



Run Away Together

tw: Yandere Hongjoong, kidnapping, hwa is kidnapped too, food mentioned, manipulation, blood, gun, torture mentioned, family issues mentioned, slightly seongjoong but idk what are they too, yandere seongjoong x reader

wc: 2318

a/n: Hello! I think most people don't like the yandere theme, should I stop writing in this theme? Idk I should continue writing or not, so if you give me feedback, i would be happy :,)

"If Hongjoong saw what you were doing, he would tear us both apart." You jumped so much at the sound you heard that you almost lost your balance. You suddenly turned around and looked at the dark corridor where the voice came from. "Seonghwa please, let me go.” Seonghwa was walking towards you with slow and silent steps. You really didn't want to think about what Hongjoong would do to both of you if he found out you had escaped from your room

Seonghwa was always more tolerant in your relationship; He was the best option between the two in your emotionally weak times. Hongjoong, on the other hand, was more strict and rule-making. Seonghwa would relax Hongjoong's rules for you when he wasn't around. Out of the two of them, the idea of kidnapping you came from Hongjoong and Seonghwa felt guilty towards you for not being able to stop his idea. That's why he treated you more gently.

"Angel, don't make things difficult and come here." As he walked towards you, you took a step back. "Seonghwa, let's run away together. He's not at home anyway. He won't know until we go to the police." You said in a pleading tone as you reached your hands forward and tried to stop him. "Police? Even the nearest grocery store is 3 hours away from here. We might even fall prey to wolves in the forest while trying to escape." You stopped when your back hit the outside door. "Don't you have a phone?" Tears filled your eyes as you realized he wasn't going to help you. Seonghwa was your only friend here and you thought maybe he could help you out. "Remember, I was once his victim, just like you. He destroyed my phone in front of my eyes when he brought me here." He reached out a hand to you and caressed your cheek. "Why don't you give in and try loving him? Believe me, he's not someone to hate." Isn't he someone to hate? You harshly removed Seonghwa's hand from your cheek. "Hwa, he kidnapped us! Are you aware of th-"

"If you treat him like that again, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget."

You lost your balance backwards when the door behind you suddenly opened and Hongjoong grabbed you by your arms harshly from behind. "As if trying to escape wasn't enough, you also tried to persuade Hwa, and on top of that, you were rude to him. Know your place." You tried to avoid his grip. "I'm not rude to him, I took his hand away from my cheek. You are exaggerating. And if you're not happy with it, just let me go!" You said all the words in one go, and Seonghwa was praying to stop you from going any further and saying anything.

Hongjoong had the scariest look you had ever seen in your life. He could make anyone do whatever he wanted with just one look. Now he's giving you the same look, waiting for you to kneel in front of him and apologize. But this time you weren't going to fall for his trick. You will walk out that door no matter what the cost.

The door was still open and Hongjoong's grip was gradually loosening. "Angel, don't be stubborn. Come on." Seonghwa gently grabbed your shoulder, trying to pull you inside. Hongjoong's silence scared him too, and he almost knelt down and apologized for you. Hongjoong noticed Seonghwa getting nervous and nodded at him. "Hwa my prince, you go inside and wait for me." Seonghwa instantly listened to his order and went towards the living room. He didn't want you to get hurt, he would have stopped Hongjoong if he could. Hongjoong would include Seonghwa in all your punishments so that he wouldn't forget his place. Him telling Seonghwa to go inside made you panic. "Police, huh? What will you do when you go to the police? Who will believe you?" He took one of his hands from your arm and placed it on your stomach. "Look at you, I take good care of you, I even made you gain weight since you came here. Your hair and clothes are also clean. Who would believe that someone kidnapped you? Do you have proof?"

He was really taking good care of you. He prepared your 3 meals with the highest quality and also provided snacks. Ever since you learned what would happen if you didn't eat with a harsh punishment when you first came here, you had been eating everything on your plate out of fear.

