
I Just Think Danny Should Be Scary


| 24 | call me Kei!! | they/she | I write fanfic for Danny Phantom and more! || icon by @bugbart ! || main blog @the-awesome-cabbage ||

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I'm Kei! I write fanfic!

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Find posts on my blog about my writing under #kei writes



Things That Bleed - Danny Phantom x Alex Rider x SCP ( Blog for this fic @thingsthatbleedfic ) (#ttb)

FUNCTION.HEARTBEAT:SYNC - Generator Rex (Blog for this fic @function-heartbeat-sync ) (#f.h:s)

Proximal - Danny Phantom


Danny Phantom Fic Rec -> List <-


Guys I can't find the 'Identity reveal to the public / school field trip reveal / stuck on an island / trapped identity reveal' fics, would y'all do a favor and reply/reblog with some you know of? Thanks!


Identity reveal to the public:

A Secret Uncovered by DarthFrodo

Humans and Ghosts by RedGhost1010

bent but not yet broken by UnderForeversGrace

Anniversary by Deathcomes4u

School field trip:

The Trip by Deathcomes4u

Thursday by DizzlyPuzzled

Also @mostlikelynothuman made a good field trip rec list here.

Stuck on an island:

A Phantom Marooned by Lord Pugsy on FFN

Trapped identity reveal:

Okay by TourettesDog

A complication with evacuation by Friendly_neighborhood_imbecille

Mortality Salience by Alexa_Piper

Locker Room by love_ly_ish


You can't make a trapped on an island fic list without including THE trapped on an island fic, The Survivalists by @kinglazrus (also crossposted to AO3)

There's also this old ffn community list that includes a bunch of the field trip fics!


Woah, this brought back memories of something I haven't read since I was 14. If I remember correctly it's a school trip - plane crash - trapped on an island - Identity reveal. (I don't remember if his identity is actually revealed, but it's waved in front of everyone, even the public, with a broom.)

Stranded With My Class by  RedHeadsRock1010

There's also a YT theme song for it


I had a Danny Phantom dream tonight where Vlad and Danny where teaming up, but Danny got hit by one of his parents attacks und fought unconciousness (which would have made him turn in front of them obviously).

So Vlad, in order to protect him, positioned himself between the Fenton parents and Danny and when words didn't help he revealed his own secret to them as a distraction for Danny to get away.

Ngl kinda dig the concept but i would have loved to know how we got to that point brain????


"Man, this is just like Danny Phantom," I totally avoided saying, as the completely normal phlebotomist took my completely normal blood from my slightly busted body, in a way that had nothing to do with the former Nickelodeon hit show Danny Phantom.

If it helps the first thing I announced when I got to work was "THEY STOLE MY BLOOD! :("

My very patient coworker: *puts down her book* Right out of your body?
Me: Right out of my body!! 🥲

Hey now

You're an all star 🎵

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