
girl idk


eddie diaz stan first, human second
Anonymous asked:

Buck has a father yes, that pretty much only actively paid attention to him unless he was hurt. But who taught Buck how to tie a tie? Who taught Buck to cook? Who does Buck go to for advice on topics one would ask their father about? Yes, Buck has Phillip Buckley, and he may have a relationship with him now. Phillip Buckley is Evan Buckley’s father. Robert Nash is Evan Buckly’s dad.

Like miss me with that “your father is still alive” comment…

Anonymous asked:

keep reaching, queerphobe

I’m a queerphobe for thinking that comment wasn’t appropriate given the context of the entire scene and what was just shared previously???

Anonymous asked:


The way I know what this is referring to because I just saw it on twitter lol.

as if Buck didn’t “rope himself in” in episode 9? Like he decided all on his own to go talk to Eddie about the Kim situation??

Not to mention they have been co parenting and partners for years now. Eddie and Chris are bucks family?? Like I know *that* section of the fandom only cares about Bt having sex but that’s just not gonna happen. Especially in the finale?? Nor does their weird obsession with it mean they get to negate Buck and Eddie and Chris entire family dynamic and try and dismiss it.

That one comment that said that Buck doesn’t know how to hold a convo with Chris…um did they actually watch any of the show or did they just watch clips of their ship??

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