
sic parvis magna

@elderly-scrolls / elderly-scrolls.tumblr.com

Alana, 20s, she/her. I really love videogames and D&D. I also draw a lot!
Main blog: forcekenobi
Playing: Valheim, BG3
Commissions: closed
Sketch Comms: closed

distracting myself from the high stakes of our current campaign by figuring out my PC for our next game! 💙 we're starting as kids before a massive timeskip and i'm SO excited to see it play out

i'm not 100% on her name yet but she's very impetuous and always bored. (her middle name is highly ironic).

she wears a lot of hand-me-downs from her older siblings so her clothes are often a little worn and oversized.

[art instagram] 🎨 [art twitter]

will you tell us a little about elodie's (potential) (hypothetical) family?



elodie’s (hypothetical) home life is pretty strained. her parents had a passionate romance in their youth and one of them uprooted their entire life to move to the island, cutting all ties with their family back home. once the marriage soured they were too proud to return. so…not the best foundation for a family.

elodie (hypothetically) has two older siblings, both of whom are 7+ years older than her. she was not at all planned, and her birth did not improve the familial dynamic. “contentment” was bestowed upon her half as a wish, half as a bitter joke.

she’s close with the middle sibling, who does their best to keep the peace and mediate disagreements, but this also puts them at odds with elodie, who feels completely suffocated by the farce of a happy home they’re living in, and doesn’t want to be mediated.

relations with her older brother are especially strained. he’s old enough to remember when his parents were less cold, and he graduated from the school of “grin and bear it” while elodie’s majoring in “emotional outbursts” with a minor in “causing ruckuses”.

mostly elodie tries to spend as little time at home as possible 👍


Let's start with a softball: How did you get into DnD?


thank you!! 🧡 it’s a pretty common story but i started watching critical role, i think in 2015? i’d had no exposure to dnd before that, i didn’t even know what it was tbh. i just kept seeing gifsets of people laughing and roleplaying and wanted to know what was going on

ofc once i became obsessed with critrole i wanted to play dnd myself, and i managed to play a couple of games with friends before being invited into a big campaign DM’d by a close friend i met on tumblr! 8 years later and i’m still playing with the same DM and the whole group are some of my best friends in the world!!! 🥰


folks i’ve got a doctors appointment that i’m a lil anxious about, would love to field any questions about ozy or art or dnd in general or literally anything at all

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