"They will believe me! I have been missing for months. They will definitely ask what happened!" Right now, in Hongjoong's eyes, you were like a child throwing a tantrum because she wanted more candy from her mother. "I've told you a hundred times that no one is looking for you. Your family is very happy to be rid of you." Ah, he started again. His favorite thing was to hit you at your most sensitive point, the problem between you and your family. If you continued to listen to him, he would manipulate you again and make you stay here. So you hit his stomach with your elbow and broke away from his grip. You slipped away from him, went out the open door and ran into the front yard.

The fact that he wasn't following you caught your attention and scared you, but there was no turning back now. It was the first time you had stepped outside in months, and as Seonghwa once said, you were in the middle of the forest and it was pitch black. You couldn't see where you were going and you were constantly losing your balance because the ground was full of large tree roots. The best thing you could do was try to go as straight as you could and keep running until you saw a road or a house.

Hongjoong went to the terrace, watching with amusement as you excitedly tried to escape. One of his favorite things was to give his victims such small hopes and then shatter those hopes. When he first brought Seonghwa here, he tried to escape with all his might. He even tried to fight Hongjoong. But he gave up after a while because he was caught every time. Hongjoong was sure you would be the same.

Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong from the terrace door. "Go and bring her to me before she falls and hurts herself." Hongjoong said to Seonghwa without taking his eyes off you. "Me? But I don't know the way. We'd both get lost." He hasn't gone out since he came here, except his small escape attempts. He didn't know the forest too. Hongjoong placed his hand on his forehead in distress and sighed. "Then you two should get lost and be eaten by the wolves, Seonghwa. I told you to go and bring her here." When Hongjoong raised his voice, Seonghwa got scared and immediately went downstairs and took the flashlight. He didn't want to run outside in this cold, so he called out to you. "Angel! Please come here! The forest is too dangerous!" When he couldn't hear a sound from you, he huffed and went outside and started looking around with his flashlight. When he couldn't find any sign of you, he looked up at Hongjoong on the terrace and shrugged. Hongjoong gestured with his hand towards the right and Seonghwa ran towards it.

He wanted this to be over as soon as possible, he ran towards you with all his strength, balancing himself with the illumination of his flashlight. When he took a break to catch his breath, he saw your curled body under a tree and jumped. "Agh! You scared me!" As he approached you, he moved the light to the side so that it wouldn't dazzle you. "Let's go. Hongjoong is angry. Let's not make him more angry." You still had your back turned and were not looking at him. This made Seonghwa shiver and he placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. "Angel? Are you oka-" When he looked at you, he saw you staring blankly ahead. "Stop being mysterious and stand up. He's watching us from the terrace. The longer we stay here, the worse it will get."

You turned your head towards Seonghwa. "Hwa, I hear car noises. If we run fast enough, we can catch one and get out of here." Seonghwa leaned towards you and put his hands under your armpits, pulling you to your feet. "Stop talking nonsense. We're in the middle of the forest and there's no driveway here. Like I said, the nearest grocery store is 3 hours away from-" "How do you know? You've never been outside either?" You interrupted him and asked in a whisper. Seonghwa rolled his eyes at you. "I know because Hongjoong said so. Now come on-"

Just then you heard a horn sound.

Seonghwa has never been this deep in the forest before. So he wasn't sure if Hongjoong was telling the truth or if there was a highway around here.

"Did you hear that?" you asked excitedly. It was clear from Seonghwa's surprised face that he heard it too. "No, we shouldn't do this. We shouldn't be here. Hongjoong will kill us." You took the flashlight from his hand and held Seonghwa's arm with your other hand. "Then we will die together. Rest assured, it is better than this life."

You pulled his arm and started running towards the direction of the voice. On the one hand, Seonghwa felt guilty for betraying Hongjoong, but he also wanted to be free. His feet were moving without him realizing it. After a while, he ran ahead and started pulling you. He seemed to want freedom more than you did. He had to take part in all of Hongjoong's crimes. Hongjoong was more obsessed and more brutal when he first kidnapped him, he had tortured Seonghwa for years with all of those aspects, and unlike you, he had no one by his side. After his tortures, he did not have a friend who could wrap him in his scarves and caress his head to put him to sleep. Of course he suffered more than you.

