


he/him . 17 . from the river to the sea! 🇵🇸🍉

the beast below is a very silly episode of television. in real life if a whale was constantly being tortured to power the UK then people wouldnt have to erase their memories every 5 years to cope. in fact one of the election buttons would be "torture the whale even more" and 40% of the british voting public would show up to press it without fail and if someone came along and explained that you dont need to torture the whale for it to help they'd still keep pressing the torture the whale button "just to piss off the lefties"


Hey guys, I've added the google doc where me and Nairuz have been compiling the vetted fundraisers all on one list that can be easily updated and seen by everyone. I think it's faster than the system I had going before.

Go check it out, I've added 13 links in the past hour.


blue sargent is like. she's so cool she's such a loser i'm just like her i'll never be her she's a hypocrite she's right all the time she's seventeen she's a thousand years old this is her first life she's lived a hundred before. she likes a boy no she doesn't she's in love with his friend, she's in love with all of her friends but he's the only one she wants to kiss, she's kissed another before. her kiss is death her kiss set his last life in motion. she's half tree


I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.

Exactly! It's freaking annoying when I want to watch movies but I would have to subscribe to like 24 different services . Just to watch the shows that I like.


a vital and frequently overlooked aspect of cam's relationship with pal is the fact that her boundaries with him are like. i can accept collecting 96 fragments of your exploded skull, painstakingly glueing them back together, letting your soul move into my body, nearly bleeding out as a result, getting stabbed in service to you, bleeding out again and still offering you another spoonful of blood. but i draw the LINE at letting you write hardcore erotica with my hands


she's a pill. she's ambidextrous. she can diagnose an intercranial hemorrhage with one look. she's like light moving across water. she would have worked in data. she fights like a grease fire. she's a mad dog. she was the best in her house at fifteen. she's the second strand. she can do a back handspring down the stairs. she can learn anything in a few tries but thinks she's got one thing. her smile makes the earth want to marry her. she blazed like a white candle. I didn't say her name, but she popped into your head anyway, didn't she?


so we all agree that harrows letter to camilla in htn explained the lobotomy right. or at least explained that she removed all memory of gideon to preserve her soul. do you think camilla thought ‘yeah sounds like a solid plan’ or was she a hypocrite who thought, ‘this bitch is crazy. i, camilla hect, on the other hand am responding to my necromancer’s death in a way that is correct and normal’.


a vital and frequently overlooked aspect of cam's relationship with pal is the fact that her boundaries with him are like. i can accept collecting 96 fragments of your exploded skull, painstakingly glueing them back together, letting your soul move into my body, nearly bleeding out as a result, getting stabbed in service to you, bleeding out again and still offering you another spoonful of blood. but i draw the LINE at letting you write hardcore erotica with my hands

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