Anonymous asked:

she was wearing them to dim noise bc she autistic and she always wears them

i know what youre talking about and thats not the photo i was referring to


i wish i could tell everyone i am suicidal i wish i could scream it from the tops of buildings to be quite honest


Photography by Lee Miller

Lee Miller in Bath, Grand Hotel, Stockholm, 1930 printed 1990


this is even more heartbreaking because his wife didnt love him too probably i dont know maybe its a different type of love. if the love of my life said 'im gonna enter a sail around the world in a sailboat on my own alone' with no knowledge of how to properly sail and had tremors and cried night before leaving i would chain him to the bed probably


having a true crime night not in a fascinated way but kind of scaring myself way for no reason idk. and feeling dreadful

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