"Seonghwa stop! I can't hear!" You stood together, waiting to hear a sound, breathless. There was complete silence and for a moment you thought you were dreaming. "We're sure we heard a horn! Maybe the cars have stopped passing. Let's keep going, we'll definitely find a road!"

Everything happened suddenly. If you ask in seconds, everything happened in 5 seconds.

1 Seonghwa held your hand again

2 You again shined the light of the flashlight in front of you

3 Seonghwa pulled your hand and prepared to run

4 You fell to the ground when something hard stabbed your leg.

5 You felt a warm thick liquid flowing down your thigh.

Since they kept talking about wolves, you first thought that a wolf had bitten your leg. Then, when you didn't see an animal next to you, you looked at Seonghwa. Seonghwa was staring at you on the ground, frozen in place with fear.

"What happened?" You couldn't feel anything because of the adrenaline. You just felt the warmth. "He shot you."

You couldn't see anything left behind because the light falling on the ground illuminated your face. You knew someone was there when Seonghwa lifted his head from you and looked forward. As the person in front of you moved towards you, Seonghwa stepped back.

"Hwa, give me one reason why I should forgive this action.” This bastard... This was the first time Seonghwa had gone this far, so he couldn't think of anything to say and fell to his knees out of habit. "Hongjoong plea-" "Okay, shut up, I'll think about whether to forgive you or not when we get home. Now you..." He turned to you and crouched down next to you. "What should we do with you?" He ran his hands through your hair and caressed it gently; His tone of voice and the fact that he was stroking your hair while you were lying on the ground covered in blood did not match at all.

"Since you are responsible for this, you will suffer the most punishment." He pointed the gun at your head. "Should I kill you and bury you right here or-" He held your hair harshly, lifted your head and looked at you with that scary look again. "or do you want to continue living and rot in my basement?"

Seonghwa was watching you with holding his breath. Hongjoong had the potential to shoot you at any moment. "Have I still not taught you that when I ask you a question, you must answer? How good of a person I am. I even offer options." He fake laughed. Seonghwa stepped forward. "Hongjoong! It happened suddenly, forgive her." Hongjoong slowly turned his head towards him. "Do you want me to ask you the same question or do you want to shut up?" Seonghwa immediately fell silent and lowered his head.

You slowly started to feel the pain in your leg. "Kill me." He was looking into your eyes so deeply that you could feel his gaze on your soul. "I said kill me! It's better than living with you!" You shouted at him, driven by pain. "Uh wrong answer!" He pulled the gun from your head and held you in his arms. "Put me down! I want to die!" You were so cute when you were having a tantrum, he thought.

"Now, let's go back home and think about what you've done. Hwa my prince, can you hold the flashlight for us?" Seonghwa immediately did as he said.

He prayed for you and for himself along the way.

note: English is not my first language. If you find anything ridiculous in what I wrote, you can tell me lol.

Anonymous asked:

maybe you could do something like the reader thinks they successfully poisoned/hurt [any ateez member] but they’re incredibly wrong?

I love the idea, I was also inspired by something ahem manhwa ahem, can you guess what it is :3


Tw: yandere hongjoong, drugging, force feeding, food, vomiting

wc: 893

Your hands were shaking as you rummaged through the medicines in the warehouse. Since you didn't know which medicine did what, you took a few of each medicine and put them in your pocket. You were careful not to make a sound, but because of adrenaline, you dropped some boxes and cursed under your breath.

You loved Hongjoong, you really did. At the beginning of your relationship, he made you feel like you were the only person in the world. You were in this state because he wanted to be the only person in your world too.

