and sex are too adult for online. online is for idiot babies only now because they're easier to market to

oh im sorry you're a trans adult? super ban. you are super banned for life. you have upset Visa's feelings. Mastercard is throwing up in the corner. how could you do this to Google Ads?


So recently the mayor of my city placed a bunch of sharp stones under a bridge commonly used by homeless people to escape the harsh tropical storms we experience during the summer

A priest decided that was an utterly anti humanitarian course of action (rightfully so) and so his solution.. was to destroy those rocks with a hammer.

I'm not Catholic (in fact, I grew up Jewish and am now atheist) but I feel this is what religion is supposed to be about. Using the divine to help humans behave a little more... human.


Thatā€™s father JĆŗlio Lancelotti, heā€™s a parish priest at St. Miguel Arcanjo Church in the city of SĆ£o Paulo, Brazil.Ā 

SĆ£o Paulo today is the biggest city in the american continent with a population of more than 12 million people. Approximately 15% of this population are currently homeless and live under bridges such as these one in the pictures.

In February 2nd 2021 when the re-elected mayor (a right wing conservative) continued his anti-homeless policies in the city andĀ installed this sharp rocks under this bridge, father Julio (who is famous due to his humanitarian work in the city) took upon himself to tear them down.Ā 

The 72 year old priest (wearing a face mask, because Brazil is in the height of the covid pandemic) took aĀ sledgehammer and tore down the anti-homeless brick stones with the help of his parishioners. This sparked national outrage which prompt city hall to tear down the rest of the bricks and re-think this entire policy.Ā 

If you want to know more of fatherā€™s Julio humanitarian work you can follow him on Instagram and support him and his parish.


[ID 1: A photo of the underside of a bridge. Based on the visible nearby cars on an adjacent road and the next photos, the space is at least 10 ft (3 m) tall and it is wide and long enough to park a minimum of 16 cars. The ground is covered with short, rectangular columns of stone, like irregularly-sized bricks, placed about a foot (third of a meter) apart in a very rough grid.

ID 2 & 3: Two photos of an older man with glasses, a medical mask, and a thin white fringe of hair. He is wearing a yellow smock over a white lab coat.

In the first photo, he has one hand resting on the long handle of a sledgehammer that is head down, upright on the ground, while he is looking out from under the bridge. The man is standing at the background edge of the space, based on the first photo. Around his feet are the short stone columns, but it looks like several rows from the edge have been partially destroyed, to the point that the space is much more navigable, and some have been completely reduced to rubble.

In the second photo, the man is in the foreground, holding the sledgehammer with both hands, lining up a swing at the base of one of the short stone columns.

/end ID]

Please note that the further information indicates Father Julio didnā€™t do this alone: first parishioners helped, and then the attention they drew led to the city being shamed into taking action.

I say this not to diminish his kindness or his work, but to point out that had it been just him, he COULDNā€™T have done this alone. Heā€™s an elderly man and there are thousands of bricks here. When those of us on Tumblr whoā€™ve done political work and grassroots activism tell you that And Then The Revolution is not how it works, this right here is exactly what weā€™re talking about. It took the Father and a community to make this happen, and he built the community by living his principles and working with others, which attracted likeminded people. Then those people attracted even more people. Then that community gained attention because of the good work it did. It took years for them to become that kind of force.

If you want to make change, you have to reach out, and you have to find those who will make change with you.


Saw a post where someone argued you could severely kneecap the far right tomorrow in America by cracking down on unregulated supplement sales and MLMs, and by legalizing direct-to-consumer automobile sales, and look, I donā€™t think theyā€™re wrong


-Be Belgium weapons designer

-Spend lots of money to invent a totally new firearm concept

-Sleek futuristic design

-Smol and compact


-800-1,100 round per minute

-Fires new high velocity smol cartridge that with a smol caliber bullet which can pierce body armor

-Market to militaries around the world.

-Only significant sales are to the SciFi Channel in USA

Why would they buy all the live ammunition? Were they unloading it to make blank rounds? Is that more cost effective than just hiring a company that specializes is blank firing weapons to work some magic?

>he thinks Stargate was fictional

To actually answer the question, since 5.7 was a new caliber, no blank manufacturers were making it. So yes, it was cheaper and more feasible to unload the live rounds to make blanks.



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