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So yeah just throwing in my two penneth, good on David for telling Kemi Badenoch to shut it. She’s a fucking terf. Then she goes and plays the stereotype card, David Tennant told you to shut your mouth. He never even mentioned race or gender. He literally told you to stop gassing, which to be honest is really what you should do. You tried to insinuate awful, untrue things about him. You’re embarrassing yourself, sit the fuck down.

Also Rishi you need to fuck off too, getting on the band wagon. YOU are in fact THE PROBLEM. Dragging David on Twitter, you do know he doesn’t use the internet right? He’s off living his best life wearing his pride badges, being a sweetheart and actual genuine person, and having fun with his beautiful wife and kids. He’s literally just rocked up to the Mean Girls premiere, slaying in his pink nails. He doesn’t give one shiny shit about what you’ve got to say.

Don’t vote Tory. On the 4th of July if you are old enough and registered to vote, please vote Labour or failing that, anything that isn’t Conservative.

Get those fucking terf bastards out of number 10. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

Aims out.

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