Maybe you were crazy like him. What mentally healthy person would want to get rid of their boyfriend by poisoning him? Did you want to kill him completely or did you want to give him enough medicine to hospitalize him? You didn't know what you wanted to do to him, either option would help you escape from here.

You heard the door to Hongjoong's room open and you ran to the kitchen, threw all the medicine you collected into the soup on the stove and stirred it. You were shaking so much it was impossible for him not to notice something was going on.

Humming a song, Hongjoong walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. “It smells delicious, what are you cooking darling?” He sat at the dining table behind you and started watching you cooking. You couldn't open your mouth to answer him because you were afraid your voice would shake. "Darling, I asked you a question." His tone had changed, and when you still did not answer, he stood up from the table and walked towards you. You panicked and turned towards him. "Soup. I'm cooking soup. Your favorite." Hongjoong smiled at you when your voice shook. "Why are you so nervous? Did you do something?" If you acted well, would he still suspect you? Most likely yes. Hongjoong knew everything. He knew your thoughts and actions before you did.

"I didn't do anything." you said as you tried to breathe and calm yourself down. Hongjoong stared at you with one eyebrow raised. "Okay then." Suddenly he sat at the dining table again and continued to watch you. You could feel his eyes on the back of your head, but you couldn't turn to look at him.

Once you finished cooking the soup, you turned to Hongjoong. "Do you want to eat now or-" "We will eat together. You can set the table." He said interrupting you. You couldn't eat together. With your heart pounding, you tried to make an excuse. "I ate before you came. I'm full now. You eat, then I'll eat later." This time he wasn't smiling. He would make this facial expression when you were in trouble. "I said eat."

You poured some soup for yourself too because you didn't know what to do. You put the plate in front of him and sat at the table.

"Darling, you eat first." You weren't surprised because you knew he was going to say this. You thought about not swallowing but just holding the soup in your mouth and waiting until he drank it. Your hands were shaking so much as you dipped the spoon into the soup that you spilled some into the bowl. Hongjoong was watching you carefully.

Of course, Hongjoong wasn't stupid. You had put detergent in his food before, but Hongjoong noticed it immediately because it smelled. Your excuse was that you spilled detergent because you thought it was sauce. How cute, he thought.

You kept the soup in your mouth, trying not to swallow it. You nodded for Hongjoong to eat, but Hongjoong was still looking at you with those scary eyes. If you looked at it any longer, you were afraid to swallow the soup. "Swallow it." he ordered. When he saw that you did not swallow, he suddenly slammed his hand on the table and shouted. "I told you to swallow!" You swallowed with fear. You didn't know if it was psychological or if the medicines started working immediately, but you were feeling nauseous right now.

Hongjoong got up from the table and walked over to you, taking the soup spoon in his hand and dipping it into the bowl. "Why don't you finish them all? You worked hard to make this. Let me help you." He held your arms with one hand while forcing you to drink all the soup. "That's it, was it that hard?"

When he let go of your arms, you ran towards the bathroom as he grabbed his own bowl and poured it into the sink. You emptied the contents of your stomach and flushed the toilet. You were out of breath and trying to regain your senses when you heard a voice behind you.

"All the drugs in the warehouse were vitamin supplements. As long as you don't take 100, you won't get poisoned. Do you think I would put heavy drugs where you can reach them when you try to poison me once?" He approached you and tied your hair behind you. You thought he was going to comfort you for vomiting, but suddenly he started pulling you by your hair and dragging you to the basement. "Hongjoong! I am sorry! I wasn't thinking! Please-" "Your tactics were good, but you need to improve your acting skills."

a/n: Also thx for 200 followers! I love u all!♡♡ I'm a little sad these days, so I don't like what I write, but I hope you like it!

