
The 'Harvard degree' isn't the only secret...

@eidetictelekinetic / eidetictelekinetic.tumblr.com

Hi, I'm Kate, she/her, 33. PanBoleyn on AO3! This is a personal/ficwriting blog these days, though I'm always open to reviving the AU Mike Ross RP aspect of it. Speaking of, if you're here from Magicians RP you want my sideblog cardtricksandminormendings.

Magicians Fic Masterlist!

Hey, so, seems like a good day, for no reason whatsoever, to update and repost my Magicians fic masterlist! 

All my fics ignore or fix canon from 4.13 at the latest, and onward from there - although since I refused to watch s5, what s5 elements do appear are used differently (and possibly inaccurately).

Check ‘em out below the cut!


As a kid, I was really upset that Bill Watterson wouldn't license Calvin & Hobbes so I could have plushies or so there would be a Saturday morning cartoon. Now, I realize his resistance is the reason we don't have a Calvin & Hobbes DreamWorks movie starring Chris Pratt.

Anonymous asked:

Car trip ask -- Dreamling

Famous Dream and Hob being chased by paparazzi; it's not fun as such, but they're laughing and running hand and hand to get back to their hotel

They'd made it almost the whole morning wandering around the city without being recognized, so Hob supposed he should be grateful. A few hours of peace – of precious normality – were a gift, after all.

And then the first of the paps found them, as Hob was ushering Dream out through the door of a cramped little bookstore, and then the resulting hue and cry spread down the crowded sidewalk like a miniature tsunami wave, and there were not only cameras but members of the general populace shoving their way into Hob and Dream's space.

"Well, that's torn it," Hob said, and offered Dream his hand. "Run?"

"How undignified," Dream responded dryly. But he took Hob's hand, as he always did, and they hurried down the street together.

As they always did.



David Tennant pissing off the Prime Minister bc he told government officials to stfu over their anti-trans bigotry and Michael Sheen literally poisoning himself investigating corporations dumping toxic chemicals in underprivileged areas is NOT the energy I expected from 2024 but oh man am I here for it.


best thing tumblr ever did for me is the term "rotating it in my mind". it's really true that sometimes you think about something real hard but you can't tell what the thoughts are exactly. it's revolutionary stuff, i might even say

sometimes the subject of your thoughts is just in this thing


Ah, there it is!



The tumblr blorbo in the blorbo tumbler.


I'm only tangential to the House of the Dragon fandom but from what I can discern this entire conflict could have been avoided if Otto had just realized he could have Alicent seduce Rhaenyra instead of Viserys.

Yes, it would have created an entirely different conflict, but this conflict would have been avoided so my point still stands.

This would never happen in canon but it’s so delightful I am choosing to ignore that

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