

@eyelessdraws / eyelessdraws.tumblr.com

prolific drawer of bunnies.
Hello new followers! All aboard the Bunchoco Express to Eyeless-World!!

a little about me and the blog

( ´◔ ω◔`) ノシ

you can call me neo or eyeless or arizona. i reblog, follow, and like from @neopetcemetary

  • mid 20s. she/her.
  • self-studying computer science, specifically cybersecurity and networking. ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ i have a neocities website here but due to being busy with studying, i haven't had the time to update it lately. hopefully i can get back to updating regularly once i pass my exams later this year! (҂◡_◡) ᕤ
  • i have been posting my art online since i was about 10, mainly posting to instagram 2016-2021. ironically it's once i gave up on conventional social media and started posting my art to tumblr, i finally found my audience
  • i love bunnies, art, computers, and the esoteric and bizarre. i frequently post art with the following themes: unreality, trauma, child abuse, blood/gore, horror, nudity, retro futurism, and quaint cute things. so please use your own discretion.
  • i mostly post original art, often featuring my ocs, as well as occasional fanart. i mostly draw fanart for mr. robot, battlestar galactica, the oa, resident evil, neopets, digimon, pokemon, and burn notice.
  • currently i am working on my bubble bunny buddy series!
  • at this time i am not selling any art prints, stickers, or originals. i am open to taking commissions or doing tattoo tickets and will negotiate a price on a case by case basis.

ψ(`∇´)ψ thank you so much for coming to exist in my little world, even for just a little bit ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ̀ˋ

feel free to send me asks or just chat, i really need some more artist friends in my life ƸӜƷ and finally, if you like my art, please reblog it or share with someone you love.


7 of these prints left!

"afternoon on the train" has almost made it too 10k notes, which is something I never could have imagined!! As a thank you, I'm selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I'm not posting this to IG. Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

"afternoon on the train" has almost made it too 10k notes, which is something I never could have imagined!! As a thank you, I'm selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I'm not posting this to IG.

Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Again, I only have 8 prints of this. I will be posting my other leftover prints for sale later on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I love reading the tags on this post and I can't believe it's almost at 10k! I'm a very lucky bunny (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)

7 out of 8 prints left! Shoot me a dm if you are interested!!


"afternoon on the train" has almost made it too 10k notes, which is something I never could have imagined!! As a thank you, I'm selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I'm not posting this to IG.

Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Again, I only have 8 prints of this. I will be posting my other leftover prints for sale later on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I love reading the tags on this post and I can't believe it's almost at 10k! I'm a very lucky bunny (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)


"afternoon on the train" has almost made it too 10k notes, which is something I never could have imagined!! As a thank you, I'm selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I'm not posting this to IG.

Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Again, I only have 8 prints of this. I will be posting my other leftover prints for sale later on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I love reading the tags on this post and I can't believe it's almost at 10k! I'm a very lucky bunny (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)


"afternoon on the train" has almost made it too 10k notes, which is something I never could have imagined!! As a thank you, I'm selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I'm not posting this to IG.

Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Again, I only have 8 prints of this. I will be posting my other leftover prints for sale later on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I love reading the tags on this post and I can't believe it's almost at 10k! I'm a very lucky bunny (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)

afternoon on the train (november 2023)

Thanks everyone for all the love on this post...It really means a lot. I had given up on finding my audience when I made this tumblr, I just wanted to have an archive of my art. As a thank you, I'm selling my remaining 8 prints of this piece — exclusively for my tumblr babies. I'm not posting this to IG.

Get one of these 8 × 10 prints for $20 + $2 for shipping. US only. DM to claim. Payment through ~venmoe~ or P☆yP☆l ヽ(;▽;)ノ

Again, I only have 8 prints of this. I will be posting my other leftover prints for sale later on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I love reading the tags on this post and I can't believe it's almost at 10k! I'm a very lucky bunny (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)

EDIT: I forgot to add a Pic of the print lol


Thank you everyone who bought one of my stickers! Means a lot!!

( ’з`)ノ⌒♥*:・。.


I have 3 stickers left! Dm to claim! Die cut, vinyl stickers! 3$ each + $1.50 for postage <3

I will not be making these again, and they are selling fast, so get em while you can!


.:・°☆.。.:・°☆.。.:・°☆here are all of my leftover stickers ☆.。.:・°☆.。.:・°☆.。.:

$3.00 + $1.50 for post and envelope - dm to claim - payment through venmo (usa only)
I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH, your art brings me so much joy! Apologies for spamming 😭🙏

Thank you SO MUCH. I really needed to hear this right now, like seriously. I have been feeling very down about my art after someone who I thought was a "friend" insulted it. Also just mega struggling because I made a bunch of stuff and it isn't selling :') I feel like i have put in work for so long to get back very little engagement. i even had someone on IG be like "HOW has your art NOT blown up yet?"

So these message really really mean the world, and they lift me up. I don't make art to receive love or a reward, I do it for the expereince, but man, after shouting into the void for so long, it really makes it worth it when the void shouts back. Thank you so so much, you're such an angel.


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