


he / him - 22 yo - autistic, transmasc, aroace, lovepunk, french - current fixations : DP, Ninjago, TMA/TMAGP, Moomins, Dead Boy Detectives - but kind of multifandoms / topics - only queerplatonic ships except a few exceptions (don't expect shipping content on the regular) - art blog : @moondustghost

How much of fake allies are your parents? I'll go first. My mom reposts inspirational ADHD sheets (uncredited but probably made by parents) on Instagram stories saying it's about me and she's ✨️proud of me✨️ (I'm autistic, I don't have ADHD and after years of diagnosis no one ever even suggested I had ADHD so ????) gendering me with neutral pronouns (I'm transmasc and I use masculine pronouns only, and she goes out of her way to gender me with neutral in our very gendered language) :D


do you think edwin never saw any red flags in the way charles talked about his father not just because charles was so good at hiding how it effected him and the true extent of it by only making off hand comments here and there, but also because edwin grew up in a time where corporal punishment in schools and hitting children as punishment was especially normalised? because i do. corporal punishment and caning wasn’t banned in state schools until 1986 and in private schools until 1998 and we can assume that being in a seemingly private boarding school meant it was something edwin absolutely experienced, as it was in all schools and probably homes when he was a child, and something we can assume charles probably experienced depending on how strict the school remained up until his death but that’s not really relevant. what i’m trying to say is that hitting children and pretty brutal punishment by today’s standards was incredibly commonplace for edwin, it was an everyday occurrence, so no wonder he didn’t bat an eye at charles’ offhand comments about his fathers temper. on top of that george has said that in his mind edwin’s father wasn’t a very caring man to his son which isn’t surprising considering the time period and wouldn’t have aided him in realising that something was wrong with the way charles’ father treated him (always assuming he didn’t know the extent of it, of course). edwin’s obliviousness to how much charles’ father hurt and also effected him comes from an early 1900s perspective where a comment or two about his fathers temper wouldn’t be as alarming as it was to crystal, because aren’t all fathers cold and uncaring? aren’t all children disciplined with force?

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