
writing in the apocalypse


EskaWrites on AO3 home to a whole lotta nonsense about ronance, erathia/tenlark, writing stuff, etc etc. down to chat anytime, so come say hi!

EskaWrites AO3 masterlist

now that i have well over 175k words of fic up on ao3, i think that i can no longer claim this weird obsession with stranger things is just a fleeting thing. so! here’s a lil fic masterlist for myself and for anyone else who cares


nancy pov day! chapter 28 is up! it's time for the Golden Globes, angst, and foreshadowing!

“Sorry,” Robin says. Nancy waits, knowing there’s more. Robin shifts her weight. “I just…wanted to say congratulations. I haven’t gotten the chance yet.” “Are you sure that’s all?” “No,” she breathes. “But it’s all I get tonight. So…congrats. Seriously, you deserve this. I’m so proud of you.” Nancy looks away, fighting a blush and a smile. But then her throat tightens, and she closes her eyes, suddenly ashamed. She should have acknowledged Robin. She should have thanked her. She should have told the world how she loves her so fiercely and so overwhelmingly it’s helped shape her into who she is today. She should have, but she couldn’t. And she wouldn’t. And now Robin is looking at her with resignation in her eyes, believing and insisting that she doesn’t matter enough to be part of Nancy’s celebration. As if Nancy has anything worth celebrating when Robin isn’t around.
Anonymous asked:

Hate people who say that Nancy "never faces conseguences for her mistakes."

First of all, what mistakes, exactly?!?!?!

And second, she's already suffering for her best friend's death.

Leave her alone!!!!!

This girl has had more consequences than actions atp.


IT'S TRUE! HER LIFE IS LIKE 98% CONSEQUENCES!! and when you ask what her mistakes are that are so deserving of consequences its always "she broke up with her boyfriend in 11th grade and he was sad about it" 😭


chapter 4 of degenerate stars (you're in deep) is up! feat. this moody lil conversation:

“If I have proof, I can actually fight back. I can make people listen this time. I can change something.” “All the proof in the world won’t matter if you’re dead.” “I don’t plan on dying,” Nancy says sharply. Robin looks away. “I don’t plan on any of us dying.” “Look at what happened today. We’ve done everything to protect Dustin, and he still—and that demogorgon. Nance, if we run into that thing again—this is dangerous. Every day is dangerous. How do you know you can control it?” “We’re good,” Nancy says. “We’re really good at this.” “We are, but…Max and her crew were good, too. Barb was good, too.”

sits down to write a tense, thrilling finale, but is sleepy and a lil sad and writes this instead:

It’s still early, surely. She doesn’t have to get up. Doesn’t have to do anything but tilt her head until her lips brush against Robin’s brow, pulling a sleepy, wordless mumble from her, and slip her hands under Robin’s sleep shirt to feel the warmth of her skin against her fingers.

Robin makes another small sound, almost a whimper. She tucks her face deeper into the crook of Nancy’s neck.

“Not yet.” It’s almost a whine, slipping past her lips and into the quiet of the ship. Nancy presses her fingertips into her skin.

“No,” she breathes. “We have time. Go back to sleep.”


chapter 27 of our hearts know deeper seasons than our memories is up! feat. Clue, Christmas, and the Wheeler women

At some point, though, her mom surprises her by pivoting the conversation with a simple, entirely unexpected, “How’s Robin doing?” It makes Nancy panic for a moment, but she regathers herself quickly. “She’s great. Why?” “Oh, just wondering,” her mom says easily. “I know you were worried about her a while back. Poor thing has been through so much, hasn’t she?” “She has,” Nancy says softly. She wonders if her mother can hear the ache in her voice. “But she’s okay. She and Steve are—they’re working through it.” “She’s lucky to have you.” She doesn’t mean it like that, Nancy knows, but she feels her cheeks heat up anyway. She clears her throat a little. “The feeling’s mutual,” she says.
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