Anonymous asked:

hiiiii what do you think ateez’s kink are? we know that wooyoung enjoys when someone being mean to him but i couldnt think about other members

Hiii! I don't know why this is so long I am sorry, I guess I've been waiting for this moment. I couldn't choose just one for each member, so I generally wrote down the things they liked. Anyways, I hope you will like it!♡

Ateez Members' Kinks

Tw: nsfw, a lot of kinks i can't write everything sorry

I think Hongjoong is degrader, brat tamer and loves dirty talk, a lot of teasing, choking kink, so he looooves to ruin you. He can be switch too but mostly he is a dom. For Seonghwa, it is a little bit cliche but he has daddy/mommy kink, he is rigger and loves to give sensory deprivation (i think he makes art while sex so sex with him is very aesthetic and satisfactory). Yunho DEFINITELY has choking kink (breath play), likes dry humping, has size kink (he likes to press your belly and feel himself inside you UGHH) he is very giggly at the beginning but when things start to get heated, he becomes overly dominant and directive, seeing you in sexy clothes motivates him. I WILL FOREVER DEFEND THAT YEOSANG IS A HEAVY DOMINANT! So he has HUGE power play kink, sometimes no foreplay, he is sadist, dirty talk, pushing boundaries his favourite! He is experimentalist so you can try everything with him. San aww my baby, unlike most people think, I think he's a sub. It's like he gets into that mindset when the cameras are off. SO he has def daddy/mommy kink (imagine he is whining and says "mommy... let me cum please. I was being so good" UGH SAN OFC BABY) He likes to be tied up so he is rope bunny, loves biting, praise kink, choking kink, maybe a little bit slave kink but not too much (he just wants to please you and be good boy!). He can be switch and take control but he wants to be sub most of the time. For Mingi, my favourite sub boy, he def has mommy kink. It doesn't matter what gender you are, he will always call you mommy srry, I think he likes to be tied up but not completely (Don't tie one of his hands! He will wants to touch you), he likes temperature play (imagine sliding the ice over his chest and nipples), MARKING-BITING, btw he will try to be bratty but he will fail lol. Wooyoung will dominate you most of the time but he is a switch. He is degrader, and as you said he likes to be degradee, biting ofc, CHOKING KINK! (pls choke him), breathe play, SPANK HIM, he likes to watch while sex so there must be a mirror while he is doing it, he is a experimentalist too you can try everything, he is sadist and masochist, exhibitionist. MY FAV DOM JONGHO HE IS REALLY HAS DILF VIBES, he has daddy kink, rigger, verrrry dominant, brat tamer, power play is must, maybe spanking?Seeing you in sexy clothes motivates him too. He doesn't like to take off his top clothes because it gives him superiority.


Ateez Reactions: When You Use Safeword (Hyung Line)

tw: ugh i am not good at writing tw but it is smut lol, choking, slapping, degrading, I AM SHY OKAY bj, ahem cockwarming, using safeword obv, ahem bye


You had been sitting between his legs, pleasuring him, for about 15 minutes. Your mind was starting to get blurry and you would have collapsed on the ground if he hadn't held you by your hair and guided you. It all started to become too much. You weren't yourself because he tease you and delayed you before. Suddenly he took his free hand to your throat and started squeezing it. He was already big enough that blocking all your airways; He made it twice as bad by strangling you. "You like it when I use you like a slut, don't you? Aww so cute, you can't even talk" Suddenly you realized you couldn't take it anymore and hit his thigh three times. With lightning speed, Hongjoong removed his hand from your neck and hair and carefully removed himself from your mouth. "Love, was it too much?" He observed you carefully. You were trying to breathe. "Joong, I am so sorr-" He pulled you close and stroked your hair. "Don't. Don't apologize. I'm really sorry I didn't notice before." You regained your breath. "Wait, let me get you water" You grabbed him by the arm. "Just stay with me."


"Open wider." He commanded in a stern tone. Your legs were shaking so much now that you couldn't even tell if you had opened them wider or not. "I said. Open. Wider." Now you were sobbing. "I... I don't..." He hit your thigh hard. "You don't what doll?" You felt his voice vibrating inside you. You tried to grab his hair and pull his head away from you, but he grabbed both of your hands and pinned them next to your hips. "Stop... I can't- anymore" He couldn't hear you or didn't want to hear you. "Hwa!" He was lost between your legs. "Shut up. I swear if you try to close your legs again" You panicked. "Hwa! stars!" Still between your legs, he looked up at you to see if he heard correctly. The look of discomfort on your face was a sign that he heard correctly. He instantly pulled away from your legs. "Doll? Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?" You nod your head and released your hands from his grasp, covering your face. "I'm sorry. Don't hide from me." He took your hands away from your face. "I think I went too far." He instantly got out of bed and went towards the bathroom. You closed your eyes for a moment to regain your composure. You woke up when he grabbed your legs and waist and carried you to the bathroom to clean you.


You turned your head back and looked at the computer. You see there are 13 minutes left in the match. You didn't know if you could last 13 more minutes. "Hm, you want to watch? I can turn you around." He pull out of you, picked you up and placed you back on his lap. With this move, you were now on the edge. You couldn't come without his permission and it was starting to hurt. "Yunho I can't stand it anymore." "Yes you can and you will." He replied to you with his eyes still on the screen. When he put his hands on your belly and pressed it, you were really at the limit. Your walls were squeezing him like crazy. "If you keep squeezing me , you can't come for the next 20 minutes." If Yunho threatens you, he will definitely do it. You couldn't stand another 20 minutes. "Yunho, red!" He looked at you instantly. "Angel? You want me to pull out of you?" You shook your head. "What do you want angel? Use your words please." You were relieved when you had his attention. "Let me come. It hurts." He stood up from his gaming chair while he was still inside you. He put you to bed. "Okay, darling. I'll take care of you."


He hit you hard on the cheek. You were in such a position that your leg was numb. "Are you going to continue being a stupid attention seeking bitch again or have you learned your lesson?" You could only hum. You couldn't put the words together. "Or should I watch my best friend fuck you like a cheap whore? What do you think, would you like it?" He was fucking you with incredible speed. What you did was just ask Wooyoung questions about the movie he watched. You didn't think this might trigger Yeosang. "Answer me when I talk to you!" It was maybe the 30th time he slapped you. The insults he said had become very serious indeed. Normally your sexual relationship was like this, but today you were so tired and everything was breaking you. Tears began to flow from your eyes. "Are you going to cry now?" He said sassily. You came for a while but everything was so intense that only Yeosang noticed. When it started to build up again, you tried to push him. This strange movement of yours caught his attention and he slowed down a bit. “Slut, what is your color?” You didn't want it to end completely. You just didn't want him to humiliate you that much. "Yellow." He slowed down his pace inside you. He was barely moving. "Do you want to take a break?" You shook your head. "No, just slow down a little." He kissed your head. "Sorry love. I will be more gentle now."

I wrote smut for the first time is it okay? Did I write correctly lol? Pls let me know if I wrote something stupid


Take Care of You

Hongjoong often forgot to take care of himself. He would focus so much on his work that he would not be aware of anything around him, nor would he be aware of himself. At such moments, you would step in and take care of him.

You leaned over his studio chair, running your hands through his hair. “Joong baby, you really need to take a bath,” not taking his eyes off the monitor. “Wait a minute angel, I need to finish this.” You huffed and sat down in his couch in the studio. Even though it was a good thing that he was so focused on his work, it worried you a lot.

Half an hour had passed and he still wasn't done. You pulled his chair towards you. He whined and wanted to hold on to the table and pull it back, but he couldn't resist you much because he was too tired. "No more work. You get in the shower right now" You wanted to say it decisively, but your voice was soft. You could never get angry at him.

You brought your hand to his cheek and he instantly closed his eyes. "I'm worried about you, Joong. You should also take care of yourself a little bit." He whined sleepily. "I love it when you take care of me. I couldn't do this without you." You gently caressed his cheek and placed a small kiss on his lips. "Thank you for letting me take care of you. Now go take a shower baby."

